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Here we go Steelers, Here we go!

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To quote Randy "the Macho Man" Savage: "Ooooooooooooh Yeeeeeeeeaaahh!"


No more rust on RottenBurger, Coach Cowher (pronounced "Caaaar" in da burgh") took the leash off of Big Ben and let him gunsling it all over the field (just like back in the SuperBowl that we WON last year!) :rolleyes:


With half of the defense on the :bench: , the boys on DE still got it done!


My only disappointment is that I was looking forward to seeing Michael Vick play (since I don't get to see very many Atlanta games up here). Shame that when the Steelers show up in his house, Palamalu is going to raid his fridge and have a Vick Sandwich!


Here we go Steelers, Here we go! Whoo!

Here we go Steelers, Here we go! Whoo!


Pittsburgh, Super Bowl XLI champs! :first:

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Oh come on already. I'm pissed. When a team wins with a thousand points and the TE gets one catch for 16 yards, the WHOLE game. That's awful. I swear the steelers coaches must have their own fantasy teams going and whoever called Miller must have been playing the head coach or something. What happened to the big man with the hands... I'm dropping him. 48 pts by the steelers and ONE pass to the TE. Now, once I drop Heath, I have no reason to cheer for the Steelers and once again I will be a happy man! MUWHAHAHA.

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To quote Randy "the Macho Man" Savage: "Ooooooooooooh Yeeeeeeeeaaahh!"


No more rust on RottenBurger, Coach Cowher (pronounced "Caaaar" in da burgh") took the leash off of Big Ben and let him gunsling it all over the field (just like back in the SuperBowl that we WON last year!) :banana:


With half of the defense on the :bench: , the boys on DE still got it done!


My only disappointment is that I was looking forward to seeing Michael Vick play (since I don't get to see very many Atlanta games up here). Shame that when the Steelers show up in his house, Palamalu is going to raid his fridge and have a Vick Sandwich!


Here we go Steelers, Here we go! Whoo!

Here we go Steelers, Here we go! Whoo!


Pittsburgh, Super Bowl XLI champs! :first:



:lol: You keep posting like this. One day you'll actually believe it!

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the Steelers receivers were all getting open and catching the ball. Also we had the running game going. Although they need to involve Heath more because he can catch, if everything else is working then you keep going with it.

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great game boys! let the doubters still doubt, but its a long season, and in the end, the chips will fall where theyre supposed to. the bengals cant defend anything, and the ravens will be exposed by decent qbs, and our boys will be there in the end. great win for ben and the steelers. also, as i predicted, willie parker is a great all around back, and is looking stronger each week. cant wait til sunday!

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Ahhh, was waiting for this. Steelers are great again! Last week all the fans were scared as hell, now everyone is back on the wagon(and this includes my family). You were all "Kordelling" Big Ben, now that he played a garbage team and won, he the second coming of Montana again. We local paper headlines. BENS BACK. Cmon its one game, not the Super Bowl. This is the reason most people cant stand Stiller fans.

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Still a long way to go but it was good seeing Ben back to form. Also the other 2 AFCN teams lost so we are gaining ground. I expect a nice run by our Men of Steel the rest of the way.

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