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Rude Rick

*Democratic Unity Thread*

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HA HA HA HA HA HA HA..............................


National New just said, and I quote, "It is a bad time to be a Republican in Ohio right now".


According to the experts right now:


Democrats +5 in the House

Democrats +3 in the Senate


Edit: Democrats +7 in the house right now, but, no big surprises as of yet. Still early.

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For the record, following election results online sucks way worse than following football or basketball online. No talking heads, no ticker, refresh pages all the time and slowly come in.


Really focking sucks. At least the news is mostly good.

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No, I'm not from Massachussetts. I don't know who Kerry Healey is. I was referring to Ted Kennedy and William Bulger.


Oh. :doh:


Yeah, forgot about Bulger. Thanks for reminding me. :wall:

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Looks like Corker will take Frist's seat down here.


Either one of them would suck...both just scumbags and represent the worst of politics IMO.

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Really focking sucks. At least the news is mostly good.

Speak for yourself. You don't have to worry about your property taxes increasing 400 percent. I couldn't care less about the national stuff, but my local elections are looking so bad, I may have to consider moving.

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VA Update:


96.7% of precincts reporting:


Allen, 49.7%, 1,105,901

Webb, 49.2%, 1,093,471


The precincts not reporting pretty much encompass Prince William County and the City of Richmond. PWC leans towards Webb, while Richmond is nearly 80% Webb. Webb could very well pick up the 12,000 he needs there. Absentees haven't been counted. This one probably won't be decided in the near future.

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Speak for yourself. You don't have to worry about your property taxes increasing 400 percent. I couldn't care less about the national stuff, but my local elections are looking so bad, I may have to consider moving.


Wow. 400% :doublethumbsup:


Where do you live?

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It looks like Kilroy has won the 15th District in Ohio. :dunno: Price tried to go really low and dirty in the last few days, like every other Republican except probably Dewine. However, like most other Ohio Republicans, it did not work this time. Price is refusing to conceed and basically calling everyone who did not vote for her a dumbazz. Good move and way to show class Deborah. :doublethumbsup:


Kind of a big upset in Ohio brewing here: It looks like Dann will beat Montgomery for the Attorney General position. This is probably the biggest surprise of the night.

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VA Update:


96.7% of precincts reporting:


Allen, 49.7%, 1,105,901

Webb, 49.2%, 1,093,471


The precincts not reporting pretty much encompass Prince William County and the City of Richmond. PWC leans towards Webb, while Richmond is nearly 80% Webb. Webb could very well pick up the 12,000 he needs there. Absentees haven't been counted. This one probably won't be decided in the near future.


97.5% reporting, and under 8,000 votes (49.6 vs. 49.3)


EDIT: under 5,000 as I typed this.

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VA Update:


96.7% of precincts reporting:


Allen, 49.7%, 1,105,901

Webb, 49.2%, 1,093,471


The precincts not reporting pretty much encompass Prince William County and the City of Richmond. PWC leans towards Webb, while Richmond is nearly 80% Webb. Webb could very well pick up the 12,000 he needs there. Absentees haven't been counted. This one probably won't be decided in the near future.


Good news. George Allen is one of the worst in Congress. I'd love to see him sh*tcanned. The Dems for their part could use more conservatives and moderates to keep them in check. I'm really likeing Webb alot, everybody said this race was tight but I didn't expect him to get this close let alone win.


Webb may well become one of my favorite Senators, replacing one of the worst.


Virginia may prove to be more sane than I give them credit for. Mega-props to VA voters if they pull him through.

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Webb is losing in Virginia by under 7,000 votes with 98% of the precinct accounted for as of 11:34 PM ET.

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Webb up by 2400 votes with 99.3% reporting


Webb; 1,141,052; 49.5

Allen; 1,138,676; 49.4


(recount forthcoming)

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Webb up by 2400 votes with 99.3% reporting


Webb; 1,141,052; 49.5

Allen; 1,138,676; 49.4


(recount forthcoming)


Holy crap that's quite a turnaround!

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Webb up by 2400 votes with 99.3% reporting


Webb; 1,141,052; 49.5

Allen; 1,138,676; 49.4


(recount forthcoming)



:rolleyes: :bandana:

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I think the Kilroy projection was wrong. It looks like Price might win, but it is 50-50 and there are still a few votes out with Price only up by about 2,000 or 3, 000.


All in all, a lot of Republicans were removed from the House, and the one I cannot believe is that I wake up this morning and they are saying that Democrats picked up 4 seats in the Senate, and at least two races are too close to call. I did not see the Senate going this far Democrat.

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I think Webb's going to win. Allen is gonna hafta come up with 8K votes somehow. Montana... damn fockers can't count... kept me glued to the computer all focking day.

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Wow. 400% :mad:


Where do you live?

I was exaggerating. We just got a new dem mayor (which I don't mind), but it looked for a while there that the city council was going to receive a far far left "tax you back to the stone age" majority. And yet another sales and property tax bill barely failed. So all in all, I am relieved.

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Been online now for 13 strainght hours.... getting up to eat and go to the bathroom. For ten of those hours, I've been hitting "refresh" every five minutes on that GD Montana Senate race since the fockers there can't count.

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