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Voltaire last won the day on January 27

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About Voltaire

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 12/25/1971

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    Florida Panhandle since 1/24. Originally from Eastpointe, MI
  • Interests
    current events, history, family, ASoIaF, 70s/80s music. Fake astronaut and fake lion tamer.

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  1. I don't know how what she brings to the table appeals to midwest voters. "Scranton Joe" was a fake but at least he knew the words and tune. That 2028 deal is another thing. I'd rather Joe lose 2024, saving Kamala be either the 2028 winner, or the jilted and vengeful DEI set-aside candidate, because seeing the 'the only reason to not get in line behind her is racism and sexism' card played on the Dems themselves would be sweet deserts, richly deserved, for what they've put the country through with their constant and incessant race baiting.
  2. Voltaire

    *** 2024 Summer Olympics ***

    Its really the only way these events can be scored by their nature. If they don't do it this way, you don't see them at all. There's no speed/timer or nothing to count, which, it seems spoils it for you but I don't mind. As a layman, and not an expert, I find that I can get in the groove of it myself and reasonably estimate a score before the judges' official score is revealed. So I don't feel like it's corrupted except for that 1988 boxing match of the US guy vs the South Korean. To his credit, the guy who won that gold has spent the time since 1988 feeling awful about it, wishes he'd gotten silver instead: https://apnews.com/article/sports-seoul-south-korea-sports-asia-2020-tokyo-olympics-768c6f38b4fb055e973db0db9fc858b2
  3. Can't blame you. Your party's chances of winning the election just went from 0 to somewhere in play... my own estimate is maybe 25%. For my part, I sure wanted Joe to stay in the race.
  4. Wow! As a non-Democrat, I thought the party did the safe/smart/necessary thing when Biden proved inept. BLM actually has a more principled take than I do. What world are we living in?
  5. Voltaire

    Wordle scores

    Wordle 1,130 5/6 🟩 🟨 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Almost forgot today. Was pretty snakebit along the way,
  6. They'd wanted a speed dating primary but -whoopsie- everybody that could have done so backed out rather than take on the Certainly Not A DEI princess. Alright, there goes that idea. I guess we'll just rally around Kamala then.
  7. You rig a couple of elections to get Bernie out of the way for the establishment candidate, then rig another to get RFK Jr to declare as an independent so you can slide a vegetable through. Biden hosed the Dems by 1) running for re-election 2) holding on too long after the debate 3) choosing Kamala Harris as his VP. There are other knocks about how he's governed, but I think we can agree on those three. I don't mind the delegates getting freed up; they'd had a 'break glass in case of emergency' situation after all. But they're stuck with an untested and unpopular Kamala when there were likely much better candidates they could have had if Biden had pulled out a year ago instead. Maybe she rises to the challenge, I work too much lately to pay close attention, but it seems so far, so good for her after a couple of days of being elevated. I'm going to take a week or so to disengage a bit because I've been spending way too much time with this and need a break. Anything that happens will seem anti-climactical to what we've been through.
  8. Voltaire

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    I'd ignore the polls for a couple of weeks because we've had so much whiplash lately. Need things to settle.
  9. That was horrible and totally uncalled for. Further, leading up to the shooting, the cop had been a prickly jerk the whole time too. Like Strike, I'm not use to going against the cops but that's where I'm going today. Glad for the body cam footage. Murder Two.
  10. Come 2028, they'll hope that they can unearth another Bill Clinton or Obama.
  11. Voltaire

    Biden's cognitive decline.

    For the most brainwashed among us, this thread didn't age well.
  12. Voltaire

    Did We Just Witness a Coup?

    The same people who run Biden run Kamala. They just changed horses because the first one died.