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b.j. booker

Michigan 34 Ohio State 3

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Back in 1968 my parents, as they often did, hosted a bunch of friends for the big game. The Buckeyes squad started 10 sophmores (freshman eligibility didn't come in unitl 1972) and won the fourth national title for Woody. I was six years old and didn't know the first thing about football, but everyone there rooted for the Wolverines except one exceptionally drunk person who kept singing OSU fight songs. Thus begat a lifelong and deeply rooted hatred of all things scarlet and gray.


The next year the same crowd showed up and absolutely abused that same person - who was far more sober and somber - for three hours and then some. Bo's first team pulled off an improbable upset that sent the Wolverines to the Rose Bowl (where we always seemed to lose to some PAC 8 team that knew how to pass).


I am a U of M alumni ('84) and so you know where my heart will be. However, my head sees this as a good team with an average defense versus a great team on a roll and playing at home. With Manningham back - even a less explosive version than before the surgery - anything seems possible. It's a rivalry game, and both schools have pulled off plenty of upsets in the others stadium.


Realistically, though, it will take a supreme effort by the defense - here I have my doubts - and a great game by Hart, Henne and the WRs. The key will be, as always, who controls the line of scrimmage.


You can have your Red Sox-Yankees or any other rivalry in any sport.


Nothing compares to this game, especially when both are undefeated and playing for the Big Ten title.

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You can have your Red Sox-Yankees or any other rivalry in any sport.


Nothing compares to this game, especially when both are undefeated and playing for the Big Ten title.



Agreed. Michigan has an excellent defense but I think OSU's offense is way more balanced than anybody else Michigan has played. Plus OSU's defense is outstanding as well and Tressel knows how to prepare the team for this game and always pulls out some new tricks against Michigan. I don't see it being super close.\


Prediction: Ohio State 34 Michigan 17

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I don't care what any other fans says about their team and their conferences, this is surely the greatest rivalry in college football. Unfortunately, I see OSU as possibly the strongest and most complete team in recent years (even more so than USC and Texas last year). I would like to see this game stay to 10 or less points if OSU wins. These are by far the 2 best teams in the country, bar none. If Michigan pulls off the upset then they most certainly should meet again in the BCS Championship game. If OSU wins by more than 2 TDs then you have to let somebody else challenge OSU for the championship, as long as it isn't Notre Dame. They don't deserve to be there over Michigan regardless of any outcome next week. UofM destroyed them and could do it every week if necessary.


My prediction:


OSU 24 UofM 17 :cheers:

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THE Ohio State University Buckeyes 31

Lloyds TeaBags 24



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Michigan defense is OVERRATED.... can't match BUCKS O....


Bucks D is the best in nation.. 7.8 PTS per game...


BUCKS D will make life easier for the AWESOME O.....


Bucks by more than 14......



Tressel OWNS mich.... nuff said.....

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lol. This game will be close for the buckeyes. They may only win by 14 next week. TRESSEL will win this game even if the buckeyes dont!!!

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The difference in this game will be Michigan's speed on defense. They will be able to keep Smith contained enough to pull off the win.


Hail to the victors 21


Suckeyes 17

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Michigan defense is OVERRATED.... can't match BUCKS O....


Bucks D is the best in nation.. 7.8 PTS per game...


BUCKS D will make life easier for the AWESOME O.....


Bucks by more than 14......

Tressel OWNS mich.... nuff said.....



That's right. Ohio State is #1 in the country in team defense. Here's why they'll win:


1) OSU has a better offense (#8 in nation vs. #26 Michigan offense).

2) OSU has a better defense (#1 in nation vs. #5 Michigan defense).

3) OSU has a better special teams (#44 vs. #79 Michigan special teams).

4) OSU is playing at home

5) OSU has Tressel. Michigan has Carr

6) Tressel owns Carr.

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