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Marty Mornhimweg

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I know Mornhimweg elected to kick in OT in Detriot, and was laughed out of town. But he has been calling the plays for the Eagles Offense this season and has done a great job. With the weak coaching pull does Mornhimweg deserve some head coaching interviews. Some coaches do a lot better in the there second job. And, after all who does well in Detroit anyway.

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He should go to college and coach.

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I know Mornhimweg elected to kick in OT in Detriot, and was laughed out of town. But he has been calling the plays for the Eagles Offense this season and has done a great job. With the weak coaching pull does Mornhimweg deserve some head coaching interviews. Some coaches do a lot better in the there second job. And, after all who does well in Detroit anyway.


marty sealed his own fate in detroit. what with the "bar is high" in his first interview, to staging a ride-off on his harley in one of his first practices, to giving the ball to the bears in ot to all points in between.


yeah, phin fans thought it fashionable to think that it was all detroit and poor joey just needed their elite franchise to ressurect his career march toward canton.


moronweg had a great pedigree before coming to detroit, too: for the same reason people like him in philly. he's a good coordinator.


buyer beware. but i hope your team goes for him. have fun :banana:

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moronweg had a great pedigree before coming to detroit, too: for the same reason people like him in philly. he's a good coordinator.


he sucked in SF as an assistant, and i have no idea why detroit got him after Mooch. The only good coach to come out of SF recently is Mora Jr., who should find himself another job quickly.

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I know Mornhimweg elected to kick in OT in Detriot, and was laughed out of town. But he has been calling the plays for the Eagles Offense this season and has done a great job. With the weak coaching pull does Mornhimweg deserve some head coaching interviews. Some coaches do a lot better in the there second job. And, after all who does well in Detroit anyway.


whether he merits another shot or not is probably going to be immaterial if PHI can manage a few wins in the postseason. Most OCs and DCs that are on playoff teams rarely get a chance to interview for other HC jobs since most are filled by the time the playoffs are done. Look at Crenell and that other tub who's team is going to get spanked by LSU tonight, both went into the playoffs so often that most of the 'good' NFL jobs were taken. Another one is Childress, how long did it take for him to get out of PHI? and how about Jim Johnson, with all of the great defensive schemes and he hasn't gotten a chance to be a HC?

sometimes it pays to be a coach on a non-playoff team.





although i really don't think 1 good year as the OC of a team that has had a good offense for many years before him really counteracts what he did in DET.

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marty sealed his own fate in detroit. what with the "bar is high" in his first interview, to staging a ride-off on his harley in one of his first practices, to giving the ball to the bears in ot to all points in between.


yeah, phin fans thought it fashionable to think that it was all detroit and poor joey just needed their elite franchise to ressurect his career march toward canton.


moronweg had a great pedigree before coming to detroit, too: for the same reason people like him in philly. he's a good coordinator.


buyer beware. but i hope your team goes for him. have fun :cry:



he was a nice guy...I liked him in GB..that doesnt matter on the field though...


the OT kick was a bad choice in hindsight..too risky...but I saw where he went with it...he was putting a ton of faith in his D...


the ravens have kicked to start OT..Marty was crazy to put that much confidence in his D...heck, this year, maybe is the year to kick in OT because the bears on Offense, is the Ds best chance to score...


some guys are meant to be coordinators (ray rhodes etc)..

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I think Marty needs more time under Reid before he can set out on his own.


Marty clearly wasn't ready to be HC in Detroit. But looking back, you can also say the same for guys like Skelator (Raiders) and Belichick (Browns). Both of those guys didn't exactly set the world on fire in their first pro gigs, neither.


Remember, Marty's calling plays under Andy's system. This system wasn't devised by Marty (actually, Reid took it from someone else and tweaked it), so be that as it may, he needs to be judged on his own merits. Right now, he's kinda riding the coat tails of Reid, IMO. Still, he's doing a damn fine job.

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Mornhimweg may get a head coaching gig again but it'll be a few years down the line. His play-calling has been really good though. The Eagles have a big, nasty OL and Mornhimweg is playing to their strengths with better balance. After so many years of 60/40 it's been fun to watch. I love the running game.

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Ive actually heard on espn that the nfl allows initial contact with coaches. So he can be contacted by the lions to atleast let him know their interested.

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He'll definitly get another shot down the road. Just because you have one disasterous stint doens't mean you're a bad coach......just not the right situation. The perfect example is Bill Belichick.....remember when he was the Browns HC....didn't work, but in NE it's worked quite nicely for him.

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marty sealed his own fate in detroit. what with the "bar is high" in his first interview, to staging a ride-off on his harley in one of his first practices, to giving the ball to the bears in ot to all points in between.


yeah, phin fans thought it fashionable to think that it was all detroit and poor joey just needed their elite franchise to ressurect his career march toward canton.


moronweg had a great pedigree before coming to detroit, too: for the same reason people like him in philly. he's a good coordinator.


buyer beware. but i hope your team goes for him. have fun :banana:

I was thinking the same thing. If he is given the "right" opertunity he could be great.

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Morningweg is a caricature as a head coach. Listening to his press conferences, he has a difficult time putting together two logical sentences; he's a horrible public speaker.


Any owner with a modicum of intelligence wouldn't put this guy in as head coach. And to think Millen was so impressed with this guy during his interview that Millen refused to talk to any other candidate. Insane.


Morningweg should and will stick with being an OC.

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The only good coach to come out of SF recently is Mora Jr., who should find himself another job quickly.


are you his agent? :cheers:


Mora is a good assistant and a "nice guy" type of coach. But those in the media here in Atlanta talk about how he was never able to put his foot down in certain situations with certain players, when he needed to. He let certain things get out of hand when they could have been dealt with differently. And yet, he was quick to snap on various members of the local sports media.


He is not top of the line nfl head coaching material yet and he will be lucky to find another NFL head coaching job.


But he probably learned some valuable lessions about coaching do's and don'ts during his stint with the falcons.

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