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Broncos Pickup Stokley

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Denver is still busy in Free angency.... I am homer, but not sure I like the move? any other homers like it? Convince me why this is such a good move?



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Why not? Didn't they need a slot receiver and a receiver for 3 and 4 receiver sets? Not a bad move if Stokley's healthy.


Cutler and Henry are going to light it up.

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Why not? Didn't they need a slot receiver and a receiver for 3 and 4 receiver sets? Not a bad move if Stokley's healthy.


Cutler and Henry are going to light it up.



I don't think Cutler will be able to live up to Bronco Fans expectations.

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As said tonight on NFL Total Access...Stokley will be able to fill Shanny's head with "Secrets of the Colts." Denver hasn't beaten the Colts for years, and their defense has trouble stopping them, maybe Stokley can help out there.

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Denver is still busy in Free angency.... I am homer, but not sure I like the move? any other homers like it? Convince me why this is such a good move?

(no need for link posted just about everywhere)

I'm a homer and I like the move because they've got nothing to lose. Stokley was cut, so Denver picked him off waivers. (Correct me if I'm wrong) I don't really understand the salary cap, but since he was picked up off waivers I don't think he will count much if any against the cap unless he makes the team. If they don't think he cuts the mustard or isn't a good fit for the team then they can cut him in training camp and it's no big deal. Would you rather have guys like Charlie Adams or Todd Devoe trying out for backup wide receiver like last year? I think he is better than Kevin Kircus and should be WR3/4 on the Broncs. If Rod Smith doesn't rehab from the hip surgery well then Stokley is a solid #3WR. Don't get me wrong, I love all that Rod has done for the team over the years, but father time isn't going to wait much longer for his playing days to be done. I also think that Cutler could do very well with a Javon Walker, Brandon Marshall, Brandon Stokley trio at WR. With Rod coming in for situational duty (posession receiver) and Kirkus coming in for 4WR sets. Look for the passing game to improve over last year. Anyone know how well Henry picks up blitzes?? Gotta be better than Tater did.

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