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Guest Davaco

gas prics are climbing

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turns out i rigged my car to run off bird poop...


just park my car under a big tree :dunno:

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that is all


I think you have a valid point. I was reading somewhere on the internet, that if it wasn't for George Bush, that gas would be in the $1.30-$1.40 range, and people like you would be successful and could move out of their trailers, and receive a free big screen tv in the process.

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Guest Davaco

turns out i rigged my car to run off bird poop...


just park my car under a big tree :ninja:


there use to be trees where i live, but dubya and his goddam global warming focked me


I think you have a valid point. I was reading somewhere on the internet, that if it wasn't for George Bush, that gas would be in the $1.30-$1.40 range, and people like you would be successful and could move out of their trailers, and receive a free big screen tv in the process.


surround sound too? :dunno:

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