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Vick takes the plea deal

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I hate to say it, but Vick will play again. There are too many owners desperate for wins and will try to get Vick for a one year deal. They hated Mike Tyson and he ended up charging the same haters $50 for a crappy pay-per-view years later. People want to see a freakshow, and there are alot of owners who are right now trying to position themselves for a short term deal with Vick. :thumbsdown:

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I hate to say it, but Vick will play again. There are too many owners desperate for wins and will try to get Vick for a one year deal. They hated Mike Tyson and he ended up charging the same haters $50 for a crappy pay-per-view years later. People want to see a freakshow, and there are alot of owners who are right now trying to position themselves for a short term deal with Vick. :music_guitarred:

you're kidding right? He's going to prison and signing him as waterboy would be a PR disaster for any NFL owner not to mention the ban he is about recieve.

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Now what happens to Vicks 22mil signing bonus the falcons paid? From what I understand if the Falcons cut him they give up the right to go after the signing bonus. Do they let the NFL suspend Vick and can they then go after the signing bonus? And really what are the chances of the Falcon ever seeing any of it? I remember back with the Miami and Ricky Williams situation they were going after his, but what became of it.

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I hate to say it, but Vick will play again. There are too many owners desperate for wins and will try to get Vick for a one year deal. They hated Mike Tyson and he ended up charging the same haters $50 for a crappy pay-per-view years later. People want to see a freakshow, and there are alot of owners who are right now trying to position themselves for a short term deal with Vick. :banana:



If you believe this you don't have a clue. Right now there are 31 owner that are happy they have nothing to do with Vick. You are also leaving out the most important point - Mike Vick sucks as an NFL QB.

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If you believe this you don't have a clue. Right now there are 31 owner that are happy they have nothing to do with Vick. You are also leaving out the most important point - Mike Vick sucks as an NFL QB.


Yeah, that's the kicker. If this is Peyton Manning or Tom Brady, teams will be willing to take a risk on the PR hit because fans will forgive just about anything if it means their team will win. Vick isn't good enough to overcome this. He's done.

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Don't forgot what happened when all this first broke in the media. Numerous customer service lines for Vick's endorsers were flat out shut down under the weight of so many callers. The US has a very short memory and is quick to forgive wrongdoers, but I think this is an exception. Any team that signs Vick down the road is in for the public relations disaster of the century.

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If you believe this you don't have a clue. Right now there are 31 owner that are happy they have nothing to do with Vick. You are also leaving out the most important point - Mike Vick sucks as an NFL QB.



Yeah, I don't have a clue even though I am more intelligent than you. Vick will play again, he is very talented and people will take a change on him. You don't have a clue and are an uneducated guy posting on emotion.

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Yeah, I don't have a clue even though I am more intelligent than you. Vick will play again, he is very talented and people will take a change on him. You don't have a clue and are an uneducated guy posting on emotion.


vick will play again...maybe a real-life version of the longest yard?

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He'll never play again. Every team in the league has too many fans that will never forgive the guy. People forgive a lot of stuff, but a millionaire drowning puppies is C. Montgomery Burns super-villain stuff.


Plus, as mentioned, he's a crappy QB.

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America will forgive anyone for just about anything. We love to forgive people and give them a second chance. We also love a good comeback story.


Will Vick play again....almost definitly. He must own up to what he did and make an apology and he'll play.


There have been soooo many athletes that have gotten in trouble for everything under the sun. Other than Rae Carruth they all get second chances. Read this:


After a drunken birthday in 1998, NFL star Leonard Little crashed into and killed another motorist, Susan Gutweiler. When tested, his blood alcohol level measured 0.19 percent. Little received 90 days, four years probation and 1000 hours of community service.


Six years later, Little was again arrested for drunk driving and speeding. Little was acquitted of driving while intoxicated, but was convicted of the misdemeanor speeding charge.[1]


On Week 11 of the 2006 NFL season, Little signed a 3-year extension with the Rams.


Leonard Little actually killed someone!! Not only did he get a slap on the wrist for the incodent he gets rewarded....signs an extension with the Rams. Why is that....he's got talent! Well, Vick has talent someone will give him a chance.


Vick has one thing against him: Officer Goodell might not allow an owner to give him another shot. He may get a lifetime ban. If he don't, look for him to be suiting up in a town near you soon!!

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Yeah, I don't have a clue even though I am more intelligent than you. Vick will play again, he is very talented and people will take a change on him. You don't have a clue and are an uneducated guy posting on emotion.



Wow, I can tell from this post that you are a highly educated guy.

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America will forgive anyone for just about anything. We love to forgive people and give them a second chance. We also love a good comeback story.


Will Vick play again....almost definitly. He must own up to what he did and make an apology and he'll play.


There have been soooo many athletes that have gotten in trouble for everything under the sun. Other than Rae Carruth they all get second chances. Read this:

Leonard Little actually killed someone!! Not only did he get a slap on the wrist for the incodent he gets rewarded....signs an extension with the Rams. Why is that....he's got talent! Well, Vick has talent someone will give him a chance.


Vick has one thing against him: Officer Goodell might not allow an owner to give him another shot. He may get a lifetime ban. If he don't, look for him to be suiting up in a town near you soon!!


What you guys are forgetting is that Pete "Don't Rock the Boat" Taglibue is no longer commissioner. Goodell is playing it safe for the time being, but he is just biding his time. He just wanted to make sure he had all his ducks in a row and a Vick confession. Vick will not play another down. This whole America has a short memory is overstated. Goodell has the future marketability of NFL as his prime concern. He is not going to waste that capital on Vick. Honestly I think that the appetite for Vick by other owners is also overstated. Vick was an average passer at best. There some nice rookies coming to the league. If Vick were to come back the earliest would be in 2 years. Vick will be 2 years out of the league, a felon, with a ton of baggage. Who wants that. Those rookies coming in now will have 2 years under their belt. That will cause some organizational moves freeing up either the rookies or the veterans. Vick is gone. Watch for his rap show on MTV. Even further if Vick does play, he better pray to a forgiving God that he has a balls out offensive line because the DBs will be looking to take his head off. All this is provided that he doesn't get shivved in prison.

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America will forgive anyone for just about anything. We love to forgive people and give them a second chance. We also love a good comeback story.


Will Vick play again....almost definitly. He must own up to what he did and make an apology and he'll play.


There have been soooo many athletes that have gotten in trouble for everything under the sun. Other than Rae Carruth they all get second chances.


Disgusting individual + Coach killer = Who would want him?


I agree with what you said about 2nd chances, but you have to pretty good to get one. He's exciting, but not very good.

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What you guys are forgetting is that Pete "Don't Rock the Boat" Taglibue is no longer commissioner. Goodell is playing it safe for the time being, but he is just biding his time. He just wanted to make sure he had all his ducks in a row and a Vick confession. Vick will not play another down. This whole America has a short memory is overstated. Goodell has the future marketability of NFL as his prime concern. He is not going to waste that capital on Vick. Honestly I think that the appetite for Vick by other owners is also overstated. Vick was an average passer at best. There some nice rookies coming to the league. If Vick were to come back the earliest would be in 2 years. Vick will be 2 years out of the league, a felon, with a ton of baggage. Who wants that. Those rookies coming in now will have 2 years under their belt. That will cause some organizational moves freeing up either the rookies or the veterans. Vick is gone. Watch for his rap show on MTV. Even further if Vick does play, he better pray to a forgiving God that he has a balls out offensive line because the DBs will be looking to take his head off. All this is provided that he doesn't get shivved in prison.


You didn't read my post all the way through. I said at the very bottom, that Vick has to deal with Goodell who may not allow him the chance to play again.


FYI....it was "Paul" Tagliabue....not Pete

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How many times must some of you be told it's not just the killing of dogs, it's the GAMBLING! You can not be involved with any type of GAMBLING! if you are in the NFL. Paul Horning back in about 1962 made some bets with his barber and was suspended for a year. Joe Namath wasn't allowed to have a club in New York because some mob members would come in. The GAMBLING! could give him additional years of suspension or maybe even a life time ban from the NFL.

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How many times must some of you be told it's not just the killing of dogs, it's the GAMBLING! You can not be involved with any type of GAMBLING! if you are in the NFL. Paul Horning back in about 1962 made some bets with his barber and was suspended for a year. Joe Namath wasn't allowed to have a club in New York because some mob members would come in. The GAMBLING! could give him additional years of suspension or maybe even a life time ban from the NFL.


You're right and you're wrong.


Players are alloud to go to Las Vegas and gamble their butts off if they wish. It depends on what they're gambling on and how they go about it. With this type of gambling he is in trouble with the IRS not the NFL. Dog fighting is illegal gambling and of course no taxes come out. He would be in trouble for tax fraud. While the NFL would frown upon it, they can't control if a player gambles on horses, dogs or buy scratch off tickets. If Vick bet on football...different story.


His career being potentially done has nothing to do with gambling. It would have to do with Pita marching up and down the sidewalks during mini-camps, pre-season and regular season games. The image he portrays now as an animal killer is what may cost him his career. The public could care less if he bet on the dog fights. Everyone finds it horrible what he did to the dogs.

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FYI....it was "Paul" Tagliabue....not Pete


It's an upstate NY term.

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I hate to say it, but Vick will play again. There are too many owners desperate for wins and will try to get Vick for a one year deal. They hated Mike Tyson and he ended up charging the same haters $50 for a crappy pay-per-view years later. People want to see a freakshow, and there are alot of owners who are right now trying to position themselves for a short term deal with Vick. :sleep:


Priest Holmes has a better chance of taking the field, and he's never going to play another down in the NFL.


Aside from prison time (best estimates 12-18 months...and don't forget that the state of Virginia has announced their intent to file charges as well), there will be the league suspension to deal with. That's going to effectively eliminate the next three seasons. He'll be 31 years old, 3+ years removed from NFL competition, the lowest completion % of any active NFL QB, and a public relations nightmare.


Individuals paid to see Tyson, just like people will slow down for a car wreck. Those individuals only had to worry about getting $50 worth of their rocks off. An NFL owner has to worry about corporate sponsorships, ticket sales, and pressure from the other 31 franchises and league office.


If you want to bet right now on Vick's playing future, we can pony up the cash and find a third party to hold it. I can wait; free money's good any time.

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