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Trade: Alexander/Lynch for Brown/Addai

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I have been offered Addai and Ronnie Brown (guys I would receive) in exchange for Shaun Alexander and Marshawn Lynch (guys I would trade away). The league is pretty standard scoring, no PPR. Should I do it?


We start 2 RB and 1 W/R in an eight team league, and my current RB are:







Tatum Bell

Lyndale White


I'm worried about Chatman in Miami, but I'm not sold on Lynch either. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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I guess I agree with others; with your depth, it doesn't seem to help you much.


Thanks for looking at mine.

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I'm thinking the trade is pretty even. You might be giving slightly more than getting.


Are you a Dolphins or Colts fan? If so, make the trade.


Whenever it's a coin flip, I always take a player that I can watch on TV (like Broncos!)

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I guess I'm on of the few that sees the positive of the trade. It all comes down to how much faith you have in Alexander putting up '05 numbers. I put him in the camp of high risk, high reward.


Lynch is a non factor in my mind, and Brown has a lot of critics. Those two almost cancel out with an edge to Brown as he's got a great schedule ahead of him.


Addai should be a stud. Low risk, high reward.


So you'd be giving up (1) high risk, high reward and (2) crap, for (1) low risk, high reward and (2) crap with a nice schedule


One thing you didn't say is whether you're in a keeper league. If it's keeper, take the trade without hesitation! Redraft, base it on your gut feel on Alexander.


Hope that helps, and thanks for the input on my question!

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I think Addai>Alexander and Brown>>Lynch. But this could easily go either way. And like stated this must be a keeper league or something, so trade a RB to improve elsewhere.

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I would do this trade in a second.

Addai is in a great situation, although he couldn't show that he can handle the load of a full season but I think he will do better than SA.

Even if Ronny Brown will share some carries with Jesse Chatman, he is the clear #1 and he will produce better numbers than Lynch, I am pretty sure about that.


Take the deal ;-)


Please see mine:


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I have been offered Addai and Ronnie Brown (guys I would receive) in exchange for Shaun Alexander and Marshawn Lynch (guys I would trade away). The league is pretty standard scoring, no PPR. Should I do it?


We start 2 RB and 1 W/R in an eight team league, and my current RB are:







Tatum Bell

Lyndale White


I'm worried about Chatman in Miami, but I'm not sold on Lynch either. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


No way. Alexander is a sure thing. Addai will probably be big but who knows. I have Ronnie Brown and he should be the number one guy but with that said I don't see a real point of making this trade. IMO it won' t improve your team at all.


Thanks for answering mine.

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I wouldn't make the trade either, especially with the guys you I don't think it's worth considering, its a pretty even trade IMO.

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Thanks for all the replies. This actually isn't a keeper league; I just got damn lucky in the draft. It's an eight team league, which helps, but I got Gore at 7 overall and Alexander at 10 overall.


I'm still wavering on the trade, but leaning towards not doing it or looking at a counter. I'm not expecting 27 TDs from Alexander, but I am hoping for double digits. His age scares me though, but Addai's inexperience is also a factor.


Anyway, thanks everyone.

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