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If your team was in the Giants position in week 17

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An undefeated season to go a long with the other three titles takes this franchise to another level.


Just winning the SB puts them #1 for SB era dynastys imo. 4 titles in 7 yrs in the cap era is > the steelers 4 titles in 6 yrs in the non cap era.


The niners titles were too far apart, so it was like 2 or 3 separate teams. The cowboys won 3 in 4 yrs isnt quite as good.

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Baloney. Tell that to the Falcons, Titans, Giants, Rams, Raiders, Panthers, Eagles, Seahawks, and Bears!!!


They'd be much better off being able to say they beat a 15-0 team.


As usual we disagree...if you think winning a regular season game that means zero to the fortunes of a team is more impressive than making a playoff run than we just look at things differently. As a fan of a team that lost two Super Bowls I fully enjoyed that ride even if it fell short. The Pats win againt Miami in the AFC Championship game is far superior to any regular season victory they have ever had (and I'd much rather have that than a regular season win against an undefeated team). The regular season is meaningful but at the end of the day teams are judged by what they do in the playoffs.

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Beating the only team in NFL history to be 15 - 0 means nothing? :cheers:


Do you honestly think that if the Giants win, 10 years from now there will be a celebration in the Meadowlands to honor that "accomplishment"? Yes, beating the Patriots this week means nothing, in the grand scheme of things.


The Giants will (and should) do whatever Coughlin thinks will best prepare the team to advance in the playoffs.

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As usual we disagree...if you think winning a regular season game that means zero to the fortunes of a team is more impressive than making a playoff run than we just look at things differently. As a fan of a team that lost two Super Bowls I fully enjoyed that ride even if it fell short. The Pats win againt Miami in the AFC Championship game is far superior to any regular season victory they have ever had (and I'd much rather have that than a regular season win against an undefeated team). The regular season is meaningful but at the end of the day teams are judged by what they do in the playoffs.


Making a little playoff run is not going to change the way this Giants team is judged.

And I think it's ridiculous to say that beating a 15-0 team would mean zero to the fortunes of the Giants. Even in the mindset of "only the playoffs matter," think how much confidence they would gain from a win like that.


That's a nice little story you told about your Patriots fandom and playoff games of the past that you hold dear. But you've only been on one side of the issue so it's meaningless when you tell me that a win over a 15-0 team wouldn't compare. Perhaps you'd have to be on the side of not rooting for the 15-0 team to understand why knocking them off would be special.


Regardless, the key point to me is that the worries of the Giants doing themselves playoff harm by trying to beat the Patriots have been greatly exaggerated. There's no reason they can't go on to have playoff success if they do beat the Pats.

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Making a little playoff run is not going to change the way this Giants team is judged.

And I think it's ridiculous to say that beating a 15-0 team would mean zero to the fortunes of the Giants. Even in the mindset of "only the playoffs matter," think how much confidence they would gain from a win like that.


That's a nice little story you told about your Patriots fandom and playoff games of the past that you hold dear. But you've only been on one side of the issue so it's meaningless when you tell me that a win over a 15-0 team wouldn't compare. Perhaps you'd have to be on the side of not rooting for the 15-0 team to understand why knocking them off would be special.


Regardless, the key point to me is that the worries of the Giants doing themselves playoff harm by trying to beat the Patriots have been greatly exaggerated. There's no reason they can't go on to have playoff success if they do beat the Pats.


Confidence for what? Next year? You've already said their playoff aspirations are non-existent, so what the hell is confidence going to do for them?


On one hand you say they have no chance at playoff success, then you say beating NE can't stop them from having playoff success. The biggest thing that can help a team...any team...at this point in the season is rest. Home field comes next on the list. They can't do anything about the second.


If you think a team would derive more satisfaction from winning a regular season game than a playoff game...regardless the opponent...you've never competed at any meaningful level.

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Confidence for what? Next year? You've already said their playoff aspirations are non-existent, so what the hell is confidence going to do for them?


On one hand you say they have no chance at playoff success, then you say beating NE can't stop them from having playoff success. The biggest thing that can help a team...any team...at this point in the season is rest. Home field comes next on the list. They can't do anything about the second.


Momentum is more important than rest. Home field is also more important than rest.

I stand by my opinion that nothing the Giants do is going to give them a realistic chance to win the Super Bowl this year. But, beating the Pats would help more than taking the week off.


If you think a team would derive more satisfaction from winning a regular season game than a playoff game...regardless the opponent...you've never competed at any meaningful level.


Your statement is false. Beating the Pats would be more satisfying than beating the Bucs in the wild card round, there is no question about it.

Games only have as much meaning as we give to them. There is no law of nature written in stone that says all playoff games are more meaningful than all regular season games. That is Politically Correct, media-fed garbage. Beating a rival can be more satisfying. Beating a team you weren't supposed to beat can be more satisfying. Beating a team in a certain manner can be more satisfying.

But, they don't have to choose between the two. They can try to beat both.

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Momentum is more important than rest. Home field is also more important than rest.

I stand by my opinion that nothing the Giants do is going to give them a realistic chance to win the Super Bowl this year. But, beating the Pats would help more than taking the week off.

Your statement is false. Beating the Pats would be more satisfying than beating the Bucs in the wild card round, there is no question about it.

Games only have as much meaning as we give to them. There is no law of nature written in stone that says all playoff games are more meaningful than all regular season games. That is Politically Correct, media-fed garbage. Beating a rival can be more satisfying. Beating a team you weren't supposed to beat can be more satisfying. Beating a team in a certain manner can be more satisfying.

But, they don't have to choose between the two. They can try to beat both.


Ask a player if momentum or rest at this point in the season is more important.


And you can theorize all you want, but you're wrong. All playoff games, which are win or go home, are more important than regular season games. If they lose to NE they still play next week. If they lose next week, their season is done.

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Rest everybody.


My team is the Cowboys. They should do the same.


Here I am, hoping for Brandon Jacobs to have a big game, but...


it'd be dumb if he did.

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the G-men will be overlooking this game. tryin to not get anyone hurt. they're playin TB or Seattle in the 1st round. they have a decent chance to beat either of these teams. i'm thinkin 1 playoff win means more for coughlin keepin his job then beating the pats.

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