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Giants Fan

How 'bout them Cowboys?

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Wonder how long until T.O. melts down this week. Did he comment after the game? Or just break down in tears again?



In defense of T.O. (can't believe I'd ever say that): The media knows he's an immature idiot. They prey on that. They live for quotes. So, they'll poke and prod and it won't take much for TO to say something stupid or selfish. - And then the media will have material for yet another column. Another 3 minutes on each of those insipid ESPN daily shows. - Gotta figure the tantrum's coming. He's all 'reformed' - as long as they're winning and he's get his. - But his true colors tend to come out real soon when things go bad.

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well, I was here last week and i've said all along the cowboys are overrated. their fans drink the coolaid of all their probowlers and how dominant they are supposed to be. i remember leonard davis in arizona and the only words used with him were "bust" or "underachiever" and yet suddenly he not only got better, he became dominant because he went to the Cowgirls? Roy Williams is the MOST overrated safety in the league, and yet he makes the probowl every year. It's a frigging popularity contest. There are some good, very good skill players on Dallas, TO, Witten, Barber...but Romo has never had me convinced. He's a hell of fantasy QB, but he's skittish at best and a choker at worst. But their defense, other than Ware, is the suck.


Where's Pimptaddy today??? :crickets:

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I think part of Dallas' problem is that they don't "game plan" for anyone or at least it appears that way. They feel "we are the very talented Cowboys, this is our offense and this is our defense. You can't stop us and we can always stop you". Wonder boy Jason Garret is proving to be very human and has not proven anything to warrant being a very high priced OC. I guess in this case the coach fits the team perfectly.

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I have to say after all the years I've suffered through here and all the a$$ whoopings been handed to us by visiting teams, the Cowgirl fans that showed up Sunday were the absolute worst I have ever been around. The stadium was prolly 50/50 and of course they were talking smack in the entry lines and into the start of the 1st. But as soon as the tables turned they got pissed in general. I witnessed several almost fights after the game as well between drunktards, mostly cowboy fans throwing out 2 wins and rams fans throwing out who cares today? Sore losers the lot of them.


As much crap as we take from opposing team fans in our own building, when you show up prepared for a blood bath, be prepared to take the heat when the score goes the other way beeyatches!

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Dallas is deficient on defense. The focus is always on Romo or T.O. Nobody ever talks about their swiss cheese defense. Their D is 24th in points allowed, 11th in total yds allowed, 16th in pass yards and 13th in rush yards. That is far from the worst in the league but that is not Superbowl quality defense.

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