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*** OFFICIAL *** Week 12 Monday Night Football Thread

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How is no one talking about Lynch? He finally broke out. I needed 19 points in my money league...PPR, and I have 21 now!!!


What a week for Marshawn!!!

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Buffalo ran three straight plays and settled for a 47 yarder into the wind. I know Trent was playing like crap, but come on. :thumbsdown:

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Buffalo ran three straight plays and settled for a 47 yarder into the wind. I know Trent was playing like crap, but come on. :pointstosky:


Yeah, great coaching. I see this done a lot though in both college and pro. Settle for a 45+ yarder. I wonder if they regret signing Jauron to a big extension after their 5-1 start now. I've never thought much of him.

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Yeah, great coaching. I see this done a lot though in both college and pro. Settle for a 45+ yarder. I wonder if they regret signing Jauron to a big extension after their 5-1 start now. I've never thought much of him.


They are a joke team...more fun to laugh at than anything else. Crypto-Jauron...Bills owner is too old and too stupid to know a good coach or pay for one. Outside of Edwards looking a Kalifornia pansy, the rest of the team played pretty well. Marshawn got me a win in FFL, which actually means more than the Lake Erie Battle of the Tard Teams.


The Bills owner, being originally from Detroit, probably signed assclown Jauron cause that was his last stop. There's talent on the team but the retarded coaching staff will hold them back. Thankfully they are done for the year...but after a while no one really givesashit anymore. The franchise is a joke...it's more schadenfreude than anything else. I hope the Chiefs light them up badly on Sunday.



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