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McNabb To Start Thursday

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Westbrook ran the ball effectively tonite. McNabb ran a high efficient short passing game. They score 48 points tonite with ease.


McNabb had a good game against who? The Cardinals? A team that allowed a league high 22 touchdown passes heading into the game? Oh my goodness, put him in the HOF for that amazing performance... :cheers:


McNabb isn't going to take this team anywhere. He's a mediocre QB at this point in his career.


Your statements about how Westbrook makes the offense go only further proves the point about how bad McNabb is. Think about it for a moment and realize what you're saying.

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McNabb had a good game against who? The Cardinals? A team that allowed a league high 22 touchdown passes heading into the game? Oh my goodness, put him in the HOF for that amazing performance... :banana:


McNabb isn't going to take this team anywhere. He's a mediocre QB at this point in his career.


Your statements about how Westbrook makes the offense go only further proves the point about how bad McNabb is. Think about it for a moment and realize what you're saying.


Quite honestly (and I'm really trying to be as nice as I can), you don't know jack about the game of football, the one they play on the field.


The line blocked. The gameplan was devised and executed within the realm of the talent on offense.


Didn't see McNabb take alot of shots down the field. Saw the running game take complete advantage of the Cardinals playing in the nickel and dime early on. As Westbrook started popping off 5 and 10 yard runs, it completely caught the safeties peeking into the background, which opened up the soft spots between the hash marks.


McNabb made plays and ran the ball when he had to. More importantly, others contributed where McNabb didn't have to take it on his own and make it go.


McNabb is not the "franchise" caliber QB he once was, and I don't think anyone on here is saying that today.


We disagree, and at least I'm gonna leave it at that.

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You may be in line to see what that's like as an Eagle fan in 2009. They will definitely need Westbrook to make the offense go if Kevin Kolb is the starting QB and McNabb is starting somewhere else.


I would love to see the Eagles grab Derrick Ward from the Giants via FA, and draft a running back in the first round (big fan of Evan Royster from Penn State). Have Westbrook, spell him with Ward, and work in your back of the future in Royster.


Build the offense around the running game, let Kolb manage the offense, and there is enough talent at WR to keep opposing teams honest.


Overall, I'd build the team around a tough defense, and retool the offense to run the ball. Easier said than done, however teams like Tennessee and Atlanta have done the same.


I wouldn't mind if McNabb stayed, however his salary can be used to help rebuild the offensive line via FA.

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Quite honestly (and I'm really trying to be as nice as I can), you don't know jack about the game of football, the one they play on the field.


Get over yourself. Let me guess - you coached little league somewhere?


I know plenty about how football works. I grew up around it my entire life and played the game. But regardless, I'm not about to argue with some clown over a fantasy football message board about who does, or doesn't know the game of football.


The point here is that McNabb is nothig special and isn't going to take the Eagles to a Super Bowl title. As I've said many times now, he doesn't have the mental make-up you want from a QB. Nor does he have the accuracy needed. And he doesn't know how to put touch on his passes.


He throws 4 TDs against the Cardinals defense and you come back to this thread to toot your own horn. It was the Cardinals - a team that allowed a league worst 22 TDs passes heading into the Eagles game. McNabb should be able to connect on some TD passes against them.

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Good for him. I've aways liked McNabb. He has shown some big flaws over the years in crunch time, but is a quality player and leader. The puking and time drenching drive in the SB was disappointing, but I have always hoped that he would come home to Chi.


Eagle fans are delusional if they think that Kolb or some other qb that is available is a better option. There would be years of trial and error if he leaves.

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Good for him. I've aways liked McNabb. He has shown some big flaws over the years in crunch time, but is a quality player and leader. The puking and time drenching drive in the SB was disappointing, but I have always hoped that he would come home to Chi.


McNabb is far from a good leader.


Eagle fans are delusional if they think that Kolb or some other qb that is available is a better option. There would be years of trial and error if he leaves.


Jeff Garcia and A.J. Feeley seemed to run the offense just fine for stretches at a time when McNabb went down with injuries in the past. The same Jeff Garcia that now has Tampa Bay off to an 8-3 start this season. And you'll notice he has done it without any star WR or RB for himself to lean on.


Put McNabb on CHI and they are no better than what they currently are.

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McNabb is far from a good leader.

Jeff Garcia and A.J. Feeley seemed to run the offense just fine for stretches at a time when McNabb went down with injuries in the past. The same Jeff Garcia that now has Tampa Bay off to an 8-3 start this season. And you'll notice he has done it without any star WR or RB for himself to lean on.


Put McNabb on CHI and they are no better than what they currently are.

That very same Garcia also was benched for Brian Griese earlier in the year. Garcia's a drifter. He's decent everywhere he goes, but he doesn't exactly have a clutch resume either.


The McNabb who's healthy and realizes that he can use his legs as a weapon, like he did last night, is ten times better than anything they currently have in Chicago. You know it and I know it.


You're letting your hatred get in the way of the obvious.

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The McNabb who's healthy and realizes that he can use his legs as a weapon, like he did last night, is ten times better than anything they currently have in Chicago. You know it and I know it. You're letting your hatred get in the way of the obvious.


No I'm not. McNabb isn't going to take the Eagles to a Super Bowl title. That's the bottom line. And yes, I'd have more confidence in Garcia taking the Eagles to a title had he stayed here than I do with McNabb.


Kyle Orton has played pretty well in Chicago this year in case you haven't noticed. You really think McNabb would have that Bears team at any better than the 6-5 record they currently have? It's hard to suggest he would considering he hasn't led the Eagles to any better than a 6-5-1 mark while working within a system he's been in for 10 years now.


McNabb gave the offense a spark the first 5 years or so he was here. I don't deny that. I rooted for the guy and use to back him. He hasn't changed or progressed though. In my opinion he has gotten worse. Partly because he doesn't (or can't) use his feet anymore, and partly because the longer he's been here the more has been revealed about his attitude and personality.


The guy is not a leader. Jeff Garcia, for example, on the other hand is. When you have a true leader at the QB position (granted, he needs to be skilled in other areas also) it makes every other part of your offense that much better.


McNabb doesn't make a single player on this offense any better then they are.

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That very same Garcia also was benched for Brian Griese earlier in the year. Garcia's a drifter. He's decent everywhere he goes, but he doesn't exactly have a clutch resume either.


The McNabb who's healthy and realizes that he can use his legs as a weapon, like he did last night, is ten times better than anything they currently have in Chicago. You know it and I know it.


You're letting your hatred get in the way of the obvious.



People love to bring up Garcia's time with the Eagles. What they fail to do is point out that the offensive gameplans changed to fit Garcia, basically, they went to the running game and a short passing attack.


Kinda like they did against the Cardinals. Kilroy's only arguement is that the Cardinals had a porous pass defense, but fails to mention how the running game opened up the passing game for McNabb and the offense.


You're never gonna change the minds of the haters. If McNabb had actually beat the Patriots in the SB, he'd be complaining how McNabb only won one SB and not two.

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Kinda like they did against the Cardinals. Kilroy's only arguement is that the Cardinals had a porous pass defense, but fails to mention how the running game opened up the passing game for McNabb and the offense.


We'll see how things go for McNabb against the Giants next week.


You're never gonna change the minds of the haters.


You seem to forget I am an Eagles fan. You don't see me making comments about how I'd pull for the Steelers in a PIT vs. PHI Super Bowl, do you?


I backed McNabb for a long time. I'm far from an Eagles hater. I am however able to point out when a change at the QB position is needed. And after the past few years McNabb has given us, it is now that time.


If McNabb had actually beat the Patriots in the SB, he'd be complaining how McNabb only won one SB and not two.


Funny stuff...


Lest you forget, McNabb threw 3 picks in the Super Bowl and literally choked in the final minutes of the game. Something he has done again since then in the closing minutes of other games. In fact, he did it earlier this year. After the Super Bowl against the Patriots I know it was discussed on the radio that it was a problem he also had while at Syracuse.


If he doesn't throw those picks (some of which were absolutely terrible passes) the Eagles win the Super Bowl. But go ahead, make comments based on how things would be if McNabb had won the game. Genius commentary.

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Lest you forget, McNabb threw 3 picks in the Super Bowl and literally choked in the final minutes of the game. Something he has done again since then in the closing minutes of other games. In fact, he did it earlier this year. After the Super Bowl against the Patriots I know it was discussed on the radio that it was a problem he also had while at Syracuse.

Lest YOU forget that McNabb was playing against a team that illegally stole signals and he still only lost by three points.

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Damn, and I thought the Dallas fans were bad! You guys rip your own fans just because they are honest about the teams players... :thumbsdown:


Booo Santa Clause! CHECK!

Cheer injuries to opposing players! CHECK!

Throw beer bottles from bleachers! CHECK!

Drunken idiots that curse children! CHECK!

Dog out your own fans! CHECK!


Life must suck for you guys! :overhead:

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Damn, and I thought the Dallas fans were bad! You guys rip your own fans just because they are honest about the teams players... :overhead:


Booo Santa Clause! CHECK!

Cheer injuries to opposing players! CHECK!

Throw beer bottles from bleachers! CHECK!

Drunken idiots that curse children! CHECK!

Dog out your own fans! CHECK!


Life must suck for you guys! :overhead:


No, actually life is pretty good. Phillies won the World Series, so things aren't so bad.


What would really suck is living in Atlanta. :thumbsdown:

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Damn, and I thought the Dallas fans were bad! You guys rip your own fans just because they are honest about the teams players... :thumbsdown:


Booo Santa Clause! CHECK!

Cheer injuries to opposing players! CHECK!

Throw beer bottles from bleachers! CHECK!

Drunken idiots that curse children! CHECK!

Dog out your own fans! CHECK!


Life must suck for you guys! :overhead:


Only asspipes



Only asspipes

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Lest YOU forget that McNabb was playing against a team that illegally stole signals and he still only lost by three points.


Stolen signals don't account for McNabb throwing passes over his wide receivers heads, at their feet, or for throwing the ball without any touch.

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Stolen signals don't account for McNabb throwing passes over his wide receivers heads, at their feet, or for throwing the ball without any touch.

They came within three points of winning the Super Bowl over a team that was cheating. With McNabb at the helm. Slice it up anyway you'd like. I don't care if he threw up fifty times. He also got them to the Super Bowl. And to teh NFC Championship game many times before that. And that was with guys like Freddie Mitchell and James Thrash as his big weapons.


If you want to say that he sisn't great anymore because of his injuries or his unwillingness to run the ball, I won't argue with you, but to imply that McNabb was not a great player for a good part of his career shows that you are either unknowledgable or simply have a personal vendetta against him and can't admit it.

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If you want to say that he isn't great anymore because of his injuries or his unwillingness to run the ball, I won't argue with you,


That's what I've been saying.


but to imply that McNabb was not a great player for a good part of his career shows that you are either unknowledgable or simply have a personal vendetta against him and can't admit it.


I don't think I'd say he was great, but I have already stated he was a good player for the first 5, 6, 7 years or so of his career. I use to back him quite a bit when others took shots at him. I rooted for the guy. At this point in time though, we've already seen the best of him. He isn't getting any better. It's time to move on. That's all I've been saying. I never said he's been awful throughout his entire career.

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The guy is not a leader. Jeff Garcia, for example, on the other hand is. When you have a true leader at the QB position (granted, he needs to be skilled in other areas also) it makes every other part of your offense that much better.


I have to disagree with the notion that Garcia is a leader. One of the most important qualities of a leader is the ability to step it up a notch in a big game against a powerful opponent - it's something teammates come to rely upon. As a Niners fan, the most frustrating thing about Garcia was how poorly he played when the chips were down. His playoff numbers back this up - I think his playoff comeback game against the Giants was the one anomaly to this. His ability to hang 4 TDs against an inferior opponent and then the next week come out and be rendered ineffective by a quality team was very difficult to stomach.

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Damn, and I thought the Dallas fans were bad! You guys rip your own fans just because they are honest about the teams players... :doublethumbsup:


Booo Santa Clause! CHECK!

Cheer injuries to opposing players! CHECK!

Throw beer bottles from bleachers! CHECK!

Drunken idiots that curse children! CHECK!

Dog out your own fans! CHECK!


Life must suck for you guys! :argue:


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They came within three points of winning the Super Bowl over a team that was cheating. With McNabb at the helm. Slice it up anyway you'd like. I don't care if he threw up fifty times. He also got them to the Super Bowl. And to teh NFC Championship game many times before that. And that was with guys like Freddie Mitchell and James Thrash as his big weapons.


If you want to say that he sisn't great anymore because of his injuries or his unwillingness to run the ball, I won't argue with you, but to imply that McNabb was not a great player for a good part of his career shows that you are either unknowledgable or simply have a personal vendetta against him and can't admit it.



And everyone would agree that he's no longer the player he was. Age and injuries have caught up with him. However, he's still a good QB. The trouble is that the HC plans his offense around the QB he used to be.


If that's the case, either one or both have to go, because that won't work, especially when you have Brian Westbrook and he's your best player on offense.

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