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*** Titans vs. Ravens Thread ***

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CJ was the cog that made the Titan's work, they are a good team without him, but a great team with him......

exactly my point as to what i wrote earlier... this guy was the offensive R.O.Y.


He's the centerpiece that made this team work for the best team in football during the regular season :overhead:


But the Qb's in this league just have to smile and do a few interviews, and get all the shine.....



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Well the problem with the delay of game was that it was a 30 yard swing, putting them in game winning field goal range. On that play Flacco threw a 25 yard pass to Heap, whereas they should've been pushed back 5 yards.


But even as a Titans fan, that was not the Titans I've watched all season. Crumpler is supposed to be a veteran who would never make that play at that time. Collins INT didn't mean that much when you consider that the drive started in the end zone, it was just nice to flop field position.


The busted coverage plays were very uncharacteristic as well. There's nothing you can do about our two defenders falling down I guess, but it's funny how people will attribute that to Flacco's cool composure. No he threw it into double coverage and the defenders ran into each other...


Like I said if they call the delay of game and the defense stops them, perhaps we go to overtime. I feel the Titans would've won in overtime, because they were moving the ball on that defense all day, and barring 3 plays the Ravens were absolutely stuffed. But I can't really say with any conviction that the Titans should've won, I really wish I could. But then again I don't think the Ravens really deserved to win either, since they didn't play all that well.


Really sloppy game by both teams, just Baltimore didn't turn the ball over. End of story.

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And I'd like to add that as a Titans fan I've watched all the luck go our way the entire season, the officiating was never horribly in favor of the other team that I can remember. The balls always bounced our way, that's why I felt this was our year.


Well the luck run out yesterday. We had crucial officiating mistakes, plain bad luck (Hope and Finny colliding), Bironas narrowly missing a Field goal, etc etc.


But I would rather the Titans lose like this than get blown out like the Panthers did. Atleast I know they could hang with any team in the league. I feel we are a young team heading in the right direction and I think we have just as good a shot as any to be there next season.


Good luck to the fans who still have a team to root for.


BTW did anyone see Ed Reed trying to bend Chris Johnson like a pretzel after the play was over? CJ had a guy laying on his legs, and Ed reed came in and was pushing his upperbody backwards into his legs...very classless from a guy I previously had respect for. But of course we got a personal foul on that play...

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Titans fan checking in here.

I sat in the cold rain yesterday only to watch the Titans forget how to close the deal in the red zone.

Low scoring, ugly football. Typical Jeff Fischer football.

It's my opinion a team needs more than 10 points to win in the playoffs, and this will likely be the lowest points scored for the weekend.


Bottom line - the Ravens made the big plays on offense & on defense.


Props given.

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And I'd like to add that as a Titans fan I've watched all the luck go our way the entire season, the officiating was never horribly in favor of the other team that I can remember. The balls always bounced our way, that's why I felt this was our year.


Well the luck run out yesterday. We had crucial officiating mistakes, plain bad luck (Hope and Finny colliding), Bironas narrowly missing a Field goal, etc etc.


But I would rather the Titans lose like this than get blown out like the Panthers did. Atleast I know they could hang with any team in the league. I feel we are a young team heading in the right direction and I think we have just as good a shot as any to be there next season.


Good luck to the fans who still have a team to root for.


BTW did anyone see Ed Reed trying to bend Chris Johnson like a pretzel after the play was over? CJ had a guy laying on his legs, and Ed reed came in and was pushing his upperbody backwards into his legs...very classless from a guy I previously had respect for. But of course we got a personal foul on that play...


See, as a Steelers' fan, my respect for them was diminished a while ago. Great defense, great play. But over-the-top nasty, and often bordering on dirty, if not stepping cleanly over that line. That play was bush league.


Tough way to go for the Titans. They crumbled before their very own eyes. Gotta make you sick. I empathize; I've been there.

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