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IronToe Nedney

Geek Club Poker Home Games

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Let me tell you a story. :rolleyes:


One time at the casino it 1/2 NL game, I got dealt pocket aces.


Someone raised it to $7 and I just called. Trying to trap. Another guy called.


Flop came, Qh 6s 3d. Great flop with aces. I bet 15 bucks. One guy calls and the original raiser folds. Turn is the 10 of clubs. I bet 15 again and the guy calls. River is the 4 of spades and I bet $20. The guy raises it to $50 and I call.


He had 66. He flopped a set and I never saw it. What I should have done was raise that $7 bet to at least $25 and 66 never even calls. I played the hand wrong.


I think Doyle Brunson said it best about bullets, "You'll either win a small pot, or lose a big one."

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Part 2 of that story


Same casino, different day.


There is a very aggressive bully at the table. He is straddling, and raising every pot.He was the player directly to my right .... which was good because it meant I could fold my mediocre hands and let other people fight him. And then I picked up aces in the BB. When it got to him, he raised it to $17. To me that's a pretty big raise in 1/2, but I popped it to 40. I figure I just pretty much told him what I have, but he still calls.


VERY SIMILAR FLOP! And I went all in for like $100 more. And he said, "Why would you do that? I'm only calling you if I have you crushed." and I showed my aces after he folded and I said, "You know what? You're right. I just didn't want you drawing to anything." He could have KQ there ... lotta hands I'd rather just push out right away. And maybe he calls with KK. I like my play there.

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Let's look at this hypothetical situation:


You have Ac As. You raise it preflop and get 1 caller.


Flop comes Ad 6d 4d. You flopped a set of aces.


The other player goes all in. Do you call? If he''s got 2d 9d he's way ahead. If he's got the last ace, you are way good, because it's not the ace of diamonds.


Now, if you had made a big raise preflop, you could be sure he didn't call you with 2d 9d. Right?


Reduction of variance. Play those hands stronger preflop and disguise hands like 8,3 sooted by raising preflop with them too. Nobody is gonna put you on 83 when the flop comes 338 with 2 clubs and AK clubs goes all in on you.



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I got $4 on the FFT club cash table. Anyone here wanna play heads up?


Eind, we doünt stop unteel one ov us heas it awl!

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I got $4 on the FFT club cash table. Anyone here wanna play heads up?


Eind, we doünt stop unteel one ov us heas it awl!



Hey. I'm still up. I'll play for a lil bit. I am determined to take you DOWN.

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nikki: oops! I didn't mean to go all in

nikki: please fold

gf: But I have aces.

nikki: No you don't.

gf: I fold


Nice try!

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Don't get too crazy.





I can't multi-task. So how much did you win off me anyway?

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I can't multi-task. So how much did you win off me anyway?


Like 50 cents. PS took the rest.


You did have aces on that "accidental" all in, right?


I was lying about it.

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I had like Q 6 off. Couldn't call. Didn't want to call.


Can you imagine the complaining?


GFIAFP friggin called me with Q6 OFF when I trapped him with aces!


Too crazy.

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Like 50 cents. PS took the rest.


You did have aces on that "accidental" all in, right?


I was lying about it.



Yeppers. That's why I said "no you don't". I really did mean to bet just 30 cents though.

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nikki: oops! I didn't mean to go all in

nikki: please fold

gf: But I have aces.

nikki: No you don't.

gf: I fold


Nice try!


Just making sure I was right.

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BTW ... if you ask anyone I play live, they would tell you I am "sneaky". You never know with me. If you bet and I just call, I might be on a draw, or I might have you crushed. But I put the decision to my opponent. It's like .... handling a giant squid. Might be OK .... but it might eat you for breakfast.




That's my natural style ... pretty hyper aggressive but I'm pretty smart. You wont see me calling all in with a 17% chance very often. So ... that's the name Architoothus ... giant squid.


Someone, when I was playing with the Seattle Poker Open once said, "But you spelled it wrong. So that's what you are, a big dumb squid?"


That's EXACTLY what I want you to think.Just a big, dumb, bully.

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Bluffing is absolutely integral to my game. I pick up a lot of small pots by bluffing. But also, when I have a really good hand, it looks a lot like when I am bluffing .... so I get called when I have the goods.


I realize that sounds pretty simple ... but trust me, it's not. It can be very frustrating when your Aces and duces on the flop becomes aces and sixes with NO KICKER on the river .... and you gotta call a big bet. It all comes down to who made that bet. And if I know .... like ITN, that he's a top notch player that is fully capable of bluffing there .... I might hafta call. Despite my kicker problems. You gotta keep 'em honest.


Yes, it was a hard call to make. Was trapping, figured Slap had A 10 ... A J .... something like that. Shoulda been a fold on the river to his 76 cent bet. But for the fact that I knew he was capable of bluffing there on a missed draw, I would not have called.


And he didn't play it like he would if he had an ace. Thought he might have a 6 ... but he didn't. Dunno what he had. A busted draw. I decided he didn't have an ace, and I called and won. That was not an easy call. He put me to a decision where I almost folded my aces up.


35 cents .... I mighta folded. 76 cents was an over bet.

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Some people think it's easier to bluff a bluffer ... don't make that mistake with me. People make a lot of claims about what makes them good at poker. You can't call everyone, all the time, just because you think they are bluffing.


And I don't care what anyone says about odds. You were 80% to win .... etc. Being able to figure out what the odds are for any particular hand, is really only usefull if you know what your opponents cards are. That would be cheating.


So .... that's the real trick. Figuring out what they have. I've been known to make some pretty sick calls. Once told a friend of mine, "I can't win this hand .... but if I guess your cards, to the suit, will you let me have the pot?" and he agreed. I knew I couldn't bet him off the hand, but he also wasn't super strong .... flop was Kd, 8h, 4c .... so I said, "You got the King of hearts ...." and he went all silent, so I knew I had 1 card ..... "and the 8 of spades." and I was absolutely right. Called his hand, to the SUIT! He thought it was some kinda trick .... no, I actually figured it out.


Well .... I knew it wasn't the 8 of hearts, because that came on the flop. Lucky guess? I had a very good idea of what he had. mostly based on his agreeing to the side bet that I could guess it. It's not aces .... right, or he wouldn't agree. It's more obscure. And he didn't raise it preflop, so I don't think he had a pocket pair, either ... but he could have a king rag kinda hand .... King with an 8 or a 4 and hit a miracle flop.


Of course guessing the suits was pure luck .... I had a 1/3 chance, twice. Figured he was also partly suited. Back door flush draw and 2 pair on the flop.


I had an ace.



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Couple days ago, a guy I consider a good player raises it preflop at a 1/2 table .... think it was $7.


I called with KJ and the flop came J55. Raiser checks, another player checks, I check ... something like that. Turn was like a 7 ... some blank, I bet $10 and the original raiser made it $30. Real cash money.


So the information I have is that he raised it preflop, then checked and bet the turn. Would he have raised it preflop with 55 or maybe A5? Yes. Would he check that flop with A5? Yes. Would he raise me like that if he just hit his 7? No. So, he could either have a hand like Kings, where he doesn't want to see an ace come out, or that he has A5. I folded. But before I folded, after thinking for maybe 90 seconds I said out loud, "OK ... I know what you have. I fold."


Other guy called him. Lost. To A5.


And of course I said, "Yep .... it was either that or like ... Kings." and he knew .... that I knew .... we were gonna be good friends going forward.



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Anyone playing tonight? Just started playing on Stars again, would be interested in playing if a game gets together.

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Anyone playing tonight? Just started playing on Stars again, would be interested in playing if a game gets together.



Looks like it will be a slow week, I'll check in later, if there's a few signed up I'll jump in.


Too bad GF can't make it, he certainly adds some spice to the game, it's been a while since I've had a good belly laugh like I did last week. I think i would pay to see him and Kilroy play a few heads up matches, just for the entertainment factor.

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Gonna be looking at a truck to buy so .... can't make it.

WTF.... Its at 8:30 at night... go look at the truck another time...

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Ick, hopefully I can play next Thursday, I actually want to play one of these tournies, but I always work during them.

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Never mind, I see it. Apparently I cannot create sit n gos.


I'm on the site and will check back here periodically if anyone wants to do a HU tourney or whatever.


Cash is a waste with 2 people as the rake blows.



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Looks like it will be a slow week, I'll check in later, if there's a few signed up I'll jump in.


Too bad GF can't make it, he certainly adds some spice to the game, it's been a while since I've had a good belly laugh like I did last week. I think i would pay to see him and Kilroy play a few heads up matches, just for the entertainment factor.


I'd like to play him HU live. You think he would freak out like that live?

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If you can set it up ITN ... and you wanna stake me ... I'll play him heads up for as much as you wanna stake me for and as much as he'll play for. You get 50% of the profit. Or if he wants to play for a dollar and bragging rights ... I'm fine with that too.


I just dunno how to set it up.

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So is this thing still going on? Registared for the tourney tonight and got a message that not enough members signed up. <_<

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Sorry I couldn't make it, had a live tournament (I finished 2nd :banana:)


If you guys are going to play HU you should play it as a SnG not as cash, PS rake will eat you alive.



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Don't think I can do it tonight guys. Sorry. I'm exhausted and could pass out at any moment.


use that line alot eh?

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