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Can we make it official

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The GOAT QB doesn't take an intentional grounding penalty in his own endzone on his 1st offensive series of the game. The GOAT QB also doesn't throw such a bad ball that scrub Chase Blackburn can pick it off and effectively end his team's chances of winning. The GOAT Coach doesn't blow time out on a challenge he wasn't gonna win anyway. The GOAT Coach also doesn't get his coach ass handed to him TWICE in SB. The GOAT's don't go 0-2 in their last 2 bids at the SB. Can we please just retire this discussion now and forever?!

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Brady is a good QB. But he is no longer allowed to be considered the GOAT. Peyton and Eli are both better.

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I don't think anybody was calling Brady the greatest of all time after losing his last two Superbowls. I heard people saying you could make an argument had he won either game....and you could.


Despite the stupid Safety Brady had his team in the lead most the game, had to deal with some awful drops, and put his team in as good of a position to win as you could expect at the end when they had very little time left.


This topic is just another excuse to air out some pent up Pats hate. You guys are just as bad as Pats fans.

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