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Tim Tebow in a position other than QB

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It's obvious Tebow is not a full time QB, but his presence on the field requires the attention of the defense. He could be so useful as some form of hybrid H-back where he would sometimes line up as a running back or fullback, sometimes tight-end or wide receiver, and sometimes at QB. The idea is to have him on the field all times so defense are always kept on their heels. Let him throw a few passes on trick plays. Just give him opportunities to make plays outside the normal QB role.


So what is stopping this from happening? Does Tebow actively refuse to be anything but a QB or Wildcat specialist?


Has anyone ever asked Josh McDaniels what his his true intentions were when he drafted him? I could see Belichick/McDaniels signing Tebow once he's on the free agent market.

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It's head coach likes Sanchez no matter how bad he plays. Sanchez redmed himself a bit tonight. I think te bow is more of a back up than anything. But I do believe they could utilize him better

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I don't see him making an impact at any other position. The only thing that makes him intriguing or threatening (to the small extent he is) is how unique his skillset is among NFL QB's. It's hard to go into a game with a plan in place to face any kind of normal QB and NFL offense, and then on-the-fly adjust it to a radically different Tebow scheme.


I know the combine numbers showed some surprising quickness in various of the agility drills and all that, but I don't see it on the field. As a TE/H-Back, he just strikes me as a little small and a little out of position. I don't think you even need to commit a safety to him, as I think 90% of NFL linebackers could cover him just fine.


As a RB of any kind, he'd just be a plodder. He gets away with it as a running QB because as long as he's behind the LOS, you still have to respect the chance that he could chuck it downfield, even if he doesn't do it all that well most of the time. (Just ask the Steelers how selling out to kill him in the run worked out.) That threat guarantees you can't commit your whole front seven toward him at the point of attack. As a RB, getting the ball planted in his gut, the extra time the defense would have to storm him before he could set up to turn it into an emergency pass would get him killed...since he barely ever gets away with it even taking snaps under center, he doesn't need anything to slow that process down.


FB is probably the best fit. Unfortunately, it's not really a useful position for most teams in the modern day NFL. I suppose you could go throwback and I-formation and he could be viable there, Moose-ing LB's, giving up his health so RB's can find holes, and occasionally FB-diving for reliable gains of three. But for the time being, he gets paid way too much to force him into that meat grinder...not to mention almost every team in the league would have to drastically alter their offense to make that viable.


He's just a high-paid tweener who just doesn't seem likely to contribute anything but tabloid drama.

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