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Griffin vs. Luck

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I drafted both these guys in my first-year dynasty league. I also drafted Matt Ryan, so these two rooks have been wasting away on my bench. I drafted them both for trade bait, figuring one at least would work out. Turns out they both have, so as we hit the home stretch of the season it is time to make a decision and trade one so I can finish strong.


Which one is the keeper? Right now I am leaning Luck, but I'd like to hear any thoughts you geniuses may have... :thumbsup:

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Up front, I am a Colts fan.




My opinion is still Luck. I know some don't agree, but RGIII is a RUNNING QB in the league. As you can already see, he has been hurt twice already this year. My experience is running QB's don't seem to last that long and are not the studs you see with the Mannings, Brady, Rodgers, Brees, Ryan. Luck has taken some big hits, but doesn't get hurt.


I think Luck is the safer pick to keep and trade away RGIII. Find someone that thinks RGIII is the next best thing and get a lot for him. But as I said, he has already been hurt twice and as a RUNNING QB, most likely will continue that way.

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This is the factor making me lean Luck as well-- the injury-prone issue, from being more likely to run. OTOH the same factor makes him more potent near the goal line.

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Luck :argue:


Luck = Tom Brady


RG3 = Michael Vick





I have Luck & Ryan in a 5 player keeper League and may keep both next year. Glad I don't have RG3.

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Dynasty, so make sure you get a ton for whoever you trade. Teams WILL NOT win without a great QB. Dynasty QBs are as valuable to a team as a franchise QB is in the real NFL.

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Luck hands down.... RG3 is just another Vick or Newton in making ...


And with that said, what if the Newton owner in a start up dynasty last year decided to trade away his other option at QB. He could have seriously damaged his chances of ever getting into the playoffs. Better to have too many stud QBs than to have a scrub.

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