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Odd ~ 9 Team League?

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Hi all ~ As fate would have it, one of our guys did not show for our draft! Huge major bummer. So by consensus we opted to go ahead and do the 9 team draft. And I think we are going to do a 3-team 3-diviosion league(?)


Any suggestions for our weird 9 team league? Urghhhhhh !!!!!!!!! :mad:

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I really don't understand divisions in fantasy. What's the point?

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Only newbs play in leagues less than 10.


No im focking with you, i understand its a tough decision to make on the spot.


I dont think there is any reason to run your league any different than you are.

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9 teams, 3 divisions

2 teams you play thrice each = 6 weeks

6 teams you play once each = 6 weeks.

Done week 12 with regular season play


question is who goes into playoffs.

in a 10 team you could go 6 and have 4 go into toilet


9 team, would it be best to have 6 teams go in with 2 teams getting a bye. 3 teams sitting out or going into a toilet sceneario.

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I have done leagues with odd numbers before, the solution is doubleheaders


if you play 13 weeks, each team plays 2 games all but 2 weeks


you would play each team 3 times during the season for a total of 24 games played. That way the byes would be a week you only play 1 games.


For playoffs, the best solution would be the top 3 teams gets a bye, 5 teams make the playoffs, so only the 4/5 seeds would play in week 14. If you did divisions it could be each divsion winner.


another solution is to create a 10 team, that the commisioner manual score adjust each week. We used this once, and we called it "play the league" For you scenario you would take the total points of the other 8 teams add em together/divide by 8 and take the league average on that week. If the team scores more its a W, less an L


good luck, if you need help creating a DH schedule, let me know

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