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NFL rant: the slide rule is dangerous and dumb

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just a general question, is the forum able to debate or discuss anything like adults, or is it a waste to bother because any thread reaching 10 posts becomes weighed down with di1do's and mall cops?

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football is a contact sport, if you don't want to meet bubba at full speed, don't take off running with the rock.. if the QB can't take a hit, maybe something with a clipboard is a better fit. I'd rather see the quarterback treated the same as his peers, not allocated some status where he gets to run but not get hit... seems like this has been said already..


Great...but you are not running the league where the QB is the most valuable asset on most teams.


And you want to whine about people being childish...but then you go on with the d1ldo comment...I guess you got your answer when you look in the mirror chief.

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Great...but you are not running the league where the QB is the most valuable asset on most teams.


And you want to whine about people being childish...but then you go on with the d1ldo comment...I guess you got your answer when you look in the mirror chief.


you don't have to agree, why do you act so hurt? just let it go already..

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He was obviously making a proper football tackle. Do you know how to do that? I doubt it.

So when did it become a proper football tackle to use the helmet to spear a player?

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you don't have to agree, why do you act so hurt? just let it go already..


This is my 6th post in this thread...you have 16.

Seems you are the one hurt that others don't agree with you and are the one who needs to let it go.

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This is my 6th post in this thread...you have 16.

Seems you are the one hurt that others don't agree with you and are the one who needs to let it go.

it's my thread capt calculator, maybe you're new to the internet :dunno:

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I told myself I wouldn't read, much less respond to your topics, but you again got me to respond to your troll for attention. Just because you started a thread, doesn't mean it is an intelligent one. Since the premises of many of your posts usually make zero sense, you continue to get ripped on this bored. And instead of having the good sense to let your threads die on their own, you continue to provoke responses by arguing your silly positions.


In both of the cases, these QBs should have gone out of bounds and avoided the hit completely. The problem is that these young running QBs are not taught in college to avoid shots that they never should be taking in the pros.


The slide rule was clearly designed to protect QBs. Anyone can learn how to slide safely, and i'd venture to say that most of these guys have played baseball at some level. But some of them have to learn the hard lesson of how to be able to run from the pocket without putting their bodies at maximum risk.

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