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Week 5 Deep Sleepers

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Are there any? Some I came up with. All owned in less than 25% of leagues.


I picked up Terrance Williams thinking he might be a sleeper due to Miles Austin being out and Dallas having to throw a lot to keep up with Manning and company. Still hesitant to start him because he is a rookie and Denver corners have been solid.


Legarrette Blount - Ridley didn't practice all week so it looks like Blount will be lead back. His YPC has been good, but they been splitting carries amongst him, Ridley and Bolden. This week looks to be 50/50 split between Blount and Bolden. I expect 12-20 carries. 100 yds and a TD is a possibility?


Austin Pettis - Bradford seems to look for this guy. Givens is the big play guy, but that's all he does. Tavon Austin gets a lot catches but they're all underneath routes for 5 yards or less. Pettis is the middle ground between the two. Nothing scary about Jaguars defense.


Any others?

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I'm actually starting Blount this week due to byes, over Avant and Brandon Jacobs. Opponent started Hoyer, so going in needing less risky players.


Another team I am involved in is starting Keenan Allen ... hoping for a breakout game from him. Opposite situation ... facing the highest scoring team in the league that already started Gordon and Cleveland D.

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I love your Terrance Williams choice. i picked him up and inserted him in the line-up in one league this week. Robert Woods has already played but would have been another great choice.


I'm starting to really see Keenan Allen emerge in SD. Unfortunately he's stashed in my dynasty leagues and since I'm RB heavy by intent, I don't have room for him in my shallower re-draft leagues (yet). Watch Detroit's Kris Durham.


Marcell Reece could indeed be a better play than R Jennings. I'm probably starting Jennings in one league where I picked up both of them, just because of the Q tag on Reece. I'm not sure what to make of Bolden right now as a ppr start. I may need to start him in one league if he's a go.

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