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Patriotsfatboy1 last won the day on February 13 2021

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About Patriotsfatboy1

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    FF Geek
  • Birthday July 4

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  1. Patriotsfatboy1

    I miss Dr. Obeski

    I think it is time for all of us to show bipartisan support for drobeski. Let’s all boycott this place until he is reinstated. I am no longer going to post here until he is allowed back. Who is with me??!!
  2. Patriotsfatboy1

    The Suez Canal Blockage

    This would never happen if we used Old Maid’s vagina as that canal. Sorry, couldn’t resist.
  3. Patriotsfatboy1

    Anyone Here Ever Ate A Stripper?

    Had a stripper who was a famous porn star attempt to give me a lollipop that had been in a very bad place a moment earlier as she was on stage. I passed.
  4. Patriotsfatboy1

    Anyone Here Ever Date A Stripper ?

    Was your mom a stripper? She's definitely a whoore.
  5. Patriotsfatboy1

    I miss Dr. Obeski

    Newbie is not drobeski. I have met drobeski several times.
  6. Patriotsfatboy1

    Anti-Semitic audibles cost coach his job

    I teach them to not be a bigot and to realize that they are targets for overreactions due to being white males. Maybe you should realize it is not one or the other.
  7. Patriotsfatboy1

    Anti-Semitic audibles cost coach his job

    And I don’t teach them to be bigots. They have friends who are Jewish, black, and gay. They don’t act like aholes to their friends (and others). Of course, maybe they don’t have to put others down to make themselves feel better. Not common here in this shithole.
  8. Patriotsfatboy1

    Anti-Semitic audibles cost coach his job

    You must make your parents proud.
  9. Patriotsfatboy1

    Anti-Semitic audibles cost coach his job

    Jews had nothing to do with it. Anti-Semitic bigots did. Friends of yours?
  10. Patriotsfatboy1

    Something I wanted to share.....

    Good stuff. They rarely have things go perfectly and they grow up fast. Take those wins when you get them. I haven’t always done it when I could.
  11. Patriotsfatboy1

    Anti-Semitic audibles cost coach his job

    So, this was okay? I think you can disagree about whatever non-related issue that has your panties in a bunch, while also disagreeing with using certain audible calls that are anti-Semitic.
  12. Patriotsfatboy1

    Anti-Semitic audibles cost coach his job

    That was one of them.
  13. Patriotsfatboy1

    Anti-Semitic audibles cost coach his job

    Didn’t see that story.
  14. Patriotsfatboy1

    Anti-Semitic audibles cost coach his job

    Even a meathead football coach should know better https://www.boston.com/sports/local-news/2021/03/24/duxbury-football-coach-dave-maimaron-fired During that game — the team’s season opener, with the season having been pushed back from the fall because of the coronavirus pandemic — players on the Duxbury football team used anti-Semitic language and a Holocaust-related term to call audibles — last-second calls at the line of scrimmage. He also teaches in the school system. It is unclear if he will hold onto his role.
  15. Patriotsfatboy1

    Stonks Market

    It was?