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Owning a QB and a RB on same team

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I had a guy try to defend this strategy today which makes absolute no sense to me. Through certain ways I ended up with both Alfred Morris and RGlll. My other QB is luck so I don't really use RGlll since he hasn't lived up to his hype this season. But have any of you experienced this problem? I'll have to play RGlll when Luck is on his bye week but the that sets me up to try and pull between both my QB and my RB for TDs. Frustrating but wants to see why everyone's take on this was

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If they are both good, and on a team that scores TDs, there isn't a problem... Not certain why you feel there is an issue...

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Here's a good example for me this year:


Denver has a 3rd and goal at the 1 yard line. Moreno in the backfield. Decker outside.


Now, if there is a TD ... it could be Moreno running it in or Peyton throwing it ... maybe to Moreno ... maybe to Decker ... all these scenarios are good for me. Even a TD pass to Welker or Orange Julius .. still a TD for Manning, right?


Well they got the TD but none of that happened. Manning ran it in, perfect fake to Moreno for the naked bootleg. Still, good for me.


So, you can see where it does come in handy.


I agree ... if it's a good team ... why not? Start a WR or a TE as well, if it's Denver.

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Last year i had RG3 and Morris, this year i have Stafford and Bush..so far so good, but stafford hasnt been doing as well so far

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What we are talking about is also related to the "cancel out" theory, in the way that it is a hedge. The argument against it is that you are not allowing maximum gains because you are taking less risk. But I think this hedge has more value.


The "cancel out" theory doesn't work because, no matter what your opponent scores, you should start the players you think will score the most points. Period. So, I think it's a bad hedge. Having multiple players in different positions in a high powered offense? That's the kinda moves that can get you to the playoffs. So ... don't hate it at all.

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I have Brees and Sproles. It's working out OK (4-1) Sproles was diappointing last week, but all players not named Peyton have off weeks. Sproles gets most of his TD's receiving, and I get double points when that happens, so it works. Bottom line, I felt he was the BPA at that point in the draft so I took him, I didn't go in intending to use that strategy, but it happened, so my 2013 fantasy season rides with these guys among others.

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I won many games when I use to start S.McNair and Eddie George.

I would love to have that combo again.


Don't worry too much about it..Just start your best players.

Good Luck!

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