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Electric Mayhem

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About Electric Mayhem

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    FF Geek
  • Birthday 12/08/1971

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  1. Electric Mayhem


    There is no such thing as white culture. You are celebrating a skin color. Latinos don't celebrate they have brown skin.
  2. Electric Mayhem


    That sucks. Pantera is one of my all time favorite bands. It makes me sad that Phil went white nationalist (if he wasn't before).
  3. Everything he said about mail in ballots was a complete fabrication. Postal workers are not selling ballots Ballots being dumped in rivers is not a thing No, no one is counting ballots submitted Nov 10. They are being accepted if the post mark is stamped before the end of the election and it takes time to travel to its destination to be tallied. All lies.
  4. Electric Mayhem

    The Proud Boyz

    So once they became violent Gavin disavowed them? This Gavin? https://embed.crooksandliars.com/embed/bt8LC9A6
  5. Electric Mayhem

    ***Official Here we go Debate Thead***

    Are we moving on to Opioid deaths now? I'm willing to have that conversation, but I'd like to agree at least that when deciding a candidate for 2020, no one in good faith can attribute low troop deployment numbers or low minority unemployment percentages to Trump, and that he is just a beneficiary of circumstance.
  6. Electric Mayhem

    ***Official Here we go Debate Thead***

    Here are quotes from the article: "The reductions reflect a strategic change at the Pentagon and White House, as Washington as pulled away from large-scale military operations like those in the Middle East and Southwest Asia, in favor of smaller-scale military adviser missions — backed by local forces and allied nations — in Syria, Yemen, Libya and elsewhere." "The largest reduction in forces took place in Iraq and Kuwait. Just over 16,000 U.S. troops were stationed in both countries in the fall of 2017, nearly a 90 percent decrease from 153,000 nine years earlier." "Afghanistan also saw a 10,000-troop reduction between September 2008 to 2017, with a majority of those forces pulling out after the official end of U.S. combat operations in 2014." Also it says Trump is 'poised' to further accelerate, not 'accelerated'. I don't see how you read that article and come away with "thanks to Trump we have less troops deployed".
  7. Electric Mayhem

    ***Official Here we go Debate Thead***

    I should pop in to say hi - I got burnt out with some of the discussions there and took a break, and then it became so long that I kinda felt embarrassed for not 'saying goodbye' or whatever.
  8. Electric Mayhem

    ***Official Here we go Debate Thead***

    So do you think Article II of the Constitution, related to appointments of Justices, is meant to mean that POTUS can only fill seats when their party also holds the Senate majority?
  9. Electric Mayhem

    ***Official Here we go Debate Thead***

    Which is (YET AGAIN) why I'm open to seeing evidence of the contrary. Just show me some number stuff. I like number stuff.
  10. Electric Mayhem

    ***Official Here we go Debate Thead***

    re: troops - fair enough re: employment - agreed, but with that said I don't think you can say either candidate is better for minority employment numbers unless you bring in the discussion on covid response as a major influencing factor. Take a look at this site (Chart 16): https://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/cps_charts.pdf You can see that minority unemployment numbers began to significantly reduce in Obama's second term, and have continued into Trump's first. To your point, it's hard to say what policies can be attributed to the declines, but the obvious linear trend infers that Trump's election had no additional impact.
  11. Electric Mayhem

    ***Official Here we go Debate Thead***

    FRICKER! Hope you and the fam are well.
  12. Electric Mayhem

    ***Official Here we go Debate Thead***

    You're taking it wrong. I'm open to seeing evidence that Trump actually did something on his own instead of just riding a wave that Obama set into motion. I mean, RLLD is saying Trump is responsible for troop deployments declining, then evidence is an article saying they have been reducing for a decade, and quotes numbers comparing 2008 (beginning of Obama) to 2017 (8 years Obama, 1-2 years Trump).
  13. Electric Mayhem

    ***Official Here we go Debate Thead***

    So the troop reduction article clearly says that reductions are from 2008-now, so this doesn't seem to be Trump thing as much as a Pentagon thing. I see no reason why troop deployments would go up under a Biden Presidency. How have the minority employment numbers been trending since 2009? Again, I'd like to see how much this was Trump-led thing vs just a continuation of what Obama started, and any reason to believe this wouldn't also be supported by Biden. As for spending cuts, where do you want them? I'm for spending cuts as well, but I'm guessing in different areas than you (hint: Military spending makes up over half of federal discretionary spending).
  14. Electric Mayhem

    ***Official Here we go Debate Thead***

    Those all sounds like good things, but I just don't see Trump as the one to promote them. I'd like to see hard numbers (not Trump 'promises' or claims, actual numbers) comparing troop deployment levels now vs 2016 (keeping in mind that I wholeheartedly believe he would only reduce US military presence in areas that benefit Putin), and an independent comparison of the old pre-Trump trade deals to what we have now. As for restoration of minority employment - not really sure what you mean here (restoration from when?), but happy to hear more as it sounds like something I would be behind.
  15. Electric Mayhem

    ***Official Here we go Debate Thead***

    He's still losing, but nice jab from left field I guess?