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R Brown, L Jordan and MBIII....

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One team has all 3 of these RB's (plus Westbrook, but he is untouchable/too expensive) and no WR's and I am stacked at WR with TO, Roy, Andre, Cotchery and Marshall and they are interested in trading a RB for a WR. So please rank the following RB's for long term value.......PPR.....


- Ronnie Brown (was week 3, 3 TD's and 220 total yds, a fluke or signs of things to come?)

- LaMont Jordan (ok....it's Oakland....will he keep up his production?)

- Marion Barber III (will he continue to put up big(ger) #'s in a RBBC?)


I will probably look to trade Roy with Andre hurt (or is he coming back soon, and good?)......is either enough (or too much) for one of these guys?


EDIT: After a few posts MB3 is the clear cut favorite......is Roy Williams enough to get him or should I throw in a RB like Ward (I also have Jacobs) or Brandon Jackson....I also have MJD, but hate to give up on him at this point yet.


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For long term values, I will go with this order.


MBIII - He will be starting sooner than later.

Brown - He is beginning to live up the expectation. Given the horrible passing game, MIA will rely on him more and more.

Jordan - Has been great, but I am worried about Rhodes and Jordan's nagging back injury.



Please help me here.


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For long term values, I will go with this order.


MBIII - He will be starting sooner than later.

Brown - He is beginning to live up the expectation. Given the horrible passing game, MIA will rely on him more and more.

Jordan - Has been great, but I am worried about Rhodes and Jordan's nagging back injury.

Please help me here.



Ooooooo, I forgot about Rhodes coming back....(in 2 weeks?). Thanks

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I'd rank them:


1. MB3

2. Jordan

3. R. Brown


Barber has been an absolute beast this season; and he'll take the starting job from J-Jones pretty soon. Jordan has been impressive thus far, so I see no reason why the Raiders would change his role in the offense when Rhodes gets back (why change what's working in the running game???). Brown was great this week, but he's the ultimate FF tease -- every week you start him he does nothing; every week you bench him, he'll go crazy.


Here's mine:

Should I Accept This Trade?

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MBIII is number 1 for sure.


As for Jordon or Brown I think they are about even. I would look at their strength of schedule. The reason I say even is Brown is on and off, and Jordon has a nagging injury and could have competition.


Thanks for the help with mine

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Thanks for mine...I think giving TO or R Will is too much for a guy like MB3. Try two mid-range guys in a package deal like Cotch and Ward or B Jax. Try and keep your studs. Again, thanks...

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So is Roy too much, too little or just right for MB3? Also any updates on Andre Johnson and when he should return...I've heard he is out this week still.

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I too think Roy is too much for MB3...I would try to keep your Top 3 and give him a 4th or 5th receiver and also a mediocre back!

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Thanks for mine ...



I'd agree with everyone else MB3 is the way to go. The RBBC in big D is fading, plus Barber gets the TD carries.


Although I'm not sure I trade Roy. With Johnson out with a "back" injury RW could put up even bigger numbers.


I'd try going With Marshall and in order: Jackson, Ward, MJD For Barber.


If that doesn't work then try Cotchery straight up and one of the backs for Brown.


If Barber is too expensive try and hold off a week or so on Brown, he'll be overvalued right now because of his huge week. He'll be good, but not THAT good as the year goes on.


Roy, TO or Andre are way too much to give up for any of those back unless Jones gets hurt and/or Barber comes out as the clear #1 in a few weeks.

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Thanks for seeing mine. I agree with the others in that Roy is too much to give. I like the idea of say a #3 wr and a back like Brandon Jackson.

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Roy is to much to give for MBIII. I don't think the team would want another RB. I'd probably offer all three of Johnson,Cothery and Marshall for MBIII. I know Johnson is hurt but who knows how long he'll be out and the other team may want to take that chance. Basically you are giving the team a chance to be able to play the match ups and he may end up with a very good WR in Johnson.

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Right now it is hard for me to disparage Jordan. He and Westbrook are keeping one of my teams afloat right now. But here is something to consider with Brown. Now in his 3rd year, this past Sunday was only his 7th career 100 yard game. But the most important part of that... 3 of those games came against the Jets. After watching him very closely for the past 3 years (I am a lower bowl Dolphins season ticket holder) I can honestly say there is not a chance I would have him on my fantasy roster.


Please see mine


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1. Marion Barber III

Barber continues to put up great numbers on this high powered offense. He's putting up great numbers so he's definately the #1 in this group.



2. LaMont Jordan

I like Jordan and I wouldn't be to concerned with Rhodes coming back. He'll be out of shape and by the time he'll get into shape who knows where Oakland will be. Jordan is a beast.


3. Ronnie Brown

IMO - Brown is a one week wonder. I don't see him putting up good games in the near future. Maybe i'm wrong, who knows?



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