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Shooter McGavin

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Shooter McGavin last won the day on January 11 2023

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603 Excellent

About Shooter McGavin

  • Rank
    FF Geek

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  1. Shooter McGavin

    JD Vance

    Between focking furniture and telling childless people they suck, it's been a hell of a day for jd
  2. Shooter McGavin

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    We know why he put the bandage on, theater. As far as what caused the bleeding, we don't know. I've seen lots of people say you don't get kicked by a 556 round, and the FBI has said they don't know. No medical report except for Ronny Johnson. But it s more dramatic to say you got shot then they missed
  3. Shooter McGavin

    Trump's Cognitive Decline

    Dummy wants to use NASCAR drivers and coaches to run the military
  4. Shooter McGavin

    Trump's Cognitive Decline

    She's married to a Jew.
  5. Shooter McGavin

    Trump's Cognitive Decline

    Trump is so well trained with his aphasia, when his brain glitches, he doesn't miss a beat, rambles until he can find the word.
  6. Shooter McGavin

    Trump's Cognitive Decline

    You'd think someone who keeps talking about Hannibal lechter would know there was more than one lamb.
  7. Shooter McGavin

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    No shock the misogyny is over the top from the geek club. No man with a sack will vote for a woman, losing mancard, betas. The insecurity is out of control.
  8. Shooter McGavin

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    Trump dropped the ear maxipad. I don't see a hole in his ear. Must be the fastest healer in history, the best healer, never seen anything like it. Also FBI director says not sure if it was a bullet or shrapnel that caused the bleeding. Trump still claims he took a bullet for democracy.
  9. Shooter McGavin

    War in Israel

    Took 2 minutes. You're retarded. https://time.com/7002489/netanyahu-us-congress-biden-harris/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/poll-71-think-netanyahu-should-resign-either-immediately-or-right-after-war/
  10. Shooter McGavin

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Definitely energy that has been missing but she needs to come up with some new material.
  11. Shooter McGavin

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    Hell even Elon musk says trump is too old to be president. You guys like him right?
  12. Shooter McGavin

    JD Vance

    Rumors that he Vance once focked a latex glove shoved between couch cushions. No evidence it's true but still funny
  13. Shooter McGavin

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    Yes, smart people rely on doctors to give a dementia diagnosis, along with other health related decisions. Otherwise we get dangerous people like you that think that vaccines are not vaccines and they kill people en masse
  14. Nice to see people here being objective and correct. Maybe there is hope we can come together for justice after all.
  15. Shooter McGavin

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?
