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Reality last won the day on July 24 2023

Reality had the most liked content!

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  1. He's already got a 4 year record of running the country, HTH.
  2. She's flipped on every major policy, she's trying to convince us she's now a conservative. They can do this because they know how stupid their base is. It's pretty stunning to watch.
  3. Reality

    Venezuela gangs take over parts of Aurora

    Man, liberals running cover for shlt like this. Unreal.
  4. So, Harris is a really stupid version of John Kerry. Oh boy.
  5. Swng elections, lol... We don't need to look to Europe, happening right here, bud. Admitted & blatant election interference.
  6. How are Democrats not embarrassed by this? They are telling you she can't handle the job, listen to them. If you vote for this woman, you're a focking idiot.
  7. This is the person you all try to have rational conversations with, lol.
  8. Reality

    RFK endorses Trump

    Duh, if he cares about this country, it was the obvious choice.
  9. I gotta admit, I'm blown away that full grown adult males would vote Democrat to make their lives worse because they hate Trump. I'm pushing 50 and live in the Midwest, I'm gonna vacation in Florida and try to distance myself from the bs for the rest of my life. That's all I can do, the left is destroying this country and I'm bummed out about it but, I'll be shielded from it for the most part. I feel bad for the rest of you but, you support this garbage. So, fock you.
  10. This dude really doesn't like telling the truth.