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Posts posted by Ray_T

  1. well, this is the sort of question where we'd probably need to see your full team to have a good idea of whether this trade would help you.


    it would also help if we knew the rules (ie. scoring) of your league.

  2. Should I drop this bum Bulger? :mad:


    For one of Grossman, Rivers or C.Penn?


    Bulger is killing me. 1 TD in 2 games?!? :lol:


    Do I stick it out with him or what?


    Also, Holt is my #1 WR.



    well, I wouldnt give up on bulger yet. However, if you really hate him and will get rid of him one way or another, Your better bet is to trade him if you can. Never drop a player who someone else is willing to pay for.


    If someone offered me bulger, I'd trade someone for him... I just wouldnt pay full market value to get him.

  3. Hi guys,


    I've got a bye week issue this coming week and I'm playing a pretty good team.


    The league voted to shrink the # of roster spots to make bye week decisions tougher, and I am feeling the pain.


    LT and JJ are both on bye weeks, but I have 2 backup RB's in Barlow and Bush that should be able to do an adequate job.


    Gonzales is also on a bye week. LJ smith is available on waivers, and I was thinking about dropping Clayton for a week to fill the slot.


    because he had a weak season last year, and a tough first 2 games against stronger than average defenses I think I may be able to pick him back up after LJ Smith has played out his bye week.


    I would appreciate if anyone else has any better suggestions for my team.

  4. I'd start Taylor.


    The reason hes not one of the top 10 backs in the league is due to his tendancy to get injured. Not due to his lack of talent or lack of production.


    traditionally he runs the ball well against the steelers. (probably the only RB that does)


    also, Cadillac has some people hurt on the O-Line. I dont know if they're back in the lineup, but that is the main reason for his poor production in week 1.


    I'd start Taylor on this one occasion over cadillac.

  5. this is an interesting question.


    the reason I find it to be interesting is because one of your starters is one of McNabb's receivers.


    so, with the above being said.... here is the scoop:


    If you feel that your team is overall better than his, you start LJ Smith for sure. Because if McNabb has a good game LJ probably will also have a good game. so starting LJ is like hedging your bets and it reduces your risk.


    but if you think he has a better team than you do, then you should take a chance with Heath Miller. This way if Mcnabb has a bad night, you can still make up some ground with Miller who is more likely to outperform LJ smith if Mcnabb has a crappy day. For the record, the NY giants defense usually plays philly pretty tough, so I dont think Miller is a bad option regardless.


    As for receivers, I'd go with Bryant and Matt Jones. I know Moss is the better talent, but Oakland is playing baltimore. Baltimore's front Seven is more aggressive and more nasty than that of the chargers.... so if the Chargers completely messed up Aaron Brooks passing (aprox 100 yards passing on the day), I highly doubt that he'll do any better against the ravens. even if Moss gets 60% of the throws, I still wouldnt expect more than 60-75 yards at best against this ravens defense.


    I wouldnt start Reggie brown regardless of your situation.

  6. I think this last game is the first game that Alex Smith actually put up numbers that were better than Culpepper.


    while I do think Smith will be a decent QB this year, I dont think he will outperform Culpepper all that often.


    Play culpepper and dont give it a second thought.

  7. yep.


    Take that trade & run.


    be aware, the bucs have some o-linemen that missed game 1 and may also miss game 2 and possibly 3 so Caddy may have a subpar performance against tougher run defenses the next week or two.


    I still think Caddy will perform well for you over the rest of the season.



    Unless the other teams in your league are hoarding QBs and Damon Huard is the best QB on the WW, I'd drop Rivers for Heap. True, you don't *need* Heap; but surely with Gates, Heap, and Watson you can swing some sort of trade...maybe even to upgrade at QB.


    I dont agree with dropping Rivers. You should always have a third QB.


    TE is probably the second easiest position to fill on the waiver wire, but heap is definitely a top 5 TE and is worth picking up.


    Pick him up, drop watson and start him ahead of Gates for the next couple of games until the conservative offense that is the Chargers starts to open things up a bit. You'll know when to switch back to gates cuz he'll start getting 80-100 yard games again(most likely around week 5).


    in the interim this guy will keep things sane for the TE position for a week or two and cover your bye week next week.


    once the bye week is done, I'd start looking into trading him and upgrade one of your other positions. Normally I'd say you should not keep more than one TE on your roster. This, of course isnt a normal situation. It actually fits the needs of your team almost perfectly.

  9. I'd go with driver(old reliable)


    Edwards is good, but hes coming back from major knee surgery. it takes generally 1-2 years (usually 2 years) to properly recover.


    The fact hes even in the lineup already is amazing... but I wouldnt start him at this time.


    cotchery is still unproven & I wouldnt want to count on him quite yet.

  10. well, I think you may be overreacting a bit, and maybe your expectations for gates were a little high.


    I kinda figured that the Chargers would play a very conservative offense the first 5 or 6 games and will gradually open things up as Rivers gains confidence and as he gets better as a player.


    I still think this will be the case.


    Gates numbers wont be stellar for the next few games, but as the offense opens up his numbers will gradually go back to normal.


    I wouldnt trade gates unless you feel his performance may hinder you from making the playoffs. However, he will be going at pretty close to capacity by week 10. This is the time when performance matters. The playoffs is what makes or breaks your season. The regular season just eliminates the pretenders.

  11. NO.


    dont do it.


    have some patience here man.


    you potentially have a championship team once your injured players return. I think you can suffer with a bad week or two at the start until Steve SMith is back in the lineup and up to speed.


    the only position I'd even think about upgrading is at QB.


    Your RB's and WR's are studs, and the rest of your team is very solid.


    my only question is whether Culpepper can get it done in miami. I'd trade a 3rd string RB and your backup QB and get a better QB and keep culpepper. This way you have a 1 and a 1a and can play some matchups.


    just make sure the QB you get has a different bye week than culpepper.

  12. Standard nfl.com league, 1pt/10ru or re, 1pt/25 passing, all TDs worth 6.


    I have:








    He has:








    I figure losing Gore/Wayne would cost me 8 pts per game, and I don't think Warner would be worth that much more. What would be a reasonable counter offer?


    Post your trades, I'll look at your trades too.



    Well, I'm just gonna clarify something.


    when you say Gore/Wayne for Warner, does this mean he will accept either for Warner or he wants both for Warner?


    if he will accept either, I would send him gore. Jackson and Jordan will work out for you just fine. And Warner (while healthy) will put up better numbers than your other QB's.


    i'd consider Wayne alone also, Although your depth at WR wont be so hot so I'd say the Gore option is better for you. If he is asking for both tell him to stick it.

  13. Seattle is trying to win a super bowl. And they are willing to open the bank vault to do it.


    they now have 3 top receivers, and they are hoping that teams like the Steelers and Ravens wont be able to cover them all.


    They might be right.


    and money is NO object. if there were no cap, they would have signed Hutchinson to be on the O line and open the holes for Alexander like he did last year too.


    however, for the money he was asking, they figured they could bring in some skill players.... and so, the hawks now have branch and Burlson.


    They are hoping that 3 receiver sets will cause matchup problems.


    also the spread formation will prevent teams from stacking the box against Alexander.


    do not be discouraged by the signing of Branch. Alexander had one of his most productive years when he and Koren Robinson were together. This will essentially mean that teams have a choice of double teaming Jackson or Branch, but not both.


    before, Jackson faced a fair bit of double coverage.


    This is an elite level offense and you need not worry about it. the only concern with Jackson is his health... if he stays healthy, he is a surefire starter and money in the bank for you.

  14. Std scoring and 1pt/rec. Okay, here is the offer:


    Jamal Lewis/L.Fitzgerald/C.Johnson




    Reggie Bush/Hines Ward


    I would be giving Bush. Is it worth it?



    I would do this deal


    You are getting two Top WR's and a very solid RB for a WR who is solid, but 1 or 2 yrs from retirement and a RB who looks like he will be a stud, but hasnt proven himself yet.


    it could make you a contender.


    Now youre just trying to make me think harder, but its obvious he wants Bush pretty bad, and I can understand why.


    I like KJ/CJ, but I think I like Lewis/Fitz/CJ a little better.


    Again, who are his other RBs (besides Lewis and KJ)



    I'm not sure I'd do this.


    it looks okay, but now youre giving up a potential franchise RB for a RB who may or may not have a big future and a top end WR.


    RB's are more valuable than WR's.


    I'd delay on pulling the trigger and if bush has a monster game this week against that weak Defense they're playing, I'd pull the deal off the table and tell him you've decided to keep Bush.


    If he really wants him, he'll make a counter offer you cant refuse.

  15. I agree. Bench Jordan.


    however, this recommendation is assuming Tommy Jones remains the starter.


    If you see an announcement on game day saying jones will split carries with Cedric Benson, then I'd change my recommendation and start Jordan.


    I dont think benson is at the point where this will be an issue (yet) however, anything is possible.


    when dealing with these situations, you need to check the web sites early Sunday morning before your deadline to set the rosters and make sure that all is as it is supposed to be.

  16. you know, we arent talking about players who will blow the doors off your league in fantasy point scoring here.


    they are all roughly equal in value, so I'd pick the player that fits your teams needs.


    so if you need depth at QB and feel you can live without Brown as a backup, then I'd trade for sims or collins.


    I think Collins has more potential if he gains the starting job(more risk but more reward), but sims has the starting job and wont likely lose it.(less risk, less reward)


    either way, both are backups just like Brown, so take your pick based on your needs and risk preference. I think the value of all is roughly the same.


    Collins appears to be on a short leash, and may give way to the rookie at mid season when Tennessee realizes they wont be a playoff team.


    and as long as Volek is there, Collins is on a short leash.


    Based on the above, I'd take sims over Collins.

  17. I rank CJ number 1 by a lot. Top QB and top WR. good combination.


    number 2 I rank Fitzgerald. Warner is also a very good QB and the second string QB there looks like he can also get him the ball.


    Number 3 would be holt. Still a steady producer, but not quite where the other 2 are.

  18. with the injury to Trent Green, I think I'd do the deal.


    I know Green is supposed to be gone only 2 weeks, but it is a concussion. these things can resolve themselves quickly or can take months. and it is a major concussion. Lots of these take a lot longer than expected to clear up. I would expect KC receivers to perform badly until green returns.


    Regardless of the current prognosis for Trent Green, I would plan for the worst and make the deal.

  19. I would also do that trade.


    the Chiefs Running game wont be what everyone thought it would be due to the loss of Roaf.


    and now that Green is gone, they will stack the box until the backup proves he can burn them on the pass.


    I still think he'll put up good numbers, but he wont be the elite RB everyone predicted this year. and if you need to rebuild your bench, this is a good way to do it.


    LJ's value is about as high as its gonna get at the moment. and now is a good time to sell.

  20. I wouldn't make it with your roster, especially in a keeper league. Your rb's are solid and this will wipe your wr's. SA is good, but he is getting near 30, which for an rb is not good.





    agreed. you dont have the depth to make this deal. the only way you do this trade is if it will put you over the top this year. and this trade wont do that for you.
