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Can you give the new guys a history lesson?

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I'm sure there is some history to this league that would be interesting for us new guys to know.


For example, I get this vibe that Scooby has been an interesting (ie, impossible) person to negotiate with in the past. Is this true?


Who has won in previous years? Who is the easy guy to trade with? Who will rob you blind?


TIA!! :thumbsup:

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CMT has been known to hold up frafts for days, and won't offer commentary on his picks. The latter is a shame because he makes some wild picks. HTH!@#

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I'm sure there is some history to this league that would be interesting for us new guys to know.


For example, I get this vibe that Scooby has been an interesting (ie, impossible) person to negotiate with in the past. Is this true?


Who has won in previous years? Who is the easy guy to trade with? Who will rob you blind?


TIA!! :pointstosky:

I am one of the most trading people around. If I like a deal I take it, if not I counter. I do not like to waste time..


Ask others, I am not one to sit on players for very long.

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I'm in two leagues with scooby, and his last sentance is right on. He turns his rosters over daily it seems.


I won last year :pointstosky: , and twitchy mcbackfat won the year before with me coming in second. I've only been in this league for two years so I don't know much before then.


Corner, BNF, windycityguy, and O all came on last year, and as I mentinoed, I was brought on the year before, so there has been quite a bit of turnover. this league was originally fuhnered by Tarheel Boy.


That's about what I know.

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CMT has been known to hold up frafts for days, and won't offer commentary on his picks. The latter is a shame because he makes some wild picks. HTH!@#

The first year I wasn't in it, so it sucked. At the end of the season, Ditka dropped out.


Before the 2nd season, Ditka rejoined. Also CMT destroyed everyone in the greatest asswhopping EVAR in a FF league - I believe by week 6 I was already assumed to be the winner and the rest were fighting for scraps (although that cockbite buffington did ROON my perfect season). Ditka quit.


Then last season Ditka rejoins. I only cam ein like 5th or so, so the league pretty much sucked ass.


This year: :pointstosky:

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This will be my 4th year in this craprastic of all leagues. The first season was won by our fuhner Tarheel Boy. The second year was taken by Call Me Twitchy. And our own OB1 was the 3rd season's champion.


Myself, I was lucky to have made the playoffs the first 2 seasons, but fell on hard times last year.

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