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Drafted last night...

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Horrendous Backfield

Are you kidding me???

And I am an absolute beginner here, but this is one of the worst teams I have ever seen. Including my own I just drafted last week.

You have Portis, and then who do you have? Dillon and Martin and Dayne? Nice.

Did the other owners thank you for your donation already?

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ummm...WOW!!! :first: :huh: :banana:


i think this is a pretty decent team! maybe a lil weak at RB, but i think you will compete

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this is a 24 team league right?


C. Portis

R. Moss

A. Gates

M. Hasselbeck

D. Driver

C. Dillon

D. Mason

L. Coles


C. Martin

B. Favre

D. Givens

Ma. Jones

R. Dayne

M. Nugent

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Why do people feel the need to be an @ssclown?!?!?

I guess their life is boring and they can feel better about themselves by saying derogatory things on a anonymous Internet message board about someone else or someone's team.


That being said...

Your team blows donkey nuts!!


:thumbsup: <_< :o :banana:

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It would help if you posted your scoring system... With that said... if this is a 12+ man league, you are in the middle of the pack. Not as bad as the others are saying... If Dillon is a stud this year or Dayne wins the RB job, you'll be fine...

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actually this is just a yahoo public league. I won my "real" league last year and wanted to to an earlier draft to see what would happen if I didn't go RB crazy. To be honest...I'm not too disappointed with how it came out. I forgot to switch the Curtis Martin thing. I drafted him but had since traded him for the new NE rookie RB so I have Dillon's handcuff. You can only start two RB's in this league so I'm not too concerned about it to be honest. I like my QB, my WR depth, got Gates, from what I've heard Portis and Dillon should be solid. So I'm not really sure what the guy saying this is the worst team he's ever seen is saying. This is just me doing a different strategy to see how it turns out.


Prof Dr Hase, why do I have the feeling that my experimental team is better than your actual team?


I'm not oblivious to the lack of RB depth, but that was kind of the whole point in doing a draft this early, to see what would happen. Maybe I'm clueless...and based on how I've done in Fantasy football I'm not, but I don't really see what's wrong with the rest of this team. Thank god for free public leagues.


Also, I'm unmotivated to post the entire draft...but I'd feel pretty confident in saying my team is in the top 3. It was a really screwy draft. But there isn't a single team with a stud backfield whatsoever.

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Why are you guys bashing this guy? His team isn't that bad man. In fact, it's pretty good.


Hasselback, Favre

Portis, Dillon, Martin

Moss, Driver, Mason, M.Jones




You're RB situation isn't the best, try to get Lawrence Maroney and Cedric Houston as insurance for Dillon & Martin.


You could probably trade Mason or M.Jones for Maroney or Houston. Or look to see who the Tatum Bell owner has and see what you could get for Dayne. Maybe he has one of your guys (Maroney or Houston).

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Already picked up Houston off waiver wire. Got Maroney in a trade for Martin. I had gotten wind of Martin going on the PUP list and figured I'd get rid of him. I'm not sure why I'm getting bashed either, but oh well.

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Horrendous Backfield

Are you kidding me???

And I am an absolute beginner here, but this is one of the worst teams I have ever seen. Including my own I just drafted last week.

You have Portis, and then who do you have? Dillon and Martin and Dayne? Nice.

Did the other owners thank you for your donation already?


I don't think you need to get all that crazy. It's not that bad of a team at all. By the way, please post your team you drafted last week.


As for this team, here's my .02.


- I don't like the Gates pick. I know that's where he's going now in drafts and that's too early for me.

- Did you really get Dillon in the 6th round? Great value.

- Switch out C Martin for L. Maroney and I like it better.

- Dayne could end up being a good pick.

- Your receivers are sick. You could trade for RB depth with that wr corp. Moss, Driver, Mason, Givens, and best of all Matt Jones that late? That's really good.


- Overall decent team. Not quite enough RB depth for me, but a good team.

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Post of the year.


:D :D

Why do people feel the need to be an @ssclown?!?!?

I guess their life is boring and they can feel better about themselves by saying derogatory things on a anonymous Internet message board about someone else or someone's team.


That being said...

Your team blows donkey nuts!!

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C. Portis

R. Moss

A. Gates

M. Hasselbeck

D. Driver

C. Dillon

D. Mason

L. Coles


C. Martin

B. Favre

D. Givens

Ma. Jones

R. Dayne

M. Nugent



I have not problem with the first 3 rounds.... I don't like Hasselbeck in the 4th... but, how long is too long, cause your 5th and 6th picks are solid.... so I'd like to know what QB's were there in the 7th and RB's available in the 4th...


Otherwise, it's a good team... you fixed the Martin goof and you got Dillons backup... The key is what you do with the body of work.... I've seen a few teams lose there first 3 picks to injury or suckiness and then managed his team to a superbowl win...

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You have to understand. A majority of the people here have no idea how to rank a team that doesn't contain SA or LJ. If your team does, it's great, if it doesn't, you suck. You have a top 5 player at each position, with decent backups. You should do OK.

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You have to understand. A majority of the people here have no idea how to rank a team that doesn't contain SA or LJ. If your team does, it's great, if it doesn't, you suck. You have a top 5 player at each position, with decent backups. You should do OK.

I like that you were able to snag Matt Jones so late in the draft!

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I find myself waiting longer than you did on QB, especially when going RB/WR/TE. I need that fourth pick to solidify RB as much as I can. That said, you probably found gold in Dayne (did I just type that?) getting him that late.


I also don't see enough of a difference in performance between Gates and other TEs this year...JMHO. If you replaced Gates with a third round RB, and replaced Mason or Coles with a TE, I may find this team stronger.


I'd give you a solid B as is.

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Were you the 4th pick in a 12 team roster? Is this a PPR league?


I think your team is pretty good...however since I can't see what the other teams look like I can't say how well you will do in the league...


Dillon was a good value pick at round 6...


you have a good all around team...I give you a B as well...

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I think your team is respectable...I would not have taken gates in the 3rd though. I think gates will be down to normal TE stats this year. And the 3rd is too early for any TE.

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