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Attention Portis owners

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Would you take McGahee and Rhodes for Portis? If not, would you take any other running back I have (see sig) plus Rhodes for him?


Unless they have Portis and nothing else, they're not going to be interested in Rhodes, it's pretty obvious that he's on the way out and is a bye week fill in at best (except for very deep leagues of course).

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Here's the thing: Al Saunders made Priest Holmes and Larry Johnson household names. The Redskins look like they're finally getting the hang of his complicated offense and guess who stands to be the next running back to take over as beneficiary of his offensive genius? Clinton Portis. The Redskins over the next few weeks could roll into an offensive powerhouse (in the mold of the old KC teams) and if that happens Portis should blow up to have his biggest season as a pro. There's no way in hell I'm trading him at this stage and miss out on that (potential) big wave. The time to make a move for Portis was early in the season when his health was in doubt. No Portis owner in his right mind is going to part with him now that he's healthy and running all over people.

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Unless they have Portis and nothing else, they're not going to be interested in Rhodes, it's pretty obvious that he's on the way out and is a bye week fill in at best (except for very deep leagues of course).


Here's his team:


QB - Bledsoe/Hasslebeck

RB - Portis, Westbrook, K. Jones, Dillon

WR - Roy Williams, Chambers, Kennison, Horn, Bruce

TE - D Clark

K - Longwell

DEF - Jacksonville, Philly


I was hoping the injury issue to Westbrook would motivate him to get a 2 for 1 on Portis.

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The problem is that Kevin Jones is better than Rhodes, so Rhodes will sit on his bench most of the time, especially when Addai takes over.


McGahee and FWP might do it but I wouldn't count on it.

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I was hoping the injury issue to Westbrook would motivate him to get a 2 for 1 on Portis.


Precisely because of what's going on with Westbrook he won't part with Portis at any price. That's his one true (healthy) stud and he can't afford to let him go for a couple of lesser-quality backs. Your best (and only) bet is to make a move on getting Westbrook (which isn't all that exciting). Forget about Portis for now...that ship has sailed and you don't have the pieces to make it happen. Even if he agreed to trade you Portis for Willie Parker and McGahee I would advise against you doing it. Those are two quality backs you don't want to lose just in the hopes of Portis coming in to rescue your season. Portis is awesome, yes, but there is such a thing as paying too much. Stick with your stable of James, McGahee, Parker, Dunn, and Rhodes - that's a solid group right there and gives you some depth in case of injury.

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would shaun alexander and maurice morris for clinton portis and ladell betts be a crazy trade to make? for either owner?

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would shaun alexander and maurice morris for clinton portis and ladell betts be a crazy trade to make? for either owner?


It wouldn't be crazy, if both were healthy. As it stands now, the guy with Portis and Betts would lose out because [A] Clinton is really starting to roll while Shaun is praying to god from his hospital bed and Ladell Betts is a far superior running back to Maurice Morris. Be that as it may, however, some people just really love Alexander regardless of his health status and want him no matter what. In principle you're talking about trading one backfield for another, and that's a perfectly balanced concept.

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I have portis and I would'nt trade for any less than say steven jackson and maroney or plaxico

sjax is worth more than portis alone

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you think steven jackson is worth more than portis?




...because he wants Clinton Portis in a bad way and can't land him in a trade ;)

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you think steven jackson is worth more than portis?




or maybe cause jackson is getting yards like crazy (nfl leader?--not sure..drunk now.)) and because he's on a better offense. and because he's not banged up. i'd take him over portis now, but they're fairly clos e in value . needing jackson AND maroney for portis just mean you're over-valuing him like crazy.

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I have portis and I would'nt trade for any less than say steven jackson and maroney or plaxico



As a Portis owner I like this one a lot...SJax is probably the only back Id HAVE TO include in any deal involving trading Portis. I own Portis in two leagues though and as of now Im not giving him up for anyone, mainly because my teams are solid enough I don't have to. But, if I was struggling then SJax & Maroney would definitely be the deal Id make. Im also I Jackson owner in only 1 league and NO, I wouldn't give him up for Portis straight...it just depends on your team & your needs. If I was the guy you want to trade with Id want a lot more than Rhodes as my 2nd back in the deal.

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I believe anyone who drafted Portis (me #12 2nd RB) made a decision to stick with him rain or shine, AT LEAST TO THIS POINT. Its not that Rhoades & James is not a fair offer. It is that Portis is a top 5 ack when healthy, he is currently healthy and anyone who drafted him was ready for some questions. IMHO

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His WR suck so IF I were him, I demand no less than McGahee and Holt. I do have Portis and there's not much on your team I'd want.

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What the guy above said.


I think that McGahee and Holt (or maybe James or FWP and Holt) for Portis and Bruce helps both teams. He could use the better receiver, and that trade might make him say yes. You migh even be able to get one of his better receivers if you ask real nice. In a trade like this, you get the better running back (no matter who you give him) and he gets the better receiver (no matter who he gives you).

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Would you take McGahee and Rhodes for Portis? If not, would you take any other running back I have (see sig) plus Rhodes for him?


I traded FWP for Portis after game 1. I wouldn't trade Portis for anyone. I think he will be the top RB in FF at the end of the year given SA and LJ situations.

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Would you take McGahee and Rhodes for Portis? If not, would you take any other running back I have (see sig) plus Rhodes for him?



I got Portis earlier this week for BWB and Rhodes. I couldn't be happier!!


Good day


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Here's the thing: Al Saunders made Priest Holmes and Larry Johnson household names. The Redskins look like they're finally getting the hang of his complicated offense and guess who stands to be the next running back to take over as beneficiary of his offensive genius? Clinton Portis. The Redskins over the next few weeks could roll into an offensive powerhouse (in the mold of the old KC teams) and if that happens Portis should blow up to have his biggest season as a pro. There's no way in hell I'm trading him at this stage and miss out on that (potential) big wave. The time to make a move for Portis was early in the season when his health was in doubt. No Portis owner in his right mind is going to part with him now that he's healthy and running all over people.


What he said.


And thanks to the owners in my 12-team league that allowed me to pick him up at 1.12 <_< :huh: :pointstosky: :thumbsup: :D

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Would you take McGahee and Rhodes for Portis? If not, would you take any other running back I have (see sig) plus Rhodes for him?


No one in their right mind would make this trade. If it were offered to me I would be insulted and let the whole league know. Your problem is that if he accepts this trade you are in a rotten league and need to find a new one.

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sjax is worth more than portis alone


Not in my TD heavy league he's not -- he could very well blow up and SJax is a good one to have.. but i'd hold onto Portis.. The Rams throw it in more than the Skins, in spite of the Santana outburst this past week.


I like what mambokings said. Listen to him, he knows of what he speaketh.

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I wouldn't based on the way I try to trade. I usually try to package two lessor players for a better player myself. I think Rhodes will lose his starting job and spell Addai way before the playoffs. I also think Portis is better than Mcgahee. That would leave you with a bench/drop player and a player that is worse than the one you traded imo.



The only way I think you will get this done is play up Portis injury, and hope the guy then doesn't ask you why you want him then...Or to involve a wr swap thats about equal, but make it all a package deal to take away from the player you want, then make it seem like the RB situation is in his favor...Its hard to give strategy for dealing with someone without the info. Lot of angles to play.

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Here's the thing: Al Saunders made Priest Holmes and Larry Johnson household names. The Redskins look like they're finally getting the hang of his complicated offense and guess who stands to be the next running back to take over as beneficiary of his offensive genius? Clinton Portis. The Redskins over the next few weeks could roll into an offensive powerhouse (in the mold of the old KC teams) and if that happens Portis should blow up to have his biggest season as a pro. There's no way in hell I'm trading him at this stage and miss out on that (potential) big wave. The time to make a move for Portis was early in the season when his health was in doubt. No Portis owner in his right mind is going to part with him now that he's healthy and running all over people.


:clap: :lol: :thumbsdown:

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I'd trade him for Tomlinson or LJ plus a handj0b from Jessica Alba. No less. I had him as the #3 back preinjury and was ecstatic that everyone else in my league was scared off by the shoulder and I picked him up at 2.04.

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Thanks to everyone that replied! If the owner in my league is anything like any of you, it doesn't look like I'll be landing Portis anytime soon. I'm still not comfortable with my RB corp, it seems that I'm lacking that one big back I can count on every week. Maybe it's time to target Westbrook and take a chance? Any thoughts on what it would take from my team?

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Here's the thing: Al Saunders made Priest Holmes and Larry Johnson household names. The Redskins look like they're finally getting the hang of his complicated offense and guess who stands to be the next running back to take over as beneficiary of his offensive genius? Clinton Portis. The Redskins over the next few weeks could roll into an offensive powerhouse (in the mold of the old KC teams) and if that happens Portis should blow up to have his biggest season as a pro. There's no way in hell I'm trading him at this stage and miss out on that (potential) big wave. The time to make a move for Portis was early in the season when his health was in doubt. No Portis owner in his right mind is going to part with him now that he's healthy and running all over people.


willie roaf and that offensive line did...


but to answer the original question, i'd need more for portis without question.

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As a Portis owner I like this one a lot...SJax is probably the only back Id HAVE TO include in any deal involving trading Portis. I own Portis in two leagues though and as of now Im not giving him up for anyone, mainly because my teams are solid enough I don't have to. But, if I was struggling then SJax & Maroney would definitely be the deal Id make. Im also I Jackson owner in only 1 league and NO, I wouldn't give him up for Portis straight...it just depends on your team & your needs. If I was the guy you want to trade with Id want a lot more than Rhodes as my 2nd back in the deal.



so in the leagues you own portis you wouldn't trade him for sjax.



and in the leagues you own sjax you wouldn't trade him for portis.



(not that this take is uniquely weird to you. most people have an irrational bias to keeping what they have. i realize rosters can impact this a little, since portis is a bigger injury threat, but still...) :thumbsdown:

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Im mulling over moving Portis right now. My yeam is in my sig, and its a dynasty-yardage-PPR league. The offer I was sent:



Marion Barber




Ronie Brown

Roy Williams


I feel bad, because the guy is a skins fan, and traded portis to me, because I had the #1 rookie pick. we traded:





Randy Moss

#1 rookie pick

Ricky Williams (pre strike 3 )



now he is having sellers remorse. lol

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What about Portis and Braylon Edwards for Rudi Johnson and either Housh or Keyshawn? I would be getting Rudi. Is this too little for Portis?

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What about Portis and Braylon Edwards for Rudi Johnson and either Housh or Keyshawn? I would be getting Rudi. Is this too little for Portis?


I'm considering offering Portis for R U D I - even. Bengals fan here . . . I don't care for the skins . . . I play to win, but I like an interesting gameday . . .

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