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Traffic dispute with an African-American motorist

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Perhaps this video which was shot about 25 miles from where my incident occurred will help to explain the prevailing mentality of motorists in South Florida. My beloved hometown is turning into a 3rd world sh!thole :unsure:

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My beloved hometown is turning into a 3rd world sh!thole :dunno:

It's quite the coincidink that the town is named "3rd World Sh!thole, FLA".


Things that make you go, "Hmmmm." :D

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Perhaps this video which was shot about 25 miles from where my incident occurred will help to explain the prevailing mentality of motorists in South Florida. My beloved hometown is turning into a 3rd world sh!thole :pointstosky:



have to sign up :pointstosky: :cry:

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Then what the fuck does this mean?

You are a fucking idiot.


Pretty tough talk from your keyboard stud. Do you have 14 thousand posts? Did I read that correctly??? You are a fvcking nerrrrrrrrd my god you suck. Bwaaaahaaaaahaaaaa 14 thousound posts. Jesus go get some tail or something, leave your dorm just once this semester.

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After taking my class on Saturday I have one thing to say.


You are still wrong and a dooshbag to boot.


Stick that in your bong and smoke it, druggy!

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After taking my class on Saturday I have one thing to say.


You are still wrong and a dooshbag to boot.


Stick that in your bong and smoke it, druggy!


i still agree with toro (and still can't believe it)...recidivist is still racist and weak.


i have nothing else to add.



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After taking my class on Saturday I have one thing to say.


You are still wrong and a dooshbag to boot.


Stick that in your bong and smoke it, druggy!



could I have a hit of that? :rolleyes:

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Pretty tough talk from your keyboard stud. Do you have 14 thousand posts? Did I read that correctly??? You are a fvcking nerrrrrrrrd my god you suck. Bwaaaahaaaaahaaaaa 14 thousound posts. Jesus go get some tail or something, leave your dorm just once this semester.

<swims away>

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Do you feel that Rec would have reacted the same way - double birding and all - if he had not had a handgun in his fanny pack? My point is that he was the cause of the confrontation because of his actions. There was a million ways to disengage himself from a potential conflict. He picked the one that was the most extreme and confrontational.


He wasn't in immediate danger. You don't pull your gun unless you are in immediate danger. Go ask a cop. Any cop.


Thanks for playing.

I have no idea how he might have acted if he did not have a weapon, but he wouldn't have been the first person to flip someone off in traffic while not armed, I know I've done it and I'd bet you probably have too. Maybe he did partially cause the confrontation (though I think you could make the case their sh!tty driving was the root cause) but they were the ones who followed him and threatened violence, thereby taking the situation to the next level. You say his method was extreme and confrontational, I'd say it was the one most likely to defuse any confrontation by letting them know he was not a hapless victim they were just going to put the boots to. I don't see how letting them know he has a weapon increases the odds of confrontation, my guess is it does exactly the opposite. Potato, potahto.


Maybe I should ask this cop. Not sure what point you're trying to make. Despite what they might say, cops routinely pull their guns when they are not in 'immediate danger'. Probably because they know if they're in immediate danger, it might already be too late.


And, of course, we're taking all this pontificating with a grain of salt coming from a guy who pulled out a gun to go see what the dogs were barking at. Thanks for playing.

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What, no coke this time?


I'm pretty sure I skipped breakfast that day.

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