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***Official Giants/Cowboys thread***

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I'm going to say Giants win 21-19. They bounce back after last week and play a whole 60 minutes of football for a change. Dallas is a good team, but Romo's inexperience will finally start to show here. The Cowboys will drive the ball down the field, but won't be able to punch it in the endzone enough. Big days for Terry Glenn, Jeremy Shockey, and Manning the Lesser.


And don't be surprised if the Cowboys lose on a missed FG by Gramatica. :cheers:

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As a Giants fan, I'd love to see that. BUT, the reality is if the Giants don't get Osi, Short and at least one of their starting corners back this week, I don't see them winning. I didn't mention Strahan because I think it's unlikely he can go.


Even with some of their key defensive players back, a lot of this game will ride on the shoulders of Eli Manning. The Cowboys will do everything they can to slow down Tiki and put the pressure on Eli. He will have to make some big plays for NYG to have a shot. He hasn't proven over the last month that he's capable of that right now.


Being at home, and most likely having some defensive players back, I give the Giants a good shot. But, the Cowboys are the favorite in this game for a reason: they are the better team right now.

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Cowboys 31

Giants 10


I don't see this game as being too close because of the Giants injuries and Manning's confidence.

(I was wrong on the Deadskins game last week so what do I know)

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two teams headed opposite directions--the cowboys are peaking, and the giants are bottoming out.


i see the cowboys winning this, but i think the giants keep it close out of pride. given the injury situation, the cowboys are better in virtually every matchup, but you can't underestimate what an angry crowd can do for the home team's motivation. my actual prediction:


dogfight in the 1st half. in the 2nd half, the cowboy's mismatches start telling and they open up a multi-score lead as the giants' emotional high wanes. giants close the gap in the 4th, but never seriously threaten a lead change.


27-20 dallas


(but then again, my crystal ball needs a new vid card, so it's just as likely that the g-men win 5-3 on a last-second safety)

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I hope I'm wrong, but I'd guess Cowboys 24, Giants 13. Romo's on a roll, Manning's playing like a troll, and I don't think the Giants (due to their injuries on the defensive line) will be able to pressure Romo, especially since the Dallas offensive line has done a good job of protecting Romo, who also has demonstrated the ability to evade the rush and get a throw off if the blocking does break down. I just don't see the Giants' banged-up defense being able to cover or contain Owens and Glenn.

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I also see this game as being close in the 1st half and the Cowboys making a strong push in the second half to eventaully win the game. The Giants have to be at an emotional low right now, and the defense is hard hit with injuries. The home town fans will keep the Giants in it for awhile but the Boys will wear em out in the latter stages of the game. To much Romo, Owens, Glenn, Witten, Jones and Barber. Weapons galore, not to mention a stellar defense. My prediction: Cowboys 31 Giants 20...

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giants by at least 20....


the titans game was a serious kick in the pants for nyg..and at home..they are focused...

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you can throw out the first meeting in dallas - giants were a different team and so was dallas, for many reasons. forget the fact dallas' defense is playing well and forget the fact romo is hotter than hell, the giants are a complete mess. players & coaches at each other throats, eli circling the drain, injury report that looks like a phone book, media and fans jumping from roofs - this team is a disaster. that being said, never underestimate a division game in the meadowlands. as well as dallas is playing on defense, we still have the stupid ability to give up huge bonehead plays. it would only take one or two and the giants could get some mo going. that being said, learned a huge lesson in the washington game - just don't see that happening again. the initial energy will keep it close early but dallas pulls it out.


dallas 27

giants 17

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Two Teams headed in very different directions...One team on the way up and the other on the way down.


Gnats are in meltdown mode....players and Coaches fighting...riddled with injuries....Baby Manning is the suck....


Cowboys are peaking at just the right time...Parcells sent a message to the team by cutting vanderJERK...No glaring weaknesses on either side of the ball (with the possible exception of Kicker)...Great play by Romo has re-energized the team...TO has NOT been a distraction...


Home town crowd only goes so far...Gnats players meeting has no bearing on play on the field (if I recall, Zona held a players meeting before they played the BOYS and we all know how that game turned out)


Final Score




gnats 17

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The gnats are self imploding


Strahans comments on Plax...along with his outburst which was shown on ESPN tonight... is just another nail in the coffin.

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Bill Simmons weighed in on this game, so I thought I'd share:


1. For some reason, the whole "Romo got dumped by his girlfriend, now he's the hottest QB and he's going out with Jessica Simpson" thing is giving me flashbacks to the time the Red Sox lowballed Roger Clemens in '96, then he signed with the Blue Jays, lost 20 pounds and won consecutive Cy Youngs. And if his old girlfriend is half as bitter as the Red Sox fans were in the late '90s ... well, Tony might want to get a better alarm for his house.


2. There's nothing funnier than the demeanor of Dallas fans right now. Just go up to any of them and start the conversation, "Hey, congrats on the Cowboys, you guys look like a Super Bowl team, that Romo is great!" and watch the stammering, head shaking and determined "Even though you're completely right, I'm contractually obligated to throw water on your argument or else I'm going to jinx what's happening here and the subsequent collapse will be all my fault" routine that follows. High comedy.


3. Seth from Washington points out, "How much are the Cowboys this year looking like the Miami Sharks from "Any Given Sunday?" You even have Parcells as Pacino and Tony Romo as Steamin' Willie Beamen, it's unreal." Let's hope this leads to Parcells giving his version of the "inches" speech in the movie. Hold on, I gotta watch that on YouTube. I'll be right back.


BTW, he took the Cowboys and gave the 3 1/2 points.

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Cowboys 5 TD's and one long field goal toward the end of the game just to test the new kicker.


38 to 10 Cowboys.


The only worry is if the Cowboys knock Eli out of the game early and the Giants used their #3 QB, Tim Hasslebeck. :thumbsup:

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I'm going to say Giants win 21-19. They bounce back after last week and play a whole 60 minutes of football for a change. Dallas is a good team, but Romo's inexperience will finally start to show here. The Cowboys will drive the ball down the field, but won't be able to punch it in the endzone enough. Big days for Terry Glenn, Jeremy Shockey, and Manning the Lesser.


And don't be surprised if the Cowboys lose on a missed FG by Gramatica. :thumbsdown:




Or WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Good game Gints Fans...what a battle!

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I'm going to say Giants win 21-19. They bounce back after last week and play a whole 60 minutes of football for a change. Dallas is a good team, but Romo's inexperience will finally start to show here. The Cowboys will drive the ball down the field, but won't be able to punch it in the endzone enough. Big days for Terry Glenn, Jeremy Shockey, and Manning the Lesser.


And don't be surprised if the Cowboys lose on a missed FG by Gramatica. :wall:


Well, looks like I was right about almost everything except the result. ;) Gramatica even missed one, but it wasn't the one that mattered.


As a Cowboys fan, I'm glad to have been wrong. What a great game.

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