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"Bears...finishing what Katrina started"...what class

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Then when the ADD kicks in, instead of people's old clothes you get, "I'm tired of hearing about Katrina," like they won't be tired of whatever story replaces that one.


And you have to be kidding me if you think anyone raised billions of dollars. Are you some kind of lunatic?



- American Institute of Philanthropy - December 13, 2005 -


Hows that foot taste? :pointstosky:

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So out of the 11 million people that live in the Chicago area, you found the one ######.


one :mad:



Keep looking.... you'll find more.... :pointstosky:


Try Wisconsin.... Up north, Wisconsin Dells, Door County, Lake Geneva, Kohler, etc.

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Try Wisconsin.... Up north, Wisconsin Dells, Door County, Lake Geneva, Kohler, etc.


Yup, any of those places on the weekends during the summer is a great place to find 'em. If you want to see some true Chicago spirit, just stop by the I-90 parking lot just east of Madison on any Sunday afternoon in the summer.

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It's tragic, yes, but it's not like it crept up on the area like the return of the Lord and it's not like George Bush was going to sit on a throne on the shore and command the waters to turn back. (Get this reference and I will claim you as one of the smartest people on the board :D )





Who is King Canute?

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I'm from Chicago (and not an @$$hole) but you'll find an offensive sign or fan at any game, in any city, in any sport.


At least they didn't play "Rock you like a hurricane" :D

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I was born and raised in New Orleans and I wasn't upset at the sign at all because I already know that no one really cares about anything but themselves.


Best post in this thread

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- American Institute of Philanthropy - December 13, 2005 -


Hows that foot taste? :dunno:



You got me. I didn't realize your clothes and sundries were worth that much.

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You got me. I didn't realize your clothes and sundries were worth that much.


The figure quoted doesn't include those types of donations. That was all cash. The ADD you talk about is caused by the less than grateful attitude you display here. Maybe we should just stand around waiting for your call so we can cut you another check whenever you need it.

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My_Dixie_Normus, here's why I say people don't care. It's been a year and half and there is still trash and broken limbs in the streets. It took over a year to restore basic utilities to the non-tourist areas of the city, and some parts are still without gas. The city needs help. 2 billion is plenty enough money. That's not the help the city needs now, though. What the city needs is for the problems to be exposed so there is public pressure for city, state, and federal officials and all these charities that collected 2 billion dollars in aid to actually get something done, but instead I read quotes like, "I don't want the Saints to make the Super Bowl because I don't want to hear about Katrina for two weeks." Like hearing stories about black coaches finally making it to the Super Bowl or how Peyton can finally win the big one for two weeks is going to be any different.


If people cared, they would make sure the job was finished before they decided the news coverage became a nuisance or the city became a punchline. Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to say that I'm better than anyone which is probably the only reason you're over here putting me in my place anyway. I care about New Orleans because I'm from New Orleans. My whole point in the original post was that it's hypocritical to get pissed off at a sign because no one cares about anything but themselves. I wasn't excluding people from New Orleans in that and I'm sure as hell not excluding myself. Stay righteous, though. I wish I was like you and I didn't think humanity is sh¡t, but what are you going to do, right?

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If you want I can give you some clothes and sundries and we can call it even. :blink:

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That Photoshop job has sure made it's rounds round the INTER-nets.



I'd be pissed off if I was this guy and someone photshopped that sign onto me.

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Simmer down, its kinda funny in a twisted way. It obviously isn't serious or belittles the actual struggle

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My_Dixie_Normus, here's why I say people don't care. It's been a year and half and there is still trash and broken limbs in the streets. It took over a year to restore basic utilities to the non-tourist areas of the city, and some parts are still without gas. The city needs help. 2 billion is plenty enough money. That's not the help the city needs now, though. What the city needs is for the problems to be exposed so there is public pressure for city, state, and federal officials and all these charities that collected 2 billion dollars in aid to actually get something done, but instead I read quotes like, "I don't want the Saints to make the Super Bowl because I don't want to hear about Katrina for two weeks." Like hearing stories about black coaches finally making it to the Super Bowl or how Peyton can finally win the big one for two weeks is going to be any different.


If people cared, they would make sure the job was finished before they decided the news coverage became a nuisance or the city became a punchline. Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to say that I'm better than anyone which is probably the only reason you're over here putting me in my place anyway. I care about New Orleans because I'm from New Orleans. My whole point in the original post was that it's hypocritical to get pissed off at a sign because no one cares about anything but themselves. I wasn't excluding people from New Orleans in that and I'm sure as hell not excluding myself. Stay righteous, though. I wish I was like you and I didn't think humanity is sh¡t, but what are you going to do, right?


So you want everyone else to solve your problems? Do you want us to pick up your trash? You want us to pressure your local government after you reelect the same clown who screwed up the situation in the first place. Take care of yourself for a change and quit waiting for someone to do it for you. The rest of the country recovers from their disasters through hard work and sacrifice. Try it, it works. 15 months later we are still hearing "we need help, we need help" Give me a break, sympathy only goes so far.

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So you want everyone else to solve your problems? Do you want us to pick up your trash? You want us to pressure your local government after you reelect the same clown who screwed up the situation in the first place. Take care of yourself for a change and quit waiting for someone to do it for you. The rest of the country recovers from their disasters through hard work and sacrifice. Try it, it works. 15 months later we are still hearing "we need help, we need help" Give me a break, sympathy only goes so far.


So the residents of the city who didn't even have cars to evacuate should go get wood chippers and tractors to clean up the limbs and then go and get dump trucks and demolish the gutted houses, and then they should go and fix the gas lines. OK. Thanks for the input.


You don't understand what, "we need help" means. If you think I want your money, your labor, or your time, you're wrong. All I want is for the corrupt powers that be to do their jobs. If you care, you want to know what's happening. If you don't care you don't know, and judging by your post you obviously don't know. See, if you care, it gets media attention and the corrupt, inept motherfockers running things have to do something. That's the extent of help I'm looking for from you. All I want is your interest in the God damned subject. Stay on that soapbox though.

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you dont have to make chicago look like new orleans does..THATS the problem....


New Orleans had a major hurricane and levees broke....


chicago has wesley willis , ronnie woo-woo and his clan not cleaning up after themselves...clean that city already..

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you dont have to make chicago look like new orleans does..THATS the problem....


New Orleans had a major hurricane and levees broke....


chicago has wesley willis , ronnie woo-woo and his clan not cleaning up after themselves...clean that city already..


Huh? Do you ever venture out of Green Bay? Appleton does not count.

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Katrina will ultimately save that city. It was a run-down focking wasteland filled with crack-heads and criminals. Its kind of like the gods turned on the faucet and "washed" the area.


Now, it can be rebuilt with quality homes where solid US citizens can move in and revitalize the area.


The "victims" mad total a$$es of themselves by whining, looting, blaming Bush, its whiteys fault, wheres our handout, blah, blah, blah. Completely thankless bassturds.


Katrina = Saving Taxpayer Dollars so we can use that money to feed the military machine!!!


:cheers: :D :lol:

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Chicago is a very nice city. Very clean, which is surprising considering the amount of Polacks that live there.




New Orleans needs another Category 5 hurricane to finish the focker off, and mayor Gumby Nager can be swept out to the Gulf of Crapico.


:blink: :pointstosky:

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Was that sign seriously photoshopped? I'm on another board and a Saints fan has been crying for the entire week about that sign. I'd love to hear it was photoshopped and shut him up.

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Huh? Do you ever venture out of Green Bay? Appleton does not count.



spent a good part of the summer in evanston for work...


thanks for playin...please pick up the trash on your lawn..thanx

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