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Democrats want an ipod for every kid..........

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Democrats amaze the phuck out me sometimes. All the libs preach that happiness is not measured by the size of your wallet yet every single problem they see is fixed by throwing tons of cash at it and claiming earing inequalities between the haves and have nots. Can anyone here give me one platform of the Dems that is not absolutely smothered in hypocrisy?





An iPod for every kid In Michigan?

+6 | Posted by museinspiredart 4 hours ago in World | 6 comments | 38 views

The crisis Michigan faces is not a shortage of revenue, but an excess of idiocy. Facing a budget deficit above $1 billion, House Democrats Thursday offered a spending plan that would buy an iPod for every school child in Michigan.

No cost estimate was attached to their hare-brained idea to "invest" in education. Details, we are promised, will follow.


This kinda goes with the story I posted yesterday, as it is just as dumb. With all of the problems they seem to be having and such a huge deficit, why would anybody want to foot the bill to buy someone else's kid an iPod?


This kind of idiocy is all over the country, but this is one of the best I have heard yet.


How about tightening your pocketbook a little bit...curbing spending...Apply the money to things that really need it...Concentrate on educating these kids and feeding the homeless etc...


Ipods...I swear this was thought up in a room full of tie wearing monkeys..




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I see your quote on this story and RAISE YOU this one.

As part of a government agenda unveiled by House Democrats in Michigan that introduces dramatic changes, a bill was put forward Friday that includes a proposal to provide $38 million :wacko: in iPods or other MP3 players as instructional tools for every student in the state. The schools representatives were not as receptive as one would expect, however. “My members are telling me they have much more pressing things they’re worried about, like whether they’re going to be able to make payroll in May,” said Don Wotruba, spokesman for the Michigan Association of School Boards. :doh:



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why not an xbox 360 elite?? ipods are soooo last week. if you're going to start buying votes at least keep up with the current trends. :thumbsup:

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Michigan is short of cash and certainly has way higher priorities than spending cash on this. Ask me why I was happy the GOP held a slight majority in the state Senate and it's because of crap like this. This bill likely won't get past the House anywanys but it certainly won't stand any chance in the Senate.

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Michigan is short of cash and certainly has way higher priorities than spending cash on this. Ask me why I was happy the GOP held a slight majority in the state Senate and it's because of crap like this. This bill likely won't get past the House anywanys but it certainly won't stand any chance in the Senate.

Short of cash? A bit of an understatement, no? Don't they have something like a $1 Billion deficit? :blink:

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