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Weird Draft Order Selection...

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A friend of mine asked a few months ago if I would fill a spot in his buddies league, and I said yes. The draft is scheduled in a couple weeks. I found out today that all newcomers are automatically put at the end of the draft, and I would be selecting 11th out of 12 teams. I've actually won a championship drafting out of the 11th spot before, but this is bugging me. I have no chance whatsoever of drafting LT, Jackson, Gore, Addai, etc...

I wouldn't mind selecting 11th or even 12th, if there were a fair draw. I'm pretty sure I will decline the invitation. What does everyone else think?

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Guest _my_2_cents_
A friend of mine asked a few months ago if I would fill a spot in his buddies league, and I said yes. The draft is scheduled in a couple weeks. I found out today that all newcomers are automatically put at the end of the draft, and I would be selecting 11th out of 12 teams. I've actually won a championship drafting out of the 11th spot before, but this is bugging me. I have no chance whatsoever of drafting LT, Jackson, Gore, Addai, etc...

I wouldn't mind selecting 11th or even 12th, if there were a fair draw. I'm pretty sure I will decline the invitation. What does everyone else think?


Terrible way to assign draft order. I would never play in a redraft league where I didn't have a 1:12 chance at any position going in.


You are not being a baby, and you should not play in that ghetto league.


Esentially the long term members are cheating the n00bs out of any shot at Tomlinson, SJax, etc.


Terrible slotting method. How are the picks decided for those who've been in the league? :bandana:

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I guess they had a draft order selection for the 10 original members, and then drew for the 2 new guys. Hey! At least I won that draft!


Sounds bush-league to me, and I'm pretty sure I'll decline.

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Sounds bush-league to me



I agree with you simply because you used the term bush-league. I love that phrase

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Who cares, you're picking 11th? You're also picking 2nd in round two! I don't see the big deal. If it's a good group of guys and you think the league is competitive then why not do it?


They had ten original members. They added two spots and you guys pick 11-12. Basically senority was rewarded. Nothing wrong with that.


Personally I think fantasy football is too fun to pass up due to a silly thing like this. Play in the league, win it and then next year try and get the #1 pick by luck. However, if you got the 11th pick, you wouldn't care, you'd just strategize and draft away.


I'd rather pick 11th over a top three pick anway!

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The problem with this is that it sets a precedent against you in future dealings with the league. I would expect that you would likely lose out on any future controversies over add drops, trades, etc. I would question why such a "good league" would lose two members anyway. Better to sign up for a different league while there is still time. This draft like last years holds a huge advantage to whoever gets the first few picks, SA injury aside.

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Terrible way to assign draft order. I would never play in a redraft league where I didn't have a 1:12 chance at any position going in.


You are not being a baby, and you should not play in that ghetto league.


Esentially the long term members are cheating the n00bs out of any shot at Tomlinson, SJax, etc.


Terrible slotting method. How are the picks decided for those who've been in the league? :dunno:

:pointstosky: Agreed! If they are pulling that shite with draft order what other BS will take place during the season?

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I really don't think it matters where you draft you could still whip 'em if you draft well from that spot. Draft position is way over rated. Very rarely does the #1 pick wind up being the best player at the end of the year anyways and furthermore one player does not (SHOULD not) make your whole team or season.

Just really piss everybody off and draft Michael Turner in the 6th and wait for LT to get injured. That'll learn 'em!!

Having said all of this I do think it is bush league how they decided the order. Once you decide to add teams it should be an automatic re-selection of the draft order but that is just my opinion. If you like the guys and the league I wouldn't let a simple thing like draft position make your decision for you. Good luck in whatever you decide though...

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I agree with you simply because you used the term bush-league. I love that phrase




i though "ghetto league" was better though lol :overhead:

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Although I don't like the league policy of new guys automatically drafting last, I'm not sure I would walk away from the league just because of that. I would probably ask them if there are any other strange rules that you need to be aware of. If it is a fun group of guys to be in a FF league with, I'd probably overlook the draft rule. Just make sure there are no other suprises.

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Gotta wonder if the 2 new owners are taking over for guys who left, or if the league is expanding with 2 new teams?


Drafting 11 or 12 isn't so bad- you can still win from that spot- just be certain it's a random draft order selection in place for next year.

Besides, backing out this late is a little weak.

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last year the joke of a manager decided the draft order. he made himself first, made his closer friends next and so on. i drafted second to last. i took s-jax and rudi and ended up trading rudi for LJ who the commish took, lol. i actually prefer the end of the draft.

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That's pathetic. It should be random draw for who picks where. I'd decline the invite.

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I don't think its that bad, yes you are being a baby. If they told you that going in, then if you didn't like it - you shouldn't have accepted. Draft position has very very very little to do with how far you go with your team if you are a good manager - it sounds like you know that so whats the problem?


I think my league does this too (we havn't added new people in a while so I can't remember exactly) but its not so much us trying to be "unfair" to them, but more that we are a close group of fantasy dudes that want to initiate the newbies. Think of it more as a college fraternity hazing process than an unfair practice.


If you want to be a part of a long-standing league, that has very little turnover, then I would expect a little "hazing". I see nothing wrong with it.

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2 guys dropped out of the league, and they needed 2 new owners. I was not made aware of the newcomer rule until a few days ago, after agreeing to join the league months ago.

I play in plenty of other leagues, with closer friends, so I'm not dying to join this league.

As I originally stated, I know it's possible to win championships drafting from the later positions. I've won championships drafting first and I've won championships drafting last. (Please don't get me wrong...I've also completely blown plenty of drafts drafting from all positions!)

While it would have been poetic to draft 11th and win their championship, I have declined to join their league simply because I don't think draft order should be assigned...and I think I've given them plenty of time to find another bush-leaguer!

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I respect your decision to decline, especially since you don't want in that league that bad. But like I said, I respect them asking you to draft last since there should be SOME kind of initiation for newbies entering a long term league. Obviously if you don't want it, its not worth it. My main league is filled with fantasy veterans of an average of 10-15 years of play and have been together for about 7 years, all are very nice and intellegent - I bet when we need a newb we will make them draft last.

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I guess they had a draft order selection for the 10 original members, and then drew for the 2 new guys. Hey! At least I won that draft!


Sounds bush-league to me, and I'm pretty sure I'll decline.


agreed and for you to equal this bush leagueness you should say you are going to draft and then never show up and fock them in the goat ass

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Who cares, you're picking 11th? You're also picking 2nd in round two! I don't see the big deal. If it's a good group of guys and you think the league is competitive then why not do it?


They had ten original members. They added two spots and you guys pick 11-12. Basically senority was rewarded. Nothing wrong with that.


Personally I think fantasy football is too fun to pass up due to a silly thing like this. Play in the league, win it and then next year try and get the #1 pick by luck. However, if you got the 11th pick, you wouldn't care, you'd just strategize and draft away.


I'd rather pick 11th over a top three pick anway!


I serioulsy doubt you would trade #1 overall for 11 straight up :thumbsup:

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Who cares, you're picking 11th? You're also picking 2nd in round two! I don't see the big deal. If it's a good group of guys and you think the league is competitive then why not do it?


They had ten original members. They added two spots and you guys pick 11-12. Basically senority was rewarded. Nothing wrong with that.


Personally I think fantasy football is too fun to pass up due to a silly thing like this. Play in the league, win it and then next year try and get the #1 pick by luck. However, if you got the 11th pick, you wouldn't care, you'd just strategize and draft away.


I'd rather pick 11th over a top three pick anway!

I acree. It doesn't matter the FNGs get the last two picks. Just plan for it. I happen to prefer the end of the first round anyhoo.

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2 guys dropped out of the league, and they needed 2 new owners. I was not made aware of the newcomer rule until a few days ago, after agreeing to join the league months ago.

I play in plenty of other leagues, with closer friends, so I'm not dying to join this league.

As I originally stated, I know it's possible to win championships drafting from the later positions. I've won championships drafting first and I've won championships drafting last. (Please don't get me wrong...I've also completely blown plenty of drafts drafting from all positions!)

While it would have been poetic to draft 11th and win their championship, I have declined to join their league simply because I don't think draft order should be assigned...and I think I've given them plenty of time to find another bush-leaguer!


You were asked to join a league that was well established before your invite. You should accept the long standing rules of this league, or respectively decline as you have chosen to do. I see nothing wrong with the rule that "new guys draft last", if it is a long established rule for the league. I also see nothing wrong with you declining to join the league if you don't like the rules. It is your choice.

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Any league that has a bunch of dooshbags like that running it you'd be better off without. That reminds me of a league I was invited to play in about 5 years back. I get there and they say the commish gets a free ride ($100) because he has to run the league. I call bs and say that's an easy job and if he can't handle the duties I'll do it for free. They play hardball and so do I as I leave and say f.u./have fun with your 11 team league. Anyone with any decency wouldn't ask anyone to take a late pick without a shot at #1. :pointstosky:

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Yes, you are being a baby.



No he's not. WTF sets up a draft order without every team having an equal shot at the top pick? The real babies are the idiots running the league who have to cheat to aquire a top draft spot. If there isn't some sort of unbiased lottery for every draft position then the league is a joke. I applaud him for telling them to go fock themselves. :mad:

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Decline the invite. You should have been notified of the rules when you were asked. I would be leary of other rules that may pop up. A noob can't trade the 1st year? Could be stupid stuff. There are plenty of leagues to join without this nonsense. Although, I would have asked when is the draft order selection happening? Some leagues wait until draft night.

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No he's not. WTF sets up a draft order without every team having an equal shot at the top pick? The real babies are the idiots running the league who have to cheat to aquire a top draft spot. If there isn't some sort of unbiased lottery for every draft position then the league is a joke. I applaud him for telling them to go fock themselves. :overhead:


I totally disagree with Rocket. A lot of long-running leagues draft "worse to first" in the next years draft. Whether you approve of that practice is really unimportant. (It is their league) Some of those same leagues have rules to prevent tanking late in the season, or maybe a toilet bowl with the bottom teams to see who wins the first pick in the next years draft. With the draft order established from the season before, it could be that they have had a long-standing rule that new owners would be moved to the end of draft order. Nothing wrong with having rules which have been honored for many seasons. Live with it. *The only thing that could be considered wrong to me, is that the new owner should have been told upfront that he would be drafting last as a new owner. As I said earlier, if the guy doesn't like the rules, he is free to decline being in the league. But he shouldn't trash them for the rules that they possibly have enjoyed for years.

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I totally disagree with Rocket. A lot of long-running leagues draft "worse to first" in the next years draft. Whether you approve of that practice is really unimportant. (It is their league) Some of those same leagues have rules to prevent tanking late in the season, or maybe a toilet bowl with the bottom teams to see who wins the first pick in the next years draft. With the draft order established from the season before, it could be that they have had a long-standing rule that new owners would be moved to the end of draft order. Nothing wrong with having rules which have been honored for many seasons. Live with it. *The only thing that could be considered wrong to me, is that the new owner should have been told upfront that he would be drafting last as a new owner. As I said earlier, if the guy doesn't like the rules, he is free to decline being in the league. But he shouldn't trash them for the rules that they possibly have enjoyed for years.



I agree with your point that some leagues establish a worst to first draft order the following year and I'm ok with that if that's what people want (even though I wouldn't play in a league with that rule). Personally I think it's an insult to invite someone into a league without giving them an even shot at draft picks. If this league had an established worst to first rule and he inherited the SB winners spot it would make sense. These guys just grabbed draft spots and basically shafted the new owners coming in. To me that a sign of things to come down the road. You're right that a league can have whatever rules they want but people also have the right to speak their mind and decline an invitation.

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