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Ronnie Brown trade for T Jones

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My roster:

QB's - M Bulger, B Roethlesburger

RB's - B Westbrook, R Brown, J Jones, D Ward, M Turner

WR's - R Williams, D Driver, K Curtis, P Crayton

TE's - V Davis, R McMichael, J King

K - N Folk

DEF - Bears


We start 1 QB, 2 RBs, 2 WR's, 1 flex RB/WR, 1 TE, 1 DEF, 1 K

(1 pt/2 catches, 1pt/10 yards rushing receiving, 1 pt/30 yds passing, 6 pts/TD)


Before this past weekend, I would have given R Brown away. I told myself that the first good game he has, I was going to trade him away. The Dolphins looked pathetic and he was getting carries stolen by Chapman. In addition this week, K Curtis lit it up as well. Another person who's stock is high.




I would be giving R Brown and K Curtis for V Young, T Jones, H Ward





I need some QB help. V Young will help with my QB depth. In addition, I told myself that I would not fall in love with Brown if he had a good game. I feel like T Jones has the same value as R Brown. K Curtis I do like, and I picked him in late rounds thinking he would be a good sleeper. Can he do this all year round? Who knows. I would be getting H Ward, who is still a play maker with potential. Now that the Steelers are throwing more, I think H Ward will have a decent year. I realize he is hurt, which has his stock very low.


I could potentially try to get B Berrian instead of H Ward.



What are your opinions? I will answer your help questions.

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I like it. Despite Brown's huge game, I think him and Jones are going to play about equal this year and have average numbers. Brown may do a little better, but not by much.


You're also giving away a #3 WR for a WR who can be a good #1. He's just started off slow and I think he's out for a week or 2. But you also have Driver and Williams so that wont' hurt you too much. And in case Bulger goes out to injury or he continues to suck atleast you have Young there too.


So I'd make the trade.

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yeah, i think it's a good trade in your favor. you need qb help and ronnie brown has been gross most the time ... just 'cause he puts up one big game doesn't make him a high-level rb all of a sudden. thomas jones will probably be just as good by the end of the year, and getting ward gives you a pretty tough receiver and curtis ... i mean ... he looks to be finding a good connection with mcnabb, but he won't put up big games all the time. and you have two pretty good receivers already, so i'd take it.


help with mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=291526

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i too like it, you may struggle at WR for a couple weeks until ward comes back but when he does your team will be much improved over what you have now. nice sell high on curtis btw...

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Where are all the other posters who said, "I'll answer yours if you answer mine?" Thank you to those three who followed through with their promise. It is greatly appreciated.

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I'd make that trade, although I do believe big Ben will have a good year.


Where are all the other posters who said, "I'll answer yours if you answer mine?" Thank you to those three who followed through with their promise. It is greatly appreciated.

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I really like this trade from your standpoint.


You'd be making great use of R. Browns temporary value right now, and V. Young is just starting to get hot in my opinion.


Plus, I love H. Ward, he's a true gamer, and he's going to get his points. Consider T. Jones/R. Brown a wash, and you get V. Young and H. Ward for K. Curtis. Easy imo.




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Definitely a good deal in your favor.


The Jets have a better offense than Miami's. They've had a brutal early schedule,but it gets better. Always go with the back who will still be running the ball in the 4th quarter. When you think of the Jets, think "Patriots lite". :-)


I like Ward and even though Holmes is making a name for himself, Ward is still #1 and a team leader. He'll be more steady than Curtis.

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I don't like the trade at all. I think you're fine at QB, Bulger will turn it around and Roth is fine as a #2. Curtis is the real deal, period. Even the first 2 games before he blew up, he was heavily targeted. McNabb just didn't quite have things in gear the first few weks. Hines Ward is old, oft injured, and a big downgrade as a WR. Brown and Jones are pretty much a wash IMO. On paper it looks like a good trade, but in reality it will only end up hurting your team. The only thing that makes me slightly lean towards the trade is Miami plays Baltimore and New England in weeks 15 and 16, while New York plays New Englang and Tennessee. I'd worry about getting to the playoff's before I start looking at those matchup's though.



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Where are all the other posters who said, "I'll answer yours if you answer mine?" Thank you to those three who followed through with their promise. It is greatly appreciated.




Try not to take this the wrong way, but don`t be a fcking whiner.

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I appreciate the responses so far. I see that Ward will have a bye week in week 6, which is a killer for my team. That would mean I would only have Driver as my #1 that week with maybe Crayton as my #2.


I could potentially get b Berrian instead of Ward. Any thoughts on that?

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