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So, guys...

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IMO, you are being melodramatic, not realistic. Do you honestly think that you guys are the ONLY ones I talk to and I have no friends IRL? Or that I haven't talked to him about this? To think that YOU guys are the only people in my life seems a tad arrogant, IMO. As for true confidants from HERE specifically, there are perhaps two or three people that I would consider people I can really talk to with out the judgment, assumptions, and asshattedrey that I get from others here.



Also, please remember that this topic wasn't originally about him helping/not helping out. Yes, it was about my being down and feeling over whelmed, but it wasn't ALL about needing some help.



Then I'll stand down. You're welcome for the advice, but it appears you don't need it...congrats and good luck. :cheers: I hope you get over your depression before you have to drug up again.

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Then I'll stand down. You're welcome for the advice, but it appears you don't need it...congrats and good luck. :banana: I hope you get over your depression before you have to drug up again.



I love the people who cry for help but dont want any..they ask for help but later say they only truly listen to 3 or 4..they dont need the advice of those who arent depressed...(then why not just PM those 4 people? why the desperate need for a 3 page thread about you?..


no one jumped to conclusions about the marriage and no one was drastic..most were just agreeing that either, that marriage sucks or you are whining when you have no reason to be...


this is a classic case of getting everything you want...attention 24/7...and when you cant get it...you whine..woe is me...now what? ill cry to a messageboard and talk down to the people who think they know me and try to help..how dare they say bad things about my hubby who pays no attention to me? hmph..


so you are fat? so what? a lot of people are out of shape..you make it sound as if there are only 16 hours in a day in california..everyone who truly wants to do something, can find the time to do so..


some people ARE truly depressed and have reason to be...some are just overly dramatic..


any guesses what this is an example of?

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I love the people who cry for help but dont want any..they ask for help but later say they only truly listen to 3 or 4..they dont need the advice of those who arent depressed...(then why not just PM those 4 people? why the desperate need for a 3 page thread about you?..


no one jumped to conclusions about the marriage and no one was drastic..most were just agreeing that either, that marriage sucks or you are whining when you have no reason to be...


this is a classic case of getting everything you want...attention 24/7...and when you cant get it...you whine..woe is me...now what? ill cry to a messageboard and talk down to the people who think they know me and try to help..how dare they say bad things about my hubby who pays no attention to me? hmph..


so you are fat? so what? a lot of people are out of shape..you make it sound as if there are only 16 hours in a day in california..everyone who truly wants to do something, can find the time to do so..


some people ARE truly depressed and have reason to be...some are just overly dramatic..


any guesses what this is an example of?


Wow when you guys are right, you're right! Thanks!!!

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I think a lot of folks are forgetting who the real attention wh0re of this bored is. I will give you a hint, it's not TNG. HTH. YWIA.

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Wow when you guys are right, you're right! Thanks!!!


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I also, am depressed.


Im wearing black boxers and white linen pants, people are pointing and laughing. I should phuck em up, but I think im going to cry instead.



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TNG, sorry to hear you're down. Here's a suggestion. Yoga.


As far as finding the time to do yoga, or running, or whatever, bottom line seems to be that you either need to relax your standards of what constitutes a clean home, or get the hubby to pitch in more, OR declutterize your house by throwing a lot of crap out. A house with little in it is hard to make look messy.

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FWIW, I didn't just "go off" of my meds. It's been a long time since I was on them, and she was well aware that I was going off of them. Perhaps I do need to visit her again, but I honestly do NOT want to be on them. They made me fat, and it was VERY hard to lose the weiht afterwards, no matter how I ate or how much exercise I got (SSRI's do a number on your metabolism).


Anyways, thank you all for the serious answers. I appreciate it.


That plus alot of food. :headbanger:

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