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I am in a deep funk.


It's been over two weeks (probably closer to a month), and I have found myself in the midst of a deep depression. Again. Yes, I have talked to hubby about it, feeling overwhelmed with stuff around the house, work, free time, etc. Ugh. I can't drink to try and escape, all it does is drag me down farther, and I really don't want to go there. Can't sleep it away, have to get out of bed and take care of things (life, kids, work). I am really really really needing to avoid meds, but the more often that this happens, the more I think I just need to be on them...I don't want to though...so I am back to looking at the more natural remedies and all of that.


Say something funny. Make me laugh. Help me out.

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Any time I start to feel sorry for myself, I crawl out of my American box, and look at the rest of the World.


I have no reason to get in a funk, because me and my family are not starving to death, dying of AIDS, living under a dictatorship government in fear of my life, locked up in prison, etc...................................................


Stop living in an American box, and live in the real World, and you won't get depressed any longer.

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Sorry to hear TNG. I think you are strong and will work thru this. Feel free to email/PM me if you want to chat.

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Any time I start to feel sorry for myself, I crawl out of my American box, and look at the rest of the World.


I have no reason to get in a funk, because me and my family are not starving to death, dying of AIDS, living under a dictatorship government in fear of my life, locked up in prison, etc...................................................


Stop living in an American box, and live in the real World, and you won't get depressed any longer.


I use the same thinking. I think to myself how can i be depressed when me and all of my family is healthy, i never go hungry, i have internet, tv, a roof over my head, a car, etc. How can i feel bad about my life when i have all those things and at the same time there are some very poor people who are still making it trhough the day. Life is what you make it you know? You're better off than a lot of people.

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Thanks for the help?




Why do you need meds for this? You clean the kitchen and bathroom and tell your husband he needs to get off his lazy ass and run the vacuum.


After that, you go spend money at the mall and husband watches football. It's a win-win situation. :pointstosky:


Let the kids watch Dora/Bob the Builder videos all day.

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Life sucks then you die.


Seriously, My Grandpa always said no matter how bad you think you have it some one else has it worse. I have it worse than you for example.

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Take vitamin B-6.

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I just ran in front of the mirror naked and did the "no hand clap." That always cheers me up.


I would send you a video, but I am scared it would scar you for life. :overhead:

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well if i were you i'd be happy i had big breasts.

you looked like you had nice ones to me.

be glad they're not all flat and dried up like mine. :overhead:


oh, and be glad your babies are still there home with you.

my baby is away at college and i'm all alone. :bench:


consider having a little wine or drink at night before bed.

oh, and if you have time (which i doubt, we never do) take a yoga or pilates class.

it helps to get away and something totally for you.

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well ill try 2 help u out past the "snap out of it" thing that other people r sayin. i know it doesnt help when ur the 1 hearin it. all i can say without knowing ur situation is what i feel like form time 2 time, maybe u can find a message in it. ive always felt like i had the weight of the world on my shoulders, i had 2 take care of my sick mom from the time i was about 13 til a year ago(she passed away), then my sister(the only other family ive got) was pregnant and having difficulties with it, theres more than that but that paints a bit of a picture. anyway, i know that when u get serious troubles in ur life its easy 2 take EVERYTHING like life and death, but that will kill u quick. if u got people around u that can help with whatever u need help with 2 feel like theres less pressure on u, nows the time 2 ask for that help. only take care of the thing that HAVE to have ur attention and focus a bit on ur well being. remember that no one can have u take care of them if u dont take care of urself. dont go down the path of self prescribing pills or drinking to take it away. ive seen 2 many people go down like that. if u need 2 talk my infos on here somewhere im sure. hope ur better soon :overhead:

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well ill try 2 help u out past the "snap out of it" thing that other people r sayin. i know it doesnt help when ur the 1 hearin it. all i can say without knowing ur situation is what i feel like form time 2 time, maybe u can find a message in it. ive always felt like i had the weight of the world on my shoulders, i had 2 take care of my sick mom from the time i was about 13 til a year ago(she passed away), then my sister(the only other family ive got) was pregnant and having difficulties with it, theres more than that but that paints a bit of a picture. anyway, i know that when u get serious troubles in ur life its easy 2 take EVERYTHING like life and death, but that will kill u quick. if u got people around u that can help with whatever u need help with 2 feel like theres less pressure on u, nows the time 2 ask for that help. only take care of the thing that HAVE to have ur attention and focus a bit on ur well being. remember that no one can have u take care of them if u dont take care of urself. dont go down the path of self prescribing pills or drinking to take it away. ive seen 2 many people go down like that. if u need 2 talk my infos on here somewhere im sure. hope ur better soon :)





Didn't know text messaging was permitted here.

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I am in a deep funk.


It's been over two weeks (probably closer to a month), and I have found myself in the midst of a deep depression. Again. Yes, I have talked to hubby about it, feeling overwhelmed with stuff around the house, work, free time, etc. Ugh. I can't drink to try and escape, all it does is drag me down farther, and I really don't want to go there. Can't sleep it away, have to get out of bed and take care of things (life, kids, work). I am really really really needing to avoid meds, but the more often that this happens, the more I think I just need to be on them...I don't want to though...so I am back to looking at the more natural remedies and all of that.


Say something funny. Make me laugh. Help me out.

Something I've never fully understood was the "too busy" depression. Think about it this way:



you're basically stressed out because you're overwhelmed with work, your home, your husband, and your kids. Right?



and there are people stressed out because they can't get a job, are losing their home, are going through a divorce, or can't have/lost a child. You have all these blessings that you get the opportunity to take care of. Don't view it as something to stress you out. Think of it in terms that you're lucky enough to get to take care of those things.


also, I guarantee that you could get by with doing less than you do. We usually put way more on our shoulders than is actually necessary, so take the time to step back and reflect on those things that are truly a priority. This should make you feel a little stressed out and allow you more "me (2006) time." Use that time to find what my youth minister used to call a "wow moment" which is basically one moment every day that makes you say wow and appreciate the beauty of life. It can be nature, your kids playing, a good sandwich, whatever. Just take time to step back and appreciate everything and realize things really aren't as bad as they seem, and that nothing can bother you more than you're willing to let it.


God bless.

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Didn't know text messaging was permitted here.

well im not saying anything about text messging but 4 christ sakes, if she needs someone 2 talk 2 on here, who cares about a rule like that. she could easily find an email address im sure and id rather her have someone 2 talk 2 than do something bad cause of the way shes feeling right now. think about it and stop thinking about rules more than helping out someone whos asking 4 it. i mean damn man.

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well im not saying anything about text messging but 4 christ sakes, if she needs someone 2 talk 2 on here, who cares about a rule like that. she could easily find an email address im sure and id rather her have someone 2 talk 2 than do something bad cause of the way shes feeling right now. think about it and stop thinking about rules more than helping out someone whos asking 4 it. i mean damn man.



Damn you are sharp!!! He was referring to your grammar. :)



Anyway to TNG- I have never talked to you but have been here for a while. All I can say without judging you is you have a house, a husband and kids so even though life is not always roses and parades, I would say you have it pretty good. I am not saying that your feeling are not legitimate I am just saying we are all only here for a short time and I think its important to be a "glass half full" type of person. So just keep putting one foot in front of the other and all that sh!t...


OK dump joke told to me from my 12 yr old:

What do you call dropping a bowl while doing the dishes and thinking about Monday Night Football? . . . . A fum-bowl :wall:

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I may not have the most sound advice, but it's all I got. You chose the life you live. It's nobody's fault but your own. Do I ever feel overwhelmed...sure. I have a mortgage (28 hundo a month), 3 kids to take care of, a wife to take care of/answer to, a full time job, projects around the house, etc...I could go on and on. Bottom line, ME. That's it. I could sit and ask why me, and what have you, but it makes no sense. I do what I gotta do.

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Well..I don't know what to say...


I just got home from Regans...

Hw did I get home, you ask?

I walked :wall:

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Things can always be worse.....


you could be anyone of us SOB's trying to help


you could be the one person who drafted Shaun Alexander as you're first round pick


you could be peenie wishing you were somebody else (personally, peenie seems alright to me)


you could have a name like SUXBNME



This is harder than it sounds, I know, but stop focusing on the negative side of anything and find humor in everything as life is to damn serious as it is. Drugs and alcohol will only make it worse or dependent on them and you'll end up like this woman entertaining little people in public. That is the best advice I can ever hope to give.


This too shall pass and before long you'll be like peenie waving her panties :thumbsup: at Reggie Bush

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Hopefully this cheers you up.



A young guy from Iowa moves to Texas and goes to a big 'everything under one roof' department store looking for a job.


The Manager says, 'Do you have any sales experience?'


The kid says 'Yeah. I was a salesman back in Iowa '


Well, the boss liked the kid and gave him the job. 'You start tomorrow. I'll come down after we close and see how you did.'

His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it. After the store was locked up, the boss came down.


'How many customers bought something from you today?


The kid says 'one'.


The boss says 'Just one? Our sales people average 20 to 30 customers a day. How much was the sale for?'


The kid says '$101,237.65'.


The boss says '$101, 237.65? What the heck did you sell?'


The kid says, 'First, I sold him a small fish hook. Then I sold him a medium fishhook. Then I sold him a larger fishhook. Then I sold him a new fishing rod. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down the coast, so I told him he was going to need a boat, so we went down to the boat department and I sold him a Twin engine Chris Craft. Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4x4 Expedition.'


The boss said, 'A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a BOAT and a TRUCK?'


The kid said 'No, the guy came in here to buy Tampons for his wife, and I said,


'Dude, your weekend's shot, you should go fishing.







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I don't think I can be funny on this one. My wife sometimes has the same types of feelings as you express. She falls to running as healing measure, and according to her it always works.


I think you will be fine.

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How is the running going?

You can PM me anytime.

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Well this is certainly a new way to have a look at me thread :pointstosky:

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I am in a deep funk.


It's been over two weeks (probably closer to a month), and I have found myself in the midst of a deep depression. Again. Yes, I have talked to hubby about it, feeling overwhelmed with stuff around the house, work, free time, etc. Ugh. I can't drink to try and escape, all it does is drag me down farther, and I really don't want to go there. Can't sleep it away, have to get out of bed and take care of things (life, kids, work). I am really really really needing to avoid meds, but the more often that this happens, the more I think I just need to be on them...I don't want to though...so I am back to looking at the more natural remedies and all of that.


Say something funny. Make me laugh. Help me out.



Here's something funny. Get back on your meds...NOW! You don't like the way you feel and you know what can help you. Do it. :dunno:

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Keeping up with the running has been very hard for me. It seems that I just do NOT have the time. While I know that's the typical cop-out answer, I seem to get very little support from my family when the time is needed to run/exercise. There is no time for me in the AM to do it, and after school/work, it's hard to get dinner on the table, cleaned up, kids cleaned up and in bed, etc. And then take the hour or so to exercise.


Anyways, it's a lot more than just, "Oh, other people in the world have it worse than I do.' I DO think about those things when I am feeling down, and I completely and totally realize that there are so many out there less fortunate. But it's not really about what I have or don't have...we do have a pretty great life, two great, healthy kids, and a house. I guess with depression, there is just so much more to it than that. And this time it's not like something specific triggered it, like it has been in the past, and it's not about the choices I have made...thanks for the lecture on the "it was your choice to get married and have kids..." yes. I know this, thank you. I don't sit here and say, "Oh, I should have never have gotten married. I should have never have had children." That's not what it's about.


Thanks to those who asked questions and gave serious answers. It's appreciated.

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How is the running going?

You can PM me anytime.



I tried sending you a PM on here, but it won't let me.



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Stick your finger in your ass



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anytime i feel down, i check my retirement account. oops, nevermind.


another thing i like to do when i feel down is remember bush is still our president. ah, nevermind.


well, you're focked, i guess. i'd go the meds route.

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Stop yer whining. Get over it. Other people in the world have it much worse than you. Consider yourself lucky ... because you are! Wanna feel better? Help someone less fortunate than you.

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Honestly, what you need to do is get outside. - Seriously. Go for a walk, force yourself if you have to. The combination of sunshine, fresh air and exercise does wonders against depression. Also, masterbate frequently. And take videos of it and post here. But definitely do the getting outside thing too. :rolleyes:

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Depression is a b!tch, good luck to you.


I've been there myself, and ultimately went the meds route. Other than that, I'd recommend exercise, preferably to whatever music rocks you out. That always seemed to lift my spirits.


Then there is the "wallow in it" method. Eventually, you get pissed off at yourself for being such a b!tch. In fact, finding something to get angry about is helpful, as depression is basically merely the absence of feeling or giving a damn about anything. Feeling anything else besides the numbness is helpfull to snap out of it.


Until then, just hang in there. Life may suck, but it beats the alternative.


Best of luck.

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I have never had depression, but I know others who have. Some things to consider:

- You should not just go off your meds. You are much better off speaking with your doctor to determine whether you can change things rather than just not taking anything

- There are folks that you can speak with about depression. People that have gone through similar things. You might want to find those people rather than this group of misfits.



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I went through what you were going through quite a while back.

Doctor gave me some meds and over time I was feeling "normal" again.

Decided to go off the meds and was feeling great for 6-7 months then all of a sudden it all came back :mad:


Being the lazy fock that I am, I just went back to the doctor, got back on them and have been fine since.


It sucks not being able to control something in your life like that, and can be embarrassing to have to take medication for it, but life is short...No way was I going to live my life being depressed all the time.


If you can overcome it by yourself (without meds), then :wall: .

Myself, I'm just too lazy.

The amount I take, though, is so low that it's more like a placebo effect for me. :dunno:


Good luck to you. :nono:

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