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Anyone have a league that uses "backup insurance"?

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If this rule existed I would never join your league.


Is reggie even the starter? PT was the feature back even last week.


This is a very slippery slope to me, especially with the RBC trend.

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There is no way to say Bush would have performed like Thomas if he didn't get banged up. Who is to say how many carries Bush would have got? Whos to say if he would have scored a TD? Whos to say he would have ran as well?


I think its a bad idea.

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1) Pierre Thomas started the game at RB, Bush was not on the field for the Saints first offensive play.


2) My general feeling is that Bush was not benched because of injury, but who knows


3) There is no way to do this with so many RBBC's... too much gray area. Can I start Lendale or Chris Johnson and just take whoever gets the most points each week?


4) Your idea sucks IMO



However, when I first read the thread title... I was generally curious as to what this thread was about. To have a back-up insurance clause on a player is something I'd personally be interested in. But what I am thinking is that you can have a one time use where if one of your players goes down, you can exercise your back up insurance option and automatically have the rights to pick up the player's back-up so long as he is not already on someone else's roster.

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these are some of the worst ideas i've ever heard come out of a group of fantasy GMs. there's taking luck out of it and then there's taking skill out of it.


Taking luck out of it is not playing divisions. It's playing total pts instead of head-2-head. Using power-rankings over record.


Taking skill out of it is saying you don't have to really decide a lineup, you just get to adjust it after the fact to avoid making lineup decisions. Lineup decisions ARE fantasy football. If you don't wanna make lineup decisions, don't play. Or just play full rosters, but that's dumb and nobody does it.


Besides the fact that it doesn't promote trading (which is taking the FUN out of it too).


if you wanna reward the lazy, uneducated, undedicated GMs..sure, put in rules like this. you couldn't pay me to play in a league like that.

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I did not read all the post but...the origional idea sucks! IMO


Just courious what other rules do you have to eliminate luck?

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2) My general feeling is that Bush was not benched because of injury, but who knows


He averaged 5 yds/carry and 8 yds/reception. Sure, a couple of runs he zigged and zagged too much but that's what he always does.

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He averaged 5 yds/carry and 8 yds/reception. Sure, a couple of runs he zigged and zagged too much but that's what he always does.



You got a point... I think what I am saying is that Reggie's injury wasn't that serious and he could have played (which he did after he tweaked that knee). Now I am not a fan of Collinsworth, but he was remarking how if Reggie puts his head down, he probably wouldn't have hurt his knee and he would have picked up a couple of extra yards. I completely agree. I guess what I am saying is Reggie wasn't benched solely because of injury.

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You got a point... I think what I am saying is that Reggie's injury wasn't that serious and he could have played (which he did after he tweaked that knee). Now I am not a fan of Collinsworth, but he was remarking how if Reggie puts his head down, he probably wouldn't have hurt his knee and he would have picked up a couple of extra yards. I completely agree. I guess what I am saying is Reggie wasn't benched solely because of injury.


I stand corrected... I just saw a report that said Bush sprained his vagina... I mean knee


LOL...maybe, but the numbers don't justify it.

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Bush going down early and having Pierre tear it up just confirms it even more for me (btw, I dont have either and I am competing against their owner this week to boot).


For years I have been fine tuning my league to take as much "luck" out of it as possible. Ive done a good job, of course youll never get it all out, but if you give owners options, then if a fluky thing happens and they lose, at least they can think back and realize they had other options that they could have exercised and didnt.


I am going to push hard in the off season to make a rule where if you hold a player of the same position and the same NFL team on your roster on gameday, and that "backup" is on your bench but ends up scoring more then the "starter" that you started, then your score will be adjusted to account for half the difference.

So take Bush and Pierre tonight. Bush got 6 in our ppr, Pierre got 32. Obviously the Bush owner started Bush (he also has Pierre on roster). He was stung obviously. This isnt anything he could control, and it is EXTREMELY "unlucky".

If I had this rule in place, this owners score would be adjusted to include 13 more points (half the difference of Bush's 6 and Pierre's 32).


This does more then give owners "insurance" for injuries or "shannanigans" or surprising #3wrs out scoring the #1 (where you knew passing would occur, but the backup got the big plays while you started the #1). It also opens up the FA market in the league more as some owners may opt to grab that backup QB, that #3wr, that backup RB, rather then some other lesser starter on another NFL team.


It also gives the owners in the league more "control" to decide their own destiny. Do you get your own players depth? Or do you get "a Bess" like player so that you have another potential starter?


This making sense? Anyone see any huge pitfalls with this plan? Anyone use anything like this and can give me feedback?





I would not play is a league like this. You are looking to get something for nothing and are really "dumbing down" the hobby. Bush is am injury risk and you take that into account when you draft him. I doubt he ever plays 16 games again. (2006)

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Like another owner said earlier about "slashing" or "stashing" or whatever ..... I do something similar only I don't go crazy with it, or call it that...



In my Dynasty that I run if you have a player that is listed as a game time decision or Questionable my owners can send out a mass e-mail to the league putting that guy in "Quotes"... so if he is INACTIVE then he would get the guy he lists behind him...


EXAMPLE : The guy in my league that has Joe Addai for this week already submitted his line-up and said if Joe Addai doesn't go then Leon Washington goes... A lot of people go to the bars and watch the games, and have other lives on certain Sundays and all that, so they don't have the luxury of sitting there till kickoff to see if guys are active or inactive at the last second, so this gives them a little leeway and prevents people from getting scewed if a guy doesn't play...


As for the OG poster I don't like that idea that he presented....

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Like another owner said earlier about "slashing" or "stashing" or whatever ..... I do something similar only I don't go crazy with it, or call it that...



In my Dynasty that I run if you have a player that is listed as a game time decision or Questionable my owners can send out a mass e-mail to the league putting that guy in "Quotes"... so if he is INACTIVE then he would get the guy he lists behind him...


EXAMPLE : The guy in my league that has Joe Addai for this week already submitted his line-up and said if Joe Addai doesn't go then Leon Washington goes... A lot of people go to the bars and watch the games, and have other lives on certain Sundays and all that, so they don't have the luxury of sitting there till kickoff to see if guys are active or inactive at the last second, so this gives them a little leeway and prevents people from getting scewed if a guy doesn't play...


As for the OG poster I don't like that idea that he presented....

Yep exactly what I was talking about. We usually just post them on the message board like - Addai / L. Washington. Thats where we got to calling it slashing.

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Horrible idea. Way back when I started FF in the early 90's our league picked a team's kicker instead of the kicker himself. So whoever was kicking for the Giants, you got those points. That's the only type of thing we did related to this insurance thing.


Why the F would you need a TEAM KICKER????

What ... just in case your starting kicker was scratched or hurt???



I've heard of leagues doing team QBs and RBs and such ... which is a little more understandable (wouldn't do it myself) ..



Wow ....

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haha, what you mean a "bit"? I didnt know that I was funny too! :unsure:


Yea see, I hear a lot of this sentiment when I bring it up. Basically it requires each individual to get burned by an injury in the playoffs to get them to open up to the idea.


Again, im not saying "give them the bench points". Im saying give half the difference, ONLY IF YOU HAVE THAT NFL BACKUP ON YOUR ROSTER. Quite a difference.


I think it would have a lot less effect then it seems honestly. How often does Anthony Gonzalez outscore Reggie? (haha, well a lot this year probably), but that would give that Reggie owner an interesting choice. Do you roster Gonzo, or do you go get some other FA instead who can be more usable without an injury?


It would also make trades more available as "backups" would come at more of a premium (not a lot more, but a tad more), and maybe make grabbing Chester Taylor before the AD owner does even more of a strategic move....


no? am I on crack here? :dunno:


Yep, On crack.


And Thomas outscoring Bush wasn't "bad luck" just bad team management.

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I don't like it... The only example used so far is for an RB... what about WR's? A backup WR is more apt to a huge game than a backup RB even w/o injury... In my case, I have Brandon Marshall and Eddie Royal... I also have Larry FItzgerald and Greg Jennings. We start 3 receivers... So... The weeks where Eddie Roayal blew up would have made my team almost unstoppable... The "luck" in fantasy footballl is really about picking the best player which is what the game is about. When I fock up, it's bad luck.. When I do well, it's 100% skill!!!

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Why the F would you need a TEAM KICKER????

What ... just in case your starting kicker was scratched or hurt???



I've heard of leagues doing team QBs and RBs and such ... which is a little more understandable (wouldn't do it myself) ..



Wow ....


Settle down dude. Yes, a team kicker. I was 13 when I joined that league in 1991 and my stepdad and his friends made up the league and rules so I just went along. I think they just didn't care too much about kickers but still included one in FF anyway, so they went with a team kicker. Also it was a TD-only league, until 1994 when I took over as Commish and got points for yards in the scoring system. :overhead:


A couple teams have flip-flopped with kickers this year due to injury or whatever, it happens.


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Why the F would you need a TEAM KICKER????

What ... just in case your starting kicker was scratched or hurt???



I've heard of leagues doing team QBs and RBs and such ... which is a little more understandable (wouldn't do it myself) ..



Wow ....


My league uses a team kicker. Always has, since 1996. What's the big deal? It's a focking kicker, for God's sake. :dunno:


Hell, when we have our draft, no one says "Mason Crosby" or "Rob Bironas", they'll say "Green Bay kicker" or Tennessee kicker". Half the time, I forget what my friggin' kicker's name is.


And why would team QBs or RBs be a little more understandable? Getting points for a backup just because your starter got hurt, at a position that plays every offensive snap, is more understandable than getting the backup's points for a position that plays maybe a half a dozen plays a game??? Most NFL teams don't have a backup kicker anyway, or at least one that can hit the longer FGs, so you're gonna lose those points anyway if the starting kicker goes down. With any other position, there is a theoretically capable backup that's gonna play every snap.


And like I said anyway - it's a focking kicker....

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