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DNA tests confirm remains are Caylee

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the only POW I want out of you Dr. Grimm is the one going off as the bullet is headed to the one who killed this girl.


That works too.

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If you ever read any of his posts, everything is almost always about religion with this guy. As to it not being linked, to the religious right, the two are inexplicably related.


Regardless, this thread is not about that topic and the only POW I want out of you Dr. Grimm is the one going off as the bullet is headed to the one who killed this girl.



The bible never addresses abortion or the right to choose. Christianity is not a political theory. Anyone who utilizes the tenets of Christianity for political purposes misses the point and isn't a Christian. The more appropriate term for those people is Christianist.

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The bible never addresses abortion or the right to choose. Christianity is not a political theory. Anyone who utilizes the tenets of Christianity for political purposes misses the point and isn't a Christian.


Jesus' main political purpose was to upset the status quo of the Roman rule in Judea. The conflict of polytheism and monotheism in regards to rule was central in the politics of the day. The Roman Empire later converts after Constantine convinced the Christian minority at the time he was in direct contact with their God. Christians supported his candidacy for Emperor if he supported their legitimacy.


Exodus 20:13 says "Thou shall not kill."

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Casey can come stay with me as her punishment.

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Jesus' main political purpose was to upset the status quo of the Roman rule in Judea. The conflict of polytheism and monotheism in regards to rule was central in the politics of the day. The Roman Empire later converts after Constantine convinced the Christian minority at the time he was in direct contact with their God. Christians supported his candidacy for Emperor if he supported their legitimacy.


Exodus 20:13 says "Thou shall not kill."



Is this post supposed to refute what I said about Christianity being non-political?

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