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Jesus Christ

Mangin/Jets to possibly give the biggest F.U. ever?

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there was only about 3-4 minutes left when he went for it. plus that FG wouldnt have mattered!!! but go jets


True on the time that was left, but it was still stupid.


I'm sure Jet fans were having flashbacks to Herm Edwards.

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No N.E. fan in this thread can ever get on Dallas Empire again. Yall are the exact same way as he is, but you are so caught up in your beloved Pats you can't even see how annoying you guys are being.



how can you compare me or any other PATS fan to dallasempire????? :banana: all i am doing is saying i am routing for the JETS and that there is no way in hell that the JETS would throw game. to compare that with someone,(dallasempire) who is a paranoid crack head who blames ESPN and ed werder for trying to destroy the cowboys, is a little wrong??? :banana:



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how can you compare me or any other PATS fan to dallasempire????? :banana: all i am doing is saying i am routing for the JETS and that there is no way in hell that the JETS would throw game. to compare that with someone,(dallasempire) who is a paranoid crack head who blames ESPN and ed werder for trying to destroy the cowboys, is a little wrong??? :unsure:



Denial is not just a river in Egypt. :banana:

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Denial is not just a river in Egypt. :banana:



fine ill blame you if jets lose!!!

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Are you kidding? Do you think the rest of the league holds it against him if he's the one that exposed Bill Belichick's cheating?


There are definitely some coaches who are glad Mangina threw BB under the bus, but those same coaches would never hire Mangina to be on their staff. Coaches have a ton of respect for each other even if they don't like each other personally. This is because of the long hours, the lack of job security, sacrificing your family life, and just the immense struggle it took to get to where they are. If you don't believe me, read The Education of a Coach by Halberstam. Even if you hate BB, you will learn a lot about what these guys go thru to get to where they are. Most coaches spent years working for peanuts only to lose their job because the head coach got fired and the new coach would want to bring his own people in. Then they would try to find another job not knowing where they would be moving to or how they were going to support their families. Of course, coaches coming up thru the ranks now have it a little easier b/c of all the money the league and teams are making. The bottom line is a guy like Mangina will be very hard to trust since he totally screwed over his mentor. Other coaches know this and won't forget. I can see him getting a job with the Raiders after the Jets fire him though.

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I don't think Mangini would do that in a million years -- he likely needs to win to save his job.



i think hes gone no matter what..the jets should throw $$ at holmgren for 2-3 years....mangini coached like he never saw snow either...long routes?...what happened to quick passes..a quick cutback and off to the races? the pats only did this 30 times yesterday....

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