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Who to have a better year?

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all things equal - sjax -- CJIII has the better team but loses GL carries. If sjax stays healthy his teamm will use him every down.



CJIII - 1,300 yds ru and 50 with another 400 rec yards and 9-11 TD's - ceiling


sjax - 1400 yds rushing with 60 and 500 yds rec and maybe 12- 15 TD's - ceiling

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all things equal - sjax -- CJIII has the better team but loses GL carries. If sjax stays healthy his teamm will use him every down.

CJIII - 1,300 yds ru and 50 with another 400 rec yards and 9-11 TD's - ceiling


sjax - 1400 yds rushing with 60 and 500 yds rec and maybe 12- 15 TD's - ceiling



i am in accord with these ceilings as a base start. my 2 issues are:


1] titans losing haynesworth diminshes their dominant defense a bit. everyone will point to a late season game where he did not play, and the backup sufficed and they still won; but over a season, we will surely see the effects that have rung true over the past few yrs: when haynesworth was out of their lineup, they surrendered up to 100yds more rushing per game. how much will this effect be realized? will the offense need to score more? will that necessitate more running of passing? will that change/increase johnson's numbers [ie increase this ceiling]?


2] jackson has shown this ceiling 1 damn time. most ffers have bludgeoned this topic to death--- "if he is healthy" and "when he is healthy". hell, this board alone has 2 per week in the summertime. is that rams team just a team on decline and destined to require more time to improve [niners]? or is it miami/baltimore/atlanta part2, and capable of fueling a new culture and outcome with the acquisition of a new coach and a few linemen? is jackson just destined to be that "1 december wonder" [as i call him] and never post those meteoric stats again?

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What are your thoughts?

Both Concern me. But I kinda lean towards SJax since he has a chance at getting more touches.


SJax has a horrible health record and is on a team that that is needs help at every other position. My first instict is that it would be great becasue he is the best offensive option but he will also be the first option that defenses will focus on shutting down.


CJ had a phenominal year in 2008. The team loves to run but sharing carries and limited goal line touches reduces his chances at points. A lot of his success was his ability to break away for TD's last year.

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I think most agree that health will be the determining factor in this face-off...I really don't know what the compelling argument could be that a healthy SJax gets outperformed by CJ, seeing as how Jackson is the only show in town and Johnson is in a timeshare and doesn't get the goal-line looks...That being said, I think CJ is a special talent and could end up having a better season this year (especially in the passing game, as I see the Titans using him more on swings and screens to get him extra touches in space---could see 50+ catches and 4-5 Tds receiving as being realistic) than he did last season, with the presence of the Whale actually helping to preserve him for the full 16 games. So, I give the somewhat slight projected edge to Steven Jackson, but, based on my concerns about his ability to hold up for the full 16 games, I'd actually feel more comfortable with CJ on my roster, if that makes sense...

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1] titans losing haynesworth diminshes their dominant defense a bit. everyone will point to a late season game where he did not play, and the backup sufficed and they still won; but over a season, we will surely see the effects that have rung true over the past few yrs: when haynesworth was out of their lineup, they surrendered up to 100yds more rushing per game. how much will this effect be realized? will the offense need to score more? will that necessitate more running of passing? will that change/increase johnson's numbers [ie increase this ceiling]?


I think the D will be fine. The kid they drafted last year played like a stud when Haynesworth was out, and he comes into the season as the man. They also drafted Marks from Auburn, who certainly has the physical talent, motivation is his issue. I think Bullock and Finnegan and the coaching staff will get him playing to the level where he will at least be solid depth.


Will the replace Haynesworth? No, not totally. But the line is still a strength, and the LB corps behind them is very good and very deep.


The titans D will still be among the best in the league.

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I think the D will be fine. The kid they drafted last year played like a stud when Haynesworth was out, and he comes into the season as the man. They also drafted Marks from Auburn, who certainly has the physical talent, motivation is his issue. I think Bullock and Finnegan and the coaching staff will get him playing to the level where he will at least be solid depth.


Will the replace Haynesworth? No, not totally. But the line is still a strength, and the LB corps behind them is very good and very deep.


The titans D will still be among the best in the league.


IMO they lost the best player in the league. It is like the Colts losing Manning. There defense will not be not even close to being the same. They will be in the middle of the pack.

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With Steven Jackson, I have a single year to praise and that is all...the rest of his NFL career is a case of what went wrong (bad team, injuries, you name it). That bothers me and I don't like having a player like that on my fantasy roster. In addition to winning money and bragging rights, I play fantasy football to have fun. There's nothing fun about following Steven Jackson to wonder if he's going to hold up week in and week out. I'm sure he'll still have a decent year, just like Brenda Jacobs manages to do, but it's just not very fun. Chris Johnson, meanwhile, is an amazing runner, playing behind a mammoth offensive line for a team who loves to run the ball. Their D will keep games close, Haynesworth or not. The Titans D is certainly leaps and bounds ahead of the Rams. I'd love for Steven Jackson to have a good career, but I'd love for a lot of things to happen which are based in pure fantasy.

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