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Drank the Ryan Fitzpatrick Kool Aid this week

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lol, me too. Don't matter who I start, they will proceed to sh!t their pants




Sounds like my team.


I sit Britt he goes off. I start Britt and VY throws to the scout team.


I start Fitzp and he does this crap??

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he's for real bros. Stud qbs don't grow on trees, they have to start somewhere, etcetcetcetcetc...




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Fitzpatrick was never a great pickup. He was a good bye week pickup. This is where the Start'em, Sit'em clones who were trumpeting Fitzpatrick got it wrong.


Here's a guy who, up until this week, was best known for his Wonderlic score. Suddenly he's every fantasy writer's newest BFF. It's one thing to read your press clippings, it's quite another to live up to them.


Anyone who benched Peyton Manning in favor of Fitzpatrick has problems that run deeper than the outcome of a fantasy football game. But for those of us who needed a bye week QB, he worked out okay. We can now return to our regular programming.


I'm going to hang onto him simply because I can. Further, there is absolutely no chance the Bills are going to bench him late in the season because Buffalo has locked up a playoff spot. And the Bills last two games are against the Jets and the Pats, teams that might be in a position to mail it in. (Yes, we go through Week 17. Yes, it's stupid. No, it's not going to change).


If we're going to play the shoulda-woulda game, I shoulda-woulda drafted a whole different team. And I shoulda-woulda taken quarterbacks with different bye weeks.


More on this, from a slightly different angle.

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