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Draft Award Ideas...

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I work at a FASTSIGNS, so I'm going to use that to my advantage this year. Along with making our draft board and a banner to hang outside the house we draft at, I'm going to make some draft awards. Some little 4"x6" plaques on black PVC. I'm going to give them out for stupid things. Here is a sample:






So far here are my ideas...


Last to Arrive

First Kicker Selection

First to Pick a Player Already Selected

First to Pick an Injured or Suspended Player

HOMER AWARD - First to Draft 2 Dallas Cowboys (we are located in North Texas)


Only thing is I'd like to stay away from "subjective" things like "best draft" or "worst draft". And the funnier the better. I need probably about 12 ideas, so everyone has a chance to get one.


I know y'all are super creative so let me hear what you got!!!

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I work at a FASTSIGNS, so I'm going to use that to my advantage this year. Along with making our draft board and a banner to hang outside the house we draft at, I'm going to make some draft awards. Some little 4"x6" plaques on black PVC. I'm going to give them out for stupid things. Here is a sample:






So far here are my ideas...


Last to Arrive

First Kicker Selection

First to Pick a Player Already Selected

First to Pick an Injured or Suspended Player

HOMER AWARD - First to Draft 2 Dallas Cowboys (we are located in North Texas)


Only thing is I'd like to stay away from "subjective" things like "best draft" or "worst draft". And the funnier the better. I need probably about 12 ideas, so everyone has a chance to get one.


I know y'all are super creative so let me hear what you got!!!


first to pick out of turn

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Here's an idea to throw in with your "first to pick a player that's already been taken"


I got tired of guys picking Brandon Pettigrew in round 10 when he was taken in round 8 (insert any player/round....you know what the point is)


I bought a bottle of Jack Daniels. Anytime a guy would pick a player that was already drafted he had to take a shot! Now, I've had to limit a few of my guys who would intentionally pick Peyton Manning in the 14th round, but it's something fun I've always did.


Some other funny ideas for your signs....(well maybe funny?)


Traitor Award: First to pick a Redskins player (Cowboys biggest rival...right?)

Racist Award: First to pick a white wide receiver?

Handcuff Award: Fist to handcuff running backs?

Heisman Trophy Award: First guy to pick a former Heisman winner?

You're Right Award: Fist guy to say "my team is suckin"!

Jeopardy Theme Song Award: For the guy that takes forever to make his pick!

Sniper Award: First guy to take a player and the guy after him says, "Man that was my pick!"

P---y Whipped Award: First guy to get a phone call from his wife/girlfriend?

The Cuse9 Award: Whoever's team is absolutely phenomenal when the draft is done!! :overhead:


I dunno...If I can contribute one award I feel as though I've done my part!!

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Place at the Table Award - First to draft a defence reference =


Comeback Kid Award - Whoever / If someone draft Plaxico


I Need Bug Repellent Award.. Injury Bug - Whoever drafts Stafford

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There has to be one for the guy who picks the right name, wrong player...... ex.Adrian Peterson, there are two people....TWO OF THEM.....make sure you get the right one... :doh:

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I am in North Texas too and my league is filled with UT homers, so first to pick an ex-Longhorn always gets a couple cat-calls in our drafts...

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