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RLLD last won the day on July 3

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About RLLD

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    FF Geek

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    A world where people are accountable for their actions

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  1. RLLD

    The Bad Hombres thread

    Not at all, simple extension of your philosophy.....admittedly, liberals rarely think to ponder the extension of their ideology until much later, after it has harm a sufficient amount of people.....I infer you do not care for your philosophy....when it is turned back on to you.....how about that....
  2. RLLD

    The Bad Hombres thread

    No, its a simple assertion....stop pretending everything is "racist"....its not....and doing that shuts people down, limits discussion.... aside from being a complete waste of time and distracting from real problems....it diminishes a term for which we should hold more reverence....you and people like you abuse it for personal means, and that is pathetic
  3. RLLD

    The Bad Hombres thread

    OK, well, if I can find a group of people now offended by "MAGA" then it will be racist to say it, right? By your logic? Is that how you want society to operate?
  4. RLLD

    The Bad Hombres thread

    Which ones? Do those individuals now speak for all? If I find your handle here offensive, can force you to then stop using it?
  5. RLLD

    Illegals try boarding school buses in CA

    But it was just one bus....soooo......
  6. RLLD

    The Bad Hombres thread

    Its not racist......its as stupid term....calling it racist is inane, and really sorta nasty to those who have suffered under real racism,.,,,,so its worse than just wasting time on meaningless drivel....
  7. RLLD

    Venezuela gangs take over parts of Aurora

    Its something of an admission....like when parents explain away their kids bad behavior rather than face it down. They know very well that their border policy is going to harm our citizens, and they accept it....they will allow it.....since it probably wont hurt THEM.....so its all good
  8. RLLD

    The Bad Hombres thread

    Pretending something is racist is a goto move for some, pretending anything around words is our problem is why things go south....its a focus on the irrelevant....
  9. RLLD

    Venezuela gangs take over parts of Aurora

    First deny <------- WE ARE HERE then when caught.....minimize by saying "its just that one store" or "its isolated" as it spreads declare it to be a "right wing conspiracy theory" as it surges....blame Republicans....rinse.....repeat.... Finally throw out the "what does it matter now" to pretend we should just drop it. Source
  10. RLLD

    DEI is in trouble

    Correct. The notion of Communism presumes a human that does not have humanity, it envisions some utopian existance where people just get along and help each other, which is farcical
  11. TO was the ultimate cancer.....
  12. RLLD

    DEI is in trouble

    The problem we face is that liberals are emerging from our educational system with inane beliefs and irresponsible ideas. They pursue these ideas with zeal, the bad ideas inevitably cause harm.....but liberals do not learn from their mistakes, they just assume some hidden evil is preventing the good outcomes they were so confident their stupid ideas would create. So they never actually learn, they just keep hurting people over and over
  13. RLLD

    Venezuela gangs take over parts of Aurora

    If people voted in morons who support Democrat border policies....let them enjoy the fruits of their vote....
  14. I think you meant to type Terrell Owens....