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239 Predator Drone Attacks as Opposed to 44 Attacks...?

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I was reading Newsweek the other day and while they seem a bit slanted to the left a dude named Paul Begala wrote that Obama could run into trouble in the USA's foreign policy with Pakistan and N.K.


He ends it with this paragraph that just sounds to good to be true for the Dems.


Now in debunking this don't tell me what a left wing dork Begala is just, well, I mean, where in the fock does someone get stats like this about drone attacks and who knows if Bush actually did more Drones and just didn't tell us/the media about it?

Has Obama really authorized 239 Attacks in just three years to W's 44 in eight...???




"Ultimately, the best foreign policy is the best politics. President Obama’s foreign policy has been remarkably successful. Just ask 22 of the top 30 al Qaeda leaders. Oh, wait, you can’t. They’re dead—on Obama’s orders. He has approved 239 Predator drone attacks in just three years. George W. Bush approved 44 in eight years, the wuss. As he promised in the 2008 campaign, Obama has ended America’s combat mission in Iraq, which has been the most divisive issue in America, indeed the world. He is imposing tough sanctions on the terrorists in Tehran and has won what may be pivotal concessions from North Korea. He’s helped lead on the European debt crisis and rebuilt America’s battered global image."


Newsweek 3/12/12

Paul Begala







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Way to drink the Kool-Aid, corkybubblesport.


There's a vast liberal conspiracy, led the by lamestream media, to indoctrinate the American people into believing that a socialist, muslim, Kenyan, gay murderer named Barack Husein Obama has done any good things.


Conservative politicians and their followers have never done anything wrong and are the only ones who have viable positions on any and all possible issues facing humanity, past, present, and future.

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Both of those numbers seem low. And it seems odd Obama would authorize each drone attack. More likely he gives the authorization to the military to go ahead when certain parameters are met.

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Both of those numbers seem low. And it seems odd Obama would authorize each drone attack. More likely he gives the authorization to the military to go ahead when certain parameters are met.


Yes, he does. Not only that, he flies every mission himself. :thumbsup:

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I was reading Newsweek the other day and while they seem a bit slanted to the left a dude named Paul Begala wrote that Obama could run into trouble in the USA's foreign policy with Pakistan and N.K.


He ends it with this paragraph that just sounds to good to be true for the Dems.


Now in debunking this don't tell me what a left wing dork Begala is just, well, I mean, where in the fock does someone get stats like this about drone attacks and who knows if Bush actually did more Drones and just didn't tell us/the media about it?

Has Obama really authorized 239 Attacks in just three years to W's 44 in eight...???




"Ultimately, the best foreign policy is the best politics. President Obama’s foreign policy has been remarkably successful. Just ask 22 of the top 30 al Qaeda leaders. Oh, wait, you can’t. They’re dead—on Obama’s orders. He has approved 239 Predator drone attacks in just three years. George W. Bush approved 44 in eight years, the wuss. As he promised in the 2008 campaign, Obama has ended America’s combat mission in Iraq, which has been the most divisive issue in America, indeed the world. He is imposing tough sanctions on the terrorists in Tehran and has won what may be pivotal concessions from North Korea. He’s helped lead on the European debt crisis and rebuilt America’s battered global image."


Newsweek 3/12/12

Paul Begala








It really doesn't matter to me one way or the other, but I think it is more a function of the evolution of the Drones. They were relatively new, and used almost exclusively for recon for a long time. I can't remember when they started testing them as armed platforms (not going to look it up), but it takes time to figure out how things like that work and get it up and running on a large scale.


Going forward, I see unmanned will be the way to go for almost all missions.

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Going forward, I see unmanned will be the way to go for almost all missions.


I wonder what your Kill Streak on COD would have to be to be able to fly one of these remote missions?

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