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Help w/ absentee owner for the whole season

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I am the commish of a 12 team league. We had a spot open in Aug and it was filled. I sent the invite for the league but he never accepted. My buddy contacted team 11 and I got an emails back from him stating that was going to be away for the draft and committed to the league w/o thinking about it. This was a few days before the draft. He said he would pay for his team and if we could find someone to replace him to do it. We never found a replacement so we drafted a team for him and I emailed him that he has a team. Week 1 came and he won but he had never signed in to the league. Me and owner watched his team and set his line up every week so no team would get a cheap win.


An owner in my league has a problem with what we did for the team. We changed a lineup everyweek to keep the league fair, not to screw anyone. We did not do any add/drops for the team. The team in question is leading the WC race with a record of 6-4-1. Any money the team had won was going to be rolled back to the league for next year.


Should I leave the team as is or forfeit all of the games?

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I don't think week 12 is the time to be asking this.

A little late now.

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Did you tell everyone what you were doing at the beginning? If so, then say to the owner tough luck you shoulda brought this up week 1. If not, then yes you should probably forfeit the games.

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Team is paid for. No add/drops. No competitive advantage. Having a full league benefits the league.


Ask the owner that has a problem exactly what his issue is. Had nobody said anything he'd have never been the wiser.


No insider trading or anything unsavory about what you did.


Sour grapes. Tell him to quit crying.

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Exhibit #36 in our case in chief for fantasy being 95% luck your honor.


I concur with the above posts, Week 12 is too late to bring this issue up. Are you retroactively going to go back and give those 4 losses and the tie a win for playing the absentee owner? Wouldn't that change the wild card race even more so?

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is there a reason other than miscommunication why this wasn't resolved sooner by way of a league vote or collective agreement? You dropped the ball dude. Either way, a few owners will be pissed and bolt nxt yr..but no matter how you proceed; be honest and make sure to include everyone's opinion. and make it clear the monies will benefit everyone. Perhaps create a "Turkey Bowl" for teams who don't make playoffs,or a prizes for most points against, etc.- in other words, get creative and re-establish control. Yeah, being a commish is a pain in the azz sometimes; you can never win. Good luck.

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Here is more:


Just for the record...Here is a summary of events as they occurred.


Bill McKeown is a last minute addition to the league and

Engle drafts a team for him. Week #1

comes and goes and we notice McKeown still hasn’t contacted the league or made

any changes to his line-up. Its Sunday morning

week #2 and line-up have to be finalized…Adrian Peterson comes back early from

his torn ACL and he is on McKeown’s team.

The previous week McKeown’s team started Michael Bush because Peterson

was still out…upon his return he was projected to get approximately 17 pts. (as

per CBS Sports) while Michael Bush was projected to get 2 pts. Engle

& I thought the only fair thing to do was to play the players on his team

that were projected to score hirer…keep in mind that this was only thought to

be a temporary solution until McKeown actually took full ownership of his

team. Needless to say, McKeown never signs

into the league or manages this team...no players were ever ADDED or DROPPED we

simply moved the highest projected scoring player into the starting



You may be asking “why in the hell are you involved with

this”…Engle’s computer died and he asked if I would mind filling in for him

because he didn’t want to be doing fantasy football things from his work

computer, so with that…he gave me access.


You may recall in years past that some people failed to

manage their teams to the end because they were already out of contention and

some people got wins solely on the basis of someone not changing a line-up due

to injury or by-week replacement. We

always had the league’s best interest at heart and we thought in order to avoid

potential issues we felt that simply inserting the best possible line-up was

the easiest/best solution given the situation.

In hindsight, we realize that this should have been agreed upon by the

league but because of the lack of time we had to make the line-up change in

week #2 we never reached out. Sprout

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Screw em. You actually did everything correct and objectively; -hwvr, you say you didn't participate in add/drops, correct? If not,how'd did you manage bye week kickers/defenses? Perhaps asking for feedback/advice during those bye weeks could have helped. It sounds as if the other owners were aware of this all season; yet didn't offer any help/assistance, etc. So, now they bring up a beef, so tell em to stop cryin. Screw em; you didn't collude, cheat, or blatantly create a competitive advantage, etc.


In our league, we have an owner who travels overseas a lot; I have to set his lineup (only during byes, never adding) b/c I know he'll forget. No one has ever bitched. The only time I had an issue was when another owner had to make 3 add/drops and waited until Saturday night (we're limited to 2 ww transactions, hence, he couldn't get a kicker) He called me to make a switch for him; I sent an email immediately to ask all owners he was 1-8 last place. His opponent went ballistic and threw a fit. SO...I didn't add. He learned not to let it happen again. My advice, get defensive and rail your mates on why they bring this up now?? If it wasn't for your management, the league couldn't field 12 teams and one asshat would have been bounced to make it a 10 teamer.

Get tough and fire back.

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