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Luck today

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If this is what I can expect from Luck going forward, it might be time to trade him. I think I'm hoping for a big performance from Jones-Drew next week so I can package a trade for a top QB. I did well first two weeks with what I had. But if Forte does well tonight and Decker scores tomorrow I am in trouble of going 2-1. I have J Thomas left to his Forte and Decker.

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If this is what I can expect from Luck going forward, it might be time to trade him. I think I'm hoping for a big performance from Jones-Drew next week so I can package a trade for a top QB. I did well first two weeks with what I had. But if Forte does well tonight and Decker scores tomorrow I am in trouble of going 2-1. I have J Thomas left to his Forte and Decker.

Bitching about 2-1? You're a tool.

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No I am not bitching about 2-1. Its the fact that I scored only 42 points so far with 1 player left................


And I wanted to accomplish a chance at 6-0 in division. As this is my last division game before week 11.







Moore-0(I started him over Josh Gordon, MJD thinking he would do well today and them not)




Who saw Dawson getting 1? Who saw Lynch getting 6? Luck getting 15 and two TDs going to the backs?

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I expect a QB to give me 18 or more each week where I drafted Luck. If I had Rodgers or Brees, I expect 24 or more a week. Now if I started MJD I would have had 53 and been down 12. I am now starting to see however that Dawson is expendable and will be going kicker by committee. I do need better receiving, all I have is Gore and I am waiting on Bell.


I am trying that I lucked out on Starks and Royal both.

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I expect a QB to give me 18 or more each week where I drafted Luck. If I had Rodgers or Brees, I expect 24 or more a week. Now if I started MJD I would have had 53 and been down 12. I am now starting to see however that Dawson is expendable and will be going kicker by committee. I do need better receiving, all I have is Gordon among my reserve flexes that stand out atm and I am waiting on Bell. Moore Austin i guess I'm getting rid of them.


I am trying that I lucked out on Starks and Royal both.

Gordon, not Gore

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Fascinating Story Bro...


So I guess this thread is not about the player, Andrew Luck... or a force that brings good fortune or adversity?

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Fascinating Story Bro...


So I guess this thread is not about the player, Andrew Luck... or a force that brings good fortune or adversity?

No it is about Luck because all those people who said a qb wasnt important are eating crow now. Spiller, Morris, Lynch are not so great atm. Neither is Rice.

One guy has elite QB team and in my division, luckily he's 1-2 and I already beat him.

His backs are Wilson, Sproles, Franklin. Its only a matter of time with Wilson but he also drafts Megatron, Brees, Cruz, Decker, Bears. He traded Decker for Nelson before the season and now he has a plethora of number 1 receivers along with Brees and the bears defense. The guy is also not even in high school yet. It sucks when a 13-14 year old knows FF better than adults because they go for the big names and don't overanalyze.


I'm not upset about Lynch yet or Cobb(but it seems he's no longer the top receiver on the team) but if Luck does not score like he did last year then it becomes a issue for me.

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