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shorepatrol last won the day on September 18 2022

shorepatrol had the most liked content!

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1,791 Excellent

About shorepatrol

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    FF Geek

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  1. I pitty the fools that think another hard leftist in office is a good thing.
  2. You mean not letting illegals vote? You dumb motherfocker
  3. "crapper busting fatty" will never be unfunny
  4. They don't have too, it's a feature now. This country is completely focked
  5. shorepatrol

    The Democratic National Convention!!

    If that admin did, I would. You and I see "good" in a very different way
  6. shorepatrol

    The Democratic National Convention!!

    The polar opposite
  7. shorepatrol

    The Democratic National Convention!!

    You should do another shot of horse semen in his honor if he does
  8. shorepatrol

    The Democratic National Convention!!

  9. shorepatrol

    Toms for Liberty

    Tom and mother focking Jerry
  10. shorepatrol

    Good Move Zuckerberg

    I'm pregnant